The new version of the game was released, and the game was officially launched.

"Check personal information."

[Name: Uchiha Kage. ]

[Ability: Shadow Tears - Mastery 51%, Three Magatama Sharingan. ]

[Chakra attributes: Fire, Wind, Thunder, Earth, Water, Yin, Yang. 】

[Ninjutsu: Shadow Secret·All Blades, Shadow Secret·Doppelganger, Shadow Secret·Demon Slash, Forbidden Secret·Instant Prison Shadow Killing Formation (Unlocked), Shadow Ninjutsu·Soul Destroying Tribulation (Unlocked), Rasengan, Shadow Secret Technique, Multiplication Detonation Talisman... (Omitted)]

"Gift Crab! You have mastered more than half of this, why don't you use my ultimate move?! o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)"

Uchiha Kage shook the black box with more than half of Shadow Tears in his hand speechlessly.

(It will automatically absorb natural energy from the air to recover)

I won't talk about the Shadow Ninjutsu·Soul Destroying Tribulation. Although it is only the passive of Jie in the game, the name sounds very cool. It is acceptable if it is unlocked slowly, but what about my ultimate move?

Where is my signature skill as the Lord of Shadow Stream?

Look at the skills given by the golden finger. Apart from the clone, the other two are throwing shuriken and releasing chakra. You can only consider these skills as E-level ninjutsu, right?

I am a protagonist. Why is it so difficult for me to be a dragon?


Sand Village.

Wind Shadow Building.

In the strangely quiet conference room, several high-level members of the Sand Village and the patriarchs of the ninja clan with different thoughts gathered here.


As the door of the conference room was pushed open, everyone looked over at the same time.

Looking at Luo Sha, who was exhausted and embarrassed, some people showed contempt and ridicule in their eyes.

"Lord Feng Ying, is there any news about the financial allocation of the Daimyo Prefecture? When is it? If it is too late, many departments in the village will not be able to operate. At that time, the people in the village may be very disappointed with you..."

Someone asked.

Judging from his expression, he was obviously making fun of Luo Sha.

"The Daimyo is very angry about the chaos in the Kingdom of Wind and is very dissatisfied with the Sand Village. He is only willing to pay 30% of the original financial allocation...

"If we don't satisfy him and don't solve the domestic chaos as soon as possible, we will completely cancel our support for the Sand Village next year."

Luo Sha pinched his eyebrows and pursed his lips and said.

The whole person looked like an eggplant hit by frost, and he looked listless.

When he just took over the Fourth Kazekage, he was full of ambitions and fantasies to lead the Sand Village to prosperity, but the difficulties in the village and the chaos that followed made him exhausted.

When he went to the Daimyo's mansion to urge financial allocation, he was embarrassed by the stingy Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind and the group of officials...

"What! ? The Daimyo's mansion is only willing to give 30% of the original? "

Now, everyone in the conference room no longer cared about watching Luo Sha's joke, after all, this matter now involved their own interests.

Just when the conference room was in chaos and someone even proposed to send ninjas to teach the Daimyo of the Wind Country a lesson and make him learn to be obedient, Chiyo spoke up.


Chiyo stopped everyone and continued to speak after seeing that the conference room was quiet.

"Everyone has seen the current situation. If this continues, the Sand Village will sooner or later fall out of the ranks of the top five ninja villages. The village is everyone's village, and I don't think anyone wants to see such a situation..."

"Those who are making small moves and fanning the flames behind the scenes... As long as they stop here, I promise on behalf of the village that there will be no investigation or pursuit afterwards. "

Chiyo looked serious as she looked at everyone in the meeting room.

If there weren't a group of people with complicated connections behind the chaos in the Kingdom of Wind, how could it be that one problem after another has not been solved for so long?

After a series of warnings and promises, the meeting came to an end. After everyone with different thoughts left, Chiyo, Ebizo and Luosha sat down again.

"Luosha, don't be too happy too soon. Even if these people temporarily calm down for their own interests, they will still be a hidden danger to the village and you. The reason is that you haven't accumulated enough reputation in the village. "

Chiyo looked at Luosha, whose expression had calmed down a little, and said solemnly.

The disappearance of the Third Kazekage was too sudden, and the village had always had hope for this 'strongest Kazekage', so it did not focus on the election of Kazekage at the first time, and finally missed the opportunity for a smooth transition.

To be specific, this is also a historical legacy.

In the Second Ninja World War, the Sand Village, as a defeated country, suffered heavy losses, and the young ninja

The leading figures among the guerrillas have been cut off from generation to generation, resulting in no one who can dominate the crowd with a good reputation.

"Elder Chiyo, what do you think we should do?"

Luo Sha's face also became serious, looking at Chiyo and asking.

The support of Chiyo and Ebizo played a decisive role in his ability to sit on the position of Kazekage. He naturally trusts them.

"The best way now is to divert the contradictions and transfer the contradictions within Sand Village to the outside world..."

"This is what I found on the body of the attacker when the reserve warehouse was attacked last time. The identity of the enemy is likely to be Konoha."

Chiyo said, taking out a few detonating tags from his pocket.

The Hidden Rock Village has a blasting team that is good at infiltration and sabotage operations, and it also uses more convenient and inconspicuous detonating clay. Detonating tags are basically only used on the battlefield.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this is a disguise made by the Hidden Rock Village, but Chiyo, whose son and daughter-in-law both died at the hands of Konoha, has a deeper hatred for Konoha in his heart, and is more willing to believe that the attackers are from Konoha.

"You mean to go to war with Konoha? But..."

Rosa looked a little hesitant.

Konoha, which was the victor in the first two Ninja World Wars, had already proved its strength with facts. He naturally had no confidence to go to war with Konoha before he even took the position of Kazekage.

"Don't worry, since I said it, I have naturally considered it carefully."

Chiyo looked at Rosa calmly and continued: "Konoha occupies the land with the richest resources in the Ninja World. It is naturally difficult for us to fight against it alone..."

"But other villages are coveting Konoha's resources. As long as we take the lead, other villages will not give up the opportunity to get a share of Konoha."

"With the combined strength of the four major ninja villages, even the strongest Konoha will not be able to resist! As long as you lead the village to defeat Konoha, no one can question you..."

"At the same time, the benefits obtained from Konoha will also solve the financial problems of the village."

Chiyo said, and there seemed to be a fire brewing in her calm eyes.

She knew that anyone in Luo Sha's position would not refuse such a choice that would kill two birds with one stone.

It was impossible to refuse!

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