The more you go, the more you will be able to do it.

For Robin's maid training and the establishment of bonds, it is destined to be a slow and meticulous process.

Not only does the rich knowledge in the girl's mind bring her rationality and intellect, but after O'Hara was destroyed by the Demon Slayer Order, she has experienced several years of wandering in the black and white border area, which has made it difficult for the girl to trust others.

If you want the other party to completely surrender and establish an "unbreakable" bond, it naturally takes time to polish.

Fortunately, Yakumo Shiro does not lack such leisure and elegance. It's just a matter of training. One more Robin is not too much, and one less is not too little.

With Yamato and Hiyori as examples, Yakumo Shira has a lot of experience~

Oh~ This is the first time to train a maid~

Sabaody Archipelago, Island No. 55, after a few boring glances at a middle-aged man with yellow and white hair and agile body busy coating his ship, Yakumo Shira casually patted the little butt of the girl standing beside him, and said,

"Let's go~ Maid lady. It's just an uncle coating, nothing to see.

While we're at it, why don't you accompany me to buy some souvenirs? If I go back empty-handed, Maria will bite my ear~"


Robin reached out to cover her soft spot like lightning, her face flushed, but although she was full of shame and anger, she didn't dare to show a dissatisfied look.

After working as a maid for a few days, I finally understood that this handsome young master in front of me, although gentle, elegant, modest and polite, is a little cynical in private... It can even be said that he is "unruly"!

When on the boat, he had many intimate interactions with those pretty and lovely girls. He was not shy about being with me, a personal maid, and often picked beautiful flowers one after another under my nose.

What's more, this guy even secretly "bullied" me in the presence of the girls? !

If it weren't for my amazing self-control, I might have been embarrassed in front of everyone...

As for now, after Yakumo Shiro ran to a tavern that looked very unreliable and found a coating craftsman who looked equally unreliable, he turned into a boy who distributed money, bought a few satisfactory gifts for the girls, and then quietly left.

At this moment, it was obvious that the other party was going to "bully" him again when they were not around!

"Well... Master... Master Yakumo~ This kind of work can actually be left to me, and you don't have to bother to come here in person..."

Robin lowered her head and said timidly.

"How can that be? Maid lady, not to mention that the gift must be personally selected to appear sincere, let's say this Sabaody Archipelago is the territory of the world's noble Celestial Dragons~

Wearing this maid outfit, aren't you afraid that the other party will take a fancy to you and take you to Marijoa?"

In response, Yakumo Bai lowered his body playfully, stretched out his hand to hook the girl's chin, and stared at the other party's big eyes that were gradually filled with mist-

It must be said that with just a little dressing up and light makeup, Robin's appearance at this time is completely different from the image of being embarrassed and shrouded in a sea of ​​fire on the bounty order.

After a few days of recovery and cultivation, the wheat-colored skin inherited from her mother Olbia showed a healthy and sexy luster.

The classic black and white maid outfit highlights her graceful figure. Although Robin looks extremely thin and frail compared to two years later in the original work, her intelligence is beginning to show.

Although she pretends to be a weak and silly maid, her temperament cannot be hidden.

There are thousands of beautiful flowers in the world, but what really attracts people's attention is not only the exquisite appearance, but also the attractive fragrance.

"Well... it seems... that's right..."

Hearing what Yakumo Bai said, Robin's pupils shrank. She naturally knew what kind of scum the Celestial Dragons were, and she also understood how miserable it would be if she was spotted by that group of guys.

But, if I understand correctly, the other party means that if the two act together, it doesn't matter if I am unlucky enough to be targeted by the Celestial Dragons? But is this possible? How can anyone disobey?

The will of the Celestial Dragons?

Seeing the change in Robin's expression, Yakumo Shiro naturally knew what the other party was thinking.

Hehe~ If she knew that the person who started the riot in the Holy Land was the harmless noble young master in front of her, I wonder if she can still maintain the role she is playing at the moment~

"In that case...what are you still standing there for? Let's go! While there is still some time left, hurry up and buy the souvenirs and wait to set off for Fishman Island!

Maybe there are some interesting things there!"

As he said, Yakumo Shiro patted the girl's buttocks again, and then got up and walked towards the commercial district first.


Each time, he was always a few seconds late. After rushing the other party to make a move, he covered his "weakness" again. Robin pursed his lips and tried to calm his excited heart--

"It's okay, it's okay. It's just a naughty little fox who hasn't grown up. You shouldn't care too much about such childish things...

You are the only historian in the world who can read ancient texts! Don't waste your energy on such boring things!

The only thing to do next is to stabilize this guy, gather intelligence, find an opportunity to escape, and then continue to pursue your goal-finding the historical text , complete O'Hara's unfinished mission!"

"Yes! That's right! Just be patient~ And overall, this guy might be considered a good person?"

Just as Robin was constantly comforting himself, he suddenly heard Yakumo Bai shouting,

"By the way! Maid-san! What's your name? You can't really call her Maid-san, right?"

"? ? ! !"

————Dividing line——————

Soon after Yakumo Bai and the others left, the middle-aged uncle who was busy with the coating operation just now suddenly stopped his actions, and a pair of round-framed eyes reflected an inexplicable light.

"That boy is the one Xia Qi mentioned... the guy who started the Mary Geoise riot and finally escaped easily~

Until now, there is still not much information about him on the sea. The fishman Tiger blocked almost all the attention and eyes for him."

The sharp-eyed and muscular man couldn't help but curl up his lips,

"Roger, is this the new era you opened with your life? I am really looking forward to it! Now that someone can touch the holy land, what kind of guy will appear in the future who can pry open the sea map and set off the storm of the times?

And how far can this boy go in the end?

Let me see it for myself! World!"

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