The two sides of the road are still in chaos.

Zed, who had taken a wrong turn, would certainly not go back in disgrace.

He had to capture another target: the person who possessed the Ice Release Bloodline before leaving.

Every failure is a learning experience.

After a rigorous and detailed investigation, Zed learned that there was no ninja clan with the surname Mizunotsuki in the Hidden Mist Village.

As for the clues about the Ice Release Bloodline, they all pointed to the north of the Land of Water, a region with snow all year round.

With the clues, Zed left the Hidden Mist Village and began to search all the way to the north.

Although the clues were relatively general, fortunately, the land area of ​​the Land of Water was not large, and the areas with snow all year round were even rarer.

Due to the geographical environment, the air in the Land of Water has a lot of water vapor, but it is not particularly cold. Only those remote mountainous areas with high altitudes will have snow all year round.

After asking around, Jie came to a white snow-capped mountain.

It is said that only this snow-capped mountain has a group of people living there to avoid war in recent years.

A dead horse will die if you run to the mountain.

After walking a long way in the wind and snow, Jie finally approached the village on the snow-capped mountain and saw the people here: a small village with less than ten households.

"Hey! Brother, I want to ask you something."

"Is there anyone in your village who has the ice escape bloodline limit? The kind that can turn ice cubes into ice with bare hands..."

Not long after Jie arrived, he caught a man who was wrapped up thickly and went out to urinate, and asked.

Unexpectedly, the man who was still peeing changed his face suddenly when he heard Jie's words.

The next second, he reached out and grabbed his own water pipe, and hurriedly pulled up his pants to go into the house.

How could Jie, who had finally found out about this place, be willing?

The shadow under him immediately extended a tentacle and entangled the man's leg. With a "pop", the man fell on his back on the thick snow.

"My ninja, I really don't know what bloodline is. Our village is just a group of ordinary people who are tired of war and escape to live here..."

The man didn't care about his soaked crotch, raised his head with horror and answered.

All ordinary people who have experienced war are deeply afraid of ninjas who control powerful forces.

Their lives are as fragile as ants in front of ninjas, and they have no ability to struggle and resist!

"Don't be afraid, I'm a good person!"

Jie said softly, showing the man a smile that he thought was very friendly and gentle.

But he didn't know that he was either laughing evilly with a "hehehe" smile or laughing strangely with a "ga ga ga" or "ge ge ge ge". Habits become natural, and muscle memory has long become an instinct.

There was an obvious weirdness in this pretending to be gentle smile, which frightened the man to tears and covered his butt tightly. (Brother Jie, please don't! ·jpg)

"Please, let me go! I really don't know what bloodline limit is..."

The man was crying and said with a trembling voice, looking sincere.

He knew he was handsome, but it was absolutely difficult for him to accept the pain of his delicate little flower being forcibly plucked!


The corners of Jie's eyes were still twitching.

Based on the actions and expressions shown by the man, he didn't even need to use his Mangekyō Sharingan to guess the perverted thoughts in the man's mind.


I always like girls who are fragrant and soft! ! !

"Let the people in your village gather in front of me within ten minutes. After ten minutes, there will be one less person..."

Jie didn't pretend to be sunny anymore. A mini black ball spun at high speed in his palm and then threw it towards the snow in the distance.

After the high-density compressed Yin-style Rasengan hit the snow in the distance, the energy in it began to overflow and explode.

There was a dull bang, and a large amount of snow began to melt away, revealing a large and deep pit on the mountain!

Jie looked at the man with his eyelids slightly drooping, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised an arc, and whispered: "I don't need to say more about the consequences, right?"

The man looked at the pit in the distance with a dull look. Hearing Jie's voice, he staggered up from the snow in fear and ran towards the houses of nearby villagers.

In fact, he didn't need to knock on the doors one by one.

The noise made by the Rasengan when it blew out the pit was not small. After hearing it, the residents of the village began to walk out of the house one after another to inquire about the situation.

Soon, after the man's explanation, and with the deep pit in the distance as a deterrent, the villagers in the small village gathered in front of Jie within ten minutes.


Seeing a young woman wearing a heavy felt hat holding a two-year-old human cub in her arms, his eyes lit up immediately.

"What's his name?"

Jie pointed at the human cub with a pink face and asked the young woman.

The young woman bit her thin lips when she heard it, turned sideways to cover the human cub in her arms, and huddled up with the cub in her arms.


I'm a fucking villain!

Jie looked at the scene in front of him, took a breath, and his heart suddenly shuddered.

Next, won't a cool and handsome guy suddenly jump out to uphold justice and beat me up?

No, I'm the protagonist in this drama!

That's fine. . .

Just as Jie's thoughts diverged, a tall and thin man next to the young woman, who looked like a normal person, saw that Jie was silent.

His expression was tangled for a moment, and suddenly he looked fierce, and started to fight for the child in the woman's arms.

Although the woman wanted to stop him, how could she be a match for an adult man? Not to mention that there were three old men around who pulled the woman to help rob him.

"Master Ninja, I am the father of the child. The child is called Bai. It is a blessing for the child to be favored by you..."

The man who looked like a human walked up with a human cub in his arms and said with an extremely flattering expression.

If they could use a child to send the ninja away and solve the crisis in front of them, it would definitely be worth it.

"No! My child..."

The young woman looked at her child being handed over with a painful expression. The defense line in her heart was instantly shattered, and she shouted anxiously:

"Master Ninja, I am the person with the ice escape bloodline limit you are looking for!"

As she said this, the woman seemed to confirm what she said, and immediately created an ice crystal the size of a peach pit in her palm.

"How could Yukiho have a bloodline?!"

"Damn it! She has been hiding for so long, maybe she is secretly planning to kill us..."


When the villagers around saw this scene, they all distanced themselves from Yukiho with horrified faces.

Even the man who looked like a normal person suddenly changed his face and took a few steps back.

But soon, the fear on the faces of the villagers turned into naked hatred, and their eyes stared at Yukiho like wolves.

Because they had fled here due to the war, they were afraid of and hated everything about ninjas.

They wanted to retaliate, but they didn't have the courage to show it in front of a powerful ninja.

And they knew that Yukiho was in a very weak physical condition after knowing her for many years.

If there wasn't a powerful ninja standing next to them, they would have been unable to suppress the urge for revenge in their hearts!



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