"What is this, a zombie? But why is the heart glowing!"

Asuna has also seen the popular Resident Evil. These creatures with bloodshot flesh at the corners of their mouths, dull eyes, and bodies so broken that they can't move, look like zombies no matter how you look at them, except that the heart part is not right.

"It could be something similar!"

After a simple reply, Wu Xingyun was thinking about something else.

「Judging from the appearance, it should be called Kabane, or Kabutoshi Fortress. Sorry, I haven't seen it!"

As for this anime, Heroine Wu has only read the synopsis and the introduction of the UP host on the largest gay communication website.

His impression of this drama is that Wuming is so cute, why is the train called Kabutoshi Fortress, the daughter of the castle lord really doesn't understand politics, the male protagonist seems to be getting more and more cuckolded, and the gentle pink-haired brother is really the villain boss.

These are just a few impressions, and his understanding of the plot is probably that the train is always running.

"What should we do, Wu Jun?" Looking at the approaching Kabane, Asuna said anxiously,"You can deal with them, right? It will be easier if you let me down."

"No, they are just some slow-moving things."

He stomped his foot on the ground, picked up a few stones that were shaken up, injected them with enhanced personality, and threw them at Kabane's heart.

Puff - the golden stones were as easy as piercing a water-filled balloon, and they pierced the hearts of the approaching Kabane one by one.

"Wow… so amazing."

Asuna was so shocked that she couldn’t open her mouth when she saw Wu Xingyun kill these zombie-like creatures so casually.

Although strictly speaking, these things were not worth mentioning compared to his landing safely from a height of several thousand meters, from a sensory point of view, Asuna felt that this was more shocking.

"It's OK, they are just opponents that look scary."

Compared to the classmates of Yuei, or even the imaginary enemies, these Kabane are simply not comparable. Their physical fitness is at best that of ordinary adult strong men.

The threat is that they are contagious, fearless, and have a vitality that will not die unless their hearts are pierced.

And these threats are useless to Wu Xingyun. To put it bluntly, just standing there and letting them bite him would not pose any threat to him. Of course, this method is too disgusting and is no longer within his consideration.

After dealing with dozens of scattered Kabane, Wu Xingyun continued to carry Asuna forward, heading towards the fortress that was seen from afar when falling from the sky.

Feeling Asuna's body trembling constantly, Wu Xingyun suddenly asked an unwilling question,"How old is Asuna this year?"

Originally a girl living in a peaceful world, when she encounters something like Kabane, even if she knows rationally that he will not pose a threat, her body will be afraid. The experience of facing life and death can easily cause a huge shock to people. In order to avoid mental problems, it is necessary to divert the opponent's attention.

"I am 15 this year.

Although she was confused, Asuna still answered his question.

"Hey——"Asuna felt the arms holding her legs being lifted up, and subconsciously hugged him tightly under the feeling of weightlessness.

"She is only 15 years old but has a very good figure!"


After a pause of more than ten seconds, a particularly loud scream rang in Wu Xingyun's ears, vibrating his eardrums.

"You idiot, pervert, super gentleman."

After realizing what was happening, Asuna blushed and pounded on Wu Xingyun's head,"And let me go, I don't want to be carried around by a pervert like you anymore."

"It hurts so much, it hurts so much, I was wrong, please forgive me." Even though it didn't hurt, she still begged for mercy and held the other person's hand firmly and refused to let go.

After playing around all the way, Wu Xingyun smiled and said,"Are you feeling better now?"

"You are!"He hit the other person's hand for a while. Did he feel her mood when doing this?

He looked at his hand and the trembling stopped unconsciously.

「So it's for her own good!"

Thinking of this, Asuna couldn't help but feel a little touched. She opened her mouth slightly and was about to say something, but she suddenly felt her body leaning forward, and then bumped into the other person's back.

All the emotions disappeared. Now Asuna felt that her hair was about to fly up in anger. This is probably what it feels like to be furious.

Wu Xingyun also felt something was wrong. He coughed dryly, pointed to the front and said,"I didn't mean to do that. I saw a city in front of me."

""Hmph," Asuna took back her hand that was about to hit the other person. She also realized that this time it was not intentional, so she could only look forward with a snort.

As her pace quickened, the fortress in front of her gradually came into view. It was a small island surrounded by a river. The border of the island was surrounded by a wall 20 to 30 meters high. The buildings on the island had many pipes, a bit of a steampunk style.

"It doesn't look like District 11 in the 19th world at all." Comparing the photos in the textbook, Asuna sighed,"But it's true, it's something like zombies, it can't be the same."

Putting Wu Xingyun's shoulders on her shoulders, Asuna lowered her head and asked,"What should we do next? With that kind of thing, it doesn't look like ordinary people outside. If we go there like this, we're afraid we'll be caught and interrogated."

"Of course, we sneak in secretly!"

Wu Xingyun, who had watched the anime, declined the strip inspection. Why would he go through the main gate when he had the ability?

After saying that, he walked towards the side forest. The width of the moat was only about 50 meters, and the height from the top of the wall to the river was also about 50 meters. This distance was no problem for him

"Yes, it is better to sneak in secretly. After all, we don't know this world at all, and we can't even explain our identities and origins."

Asuna agreed, hiding behind Wu Xingyun and avoiding various branches and leaves.


"I'm ready." After leaving the entrance of the fortress and coming to the side of the fortress, Wu Xingyun looked sideways and asked Asuna," I'm ready."

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Knowing what would happen next, Asuna pressed her body tightly against him, hugging him tightly with all her limbs. Although she was very shy, she could temporarily ignore all this for safety reasons if she didn't want him to fall down when he jumped into the air.

"Then jump."

Asuna only heard this, and then she felt a fierce wind whistling past. She secretly opened her eyes and found that the two had jumped to the highest point and came to the sky above the river.

""It's so beautiful!"

Regardless of the dangers of this world, the scenery from the sky is different from that of the modern world. Asuna, who has not seen it for a long time, feels a sense of joy in her heart.

With the protection of such a powerful Wu Xingyun, she can return home safely without being discovered by her family. Isn't this the great adventure that exists in the dreams of boys and girls!

「Suddenly I feel a little grateful to you, Wu Jun..."

Then when she landed, her chest bumped again. Asuna was so touched that she flew to Java,"As expected, you are still a big pervert."

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