The more you want to be, the more you will be.

In this mobile kingdom of Germa, the replica soldiers that can be seen everywhere are just tools and weapons. Such consumables will not hurt Kaji even if he loses more.

Letting the other party lose control of himself is just a warning. Only in this way will he clearly realize that no matter how unwilling he is, it will be useless. The other party's proud technology, ambition and Germa that he has devoted all his efforts to will eventually disappear with the distortion of the self.

Well, although the effect of the ability is only temporary at present, Judge is not clear about the details behind it. When he wakes up, he will have to consider his attitude again...

For Judge, himself and his ambition are the most important. Apart from that, even his children are just means to achieve his goals. It can be said that the "puppetry" just now can already put a rein on him.

But in addition to this, he still has to use his old skills to firmly grasp the heart of Germa in his hands, whether it is the "heart" on the physical level or the "heart" in the abstract sense.

After all, the past is a lesson for the future. Considering the results of the "pacifist plan" in the future, it is not too much to be more rigorous.

After pretending to be a distinguished guest of Germa, greeting Vinsmoke Sora in a friendly manner, and leaving some tricks on the remaining four brothers, Yakumo Shiro returned to the reception room.

Of course, there were many loyal replica soldiers who tried to stop him, but they were nothing but chickens and dogs in front of Yakumo Bai and others.


With a crisp snap of fingers, as if he had lost all his strength, Jiazhi collapsed to the ground powerlessly. It took him a while to gradually wake up from his blurred consciousness and barely adapt to his familiar yet unfamiliar body.

"Um... cough cough cough!"

Covering his head in pain, Jiazhi tried to get rid of the sense of separation between body and mind, but the strange state similar to the soul leaving the body just now echoed in his mind for a long time, and the panic of losing himself occupied his heart more than ever before.

"You... what did you do?!"

Jazhi clenched his teeth tightly, stared at Yakumo Bai with fear and anger and shouted.

"Isn't it interesting? Mr. Jiazhi, this kind of wonderful feeling should be difficult to achieve with your current technology? Feeling death in advance, do you feel that everything you have now is suddenly meaningless?

After all, no matter how much power, wealth, status... once a person dies, everything will be in vain~"

Yakumo Shiro squatted down and looked at Jiazhi with a playful look.


Jiazhi's eyes widened, and the anger in his eyes almost burst out.

Haha, if eyes can kill, Jiazhi does have a powerful weapon.

"So, there is nothing wrong with greed, after all, it is one of the driving forces of human beings, but if you can't match your greed, you will destroy yourself.

You see, even Miss Reiju is very clear about the current situation. Why? The honorable Lord of Germa can't recognize it?"

Hearing this, Jiazhi, who was lying on the ground, looked in the direction of Reiju, and found that she was standing by her side with her arms folded. Without his order, even if he was her father by blood, he was just a guy who looked extremely embarrassed.


Jazhi was speechless for a moment. He knew what he had done. These children had long been wiped out of their emotions because of their bloodline factor transformation. His identity was not so much a father as a "commander", "king", "boss", or "manager" and "user".

"Tsk! I admit that I gave up! Let's do as you say! In exchange for seizing the hegemony of the North Sea, I will serve your plan!

But let's make a promise in advance! After that, you are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the North Sea!"

Ji Zhi said in a low voice, his tone was very heavy.

"Of course~ This is naturally the best~"

Yakumo Bai nodded with satisfaction,

"In this sea, in addition to fighting and killing, there are more people and worldly affairs! Mr. Jia Zhi. More friends mean more ways. Isn't it better to agree earlier?

I have always been very sincere about transactions and cooperation! This is known to everyone in Wano Country!"

As he said, Yakumo Bai kindly lifted Jia Zhi from the ground.

"Helped" to the seat, it seems that they are indeed two very good partners,

"Well, happy cooperation! Mr. Judge! Hurry up and tell your soldiers to prepare to set off!"

"Set off? What set off? Where are we going?"

Hearing this, Judge was a little confused for a moment.

"Of course we are going to the New World! To the territory of the Beasts Pirates! You don't think I will just leave you a mission and turn around and leave, right?

Germa has made a lot of enemies, right? This kind of place is still too chaotic. I have to prepare a good research environment for the progress of science!"

As Judge's eyes twitched slightly, Yakumo Shiro smiled and patted the other's shoulder. He had received a good ideological education and respected science very much!

And the development of science, in addition to talents and funds, a stable environment that is not disturbed by the outside world is also necessary!

Regarding Yakumo Shiro's words that he always thinks about science, Judge can only bite his teeth and swallow it. How can he not know the other party's thoughts? I'm afraid that if I really go to the territory of the Beasts Pirates, I will be strictly "protected", right?

When the World Government arrested MADS, they did it in this way, and Vegapunk and Caesar are being treated in this way now!

Judge, who was originally proud of himself for being the king and freely devoting himself to the development of Germa while those two guys could only live under others, never thought that he would fall into the same situation!

However, he had to bow his head under the eaves. Under the current circumstances, he could only agree to the other party's request, but hoped that the cooperation could proceed smoothly... But speaking of it, with the resources of the Beasts Pirates, he might be able to go further!

Thinking of this, Judge had no choice but to command this mobile fortress to move towards the new world, while Yakumo Shiro and others turned back to the ship.

"Master Yakumo, it's really a good trick! He suppressed that guy the whole time and didn't dare to take any risks! Haha! I can't help but start to sympathize with that guy..."

Quinn sighed from the bottom of his heart. When Yakumo Bai pressed Jiazhi into the cage he had woven step by step, his aura was really strong, even dangerous! So that several people could only watch the other party's operation silently, acting as a threat of force while secretly cheering for the other party

"But, Xiaobai~ It feels that the guy is not so easy to completely surrender... Do we really want to help him become the overlord of the North Sea?"

Yamato couldn't help but ask curiously. After all, the North Sea is still too far away from the sphere of influence of the Beasts Pirates. If we really want to take action, it will still be a bit troublesome.

"Well, why not? The North Sea has been in constant war for a long time because of the Germa mercenaries. Isn't it a good thing for us to help it return to stability? Although order is established by violence, it is better than chaos and disorder, right?"

Yakumo Shiro said softly,

"As for Judge? He doesn't have the courage to stir up trouble in a short time, and when he wants to make a move, it will be too late... Overlord of the North Sea? It can be Germa, right? He didn't say that he must be the leader~"

Things that are not in your hands will have some hidden dangers after all. Letting Judge move freely for the time being is just not the right time. Wait until your fruit awakens, turn the other party into a real toy, and concentrate on acting as a tool man, which is his final destination.

Afterwards, whether it is Reiju or re-educating those idiots, they are all good agents.

And now, let's temporarily focus on the "plan" that has been shelved for a long time. With the configuration and conditions of Germa here, maybe we can try it out superficially?

The birth of the first monster girl!

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