After the separation, the two of them finally met.

(All characters in this chapter are adults)

Parting is just a preview of another reunion. The fates of several people are temporarily divided at this time, but one day they will overlap again.

A few days later, after saying goodbye to Hancock and the other two who were reluctant to leave, Yakumo Bai boarded the ship to the West Sea.

Well...this trip did achieve a small goal, harvesting a future Pirate Queen in advance~

Moreover, with Hancock's relationship, Nine Snake Island has been pulled into his camp to some extent. A country of women who are domineering and admire power is a big help.

Even if someone disagrees, it doesn't matter. Not to mention that Hancock will help me solve everything. In the future, when the navy has the ability to cross the doldrums and the natural barrier disappears, Amazon Lily will have to seek a new way out.

Hehe~ A country with military power exceeding most member countries, the World Government will not sit idly by, and those Celestial Dragons must be very interested in a country of women...

At that time, whether to choose to be forced to join the World Government, or to choose to join a relatively free and more trustworthy powerful force, they will understand what is the best solution.

Retracting his gaze from the distant Sabaody Archipelago, Yakumo Shiro turned and walked into the cabin.

"Ah~ It's still too early. There's not much to do in the four seas. You can go to the North Sea to find Germa. As for Doflamingo, let him grow up... The Kingdom of Solbe in the South Sea has just shown signs of success... The East Sea is calm... And the West Sea..."

The door slowly closed, isolating the noise on the ship. While Yakumo Shiro lowered his head to think about future arrangements, he didn't expect that for some reason, a major event would happen in the Kingdom of Illuria in the West Sea!

———Dividing line————

A week later, the West Sea, the Kingdom of Illuria.


The wall of a tavern suddenly broke, and a noble in gorgeous clothes flew out in a mess. After sliding across two streets, he barely hit a wall. In the end, he spit out a large mouthful of blood and fainted directly.

Well, judging by the degree of depression in the other person's chest, it is obvious that he will not live long.

Such an astonishing scene naturally attracted the attention of the bewildered crowd, and exclamations suddenly rose from all directions.

"Who is that guy? Why is he so miserable?"

"Look at his attire... he must be a noble, right? Who has the guts to beat a noble like this?"

"Hey! Let's disperse! The devil sheriff will be here soon! Not to mention what will happen to the person who did it, we may all be implicated!"

"Wait! Hey! Wait! Isn't that the second prince of the royal family?"

"Prince!? You mean that bastard... the second prince?! Wouldn't that be even worse! The royal family was beaten, and the royal guards will definitely come soon! It would be bad if they were considered suspicious elements!"

The panicked and noisy discussions continued. Under the management of the devil sheriff, such vicious fights had not happened in the capital for a long time, but every time they happened, they would turn into bloodshed!

It was not because the conflict escalated further, but because of the sheriff's ruthless methods! He treated the prisoners like a devil! There is always a cold and stiff smile on his face, but the cane sword in his hand mercilessly pierces the prisoner's body. What's more frightening is that he only chooses some non-lethal places to attack! Every prisoner who has been "policed" by the other party will rely on God to bless him if he doesn't lose a few parts!

Rather than saying that he is for "law and order", it is better to say that he just enjoys violence! In other words, the pursuit of the ultimate order cannot allow any mistakes!

And the situation this time is even more serious. The royal family was beaten to death. Although he is an ignorant, despicable and shameless bastard, the royal family will not give up. In order to maintain the dignity of the royal family, those who make trouble must be greeted by a crazy blow like thunder!

This place is not suitable for long!

Almost in an instant, whether it is on the street, in the tavern, or in the shop, people fled completely. For a time, the whole area was silent...

Uh... except for a few elegant figures in the tavern.

"If you ask me, Yamato, you should have smashed that guy's head a long time ago!

It's just that we don't want to cause trouble, we are not afraid of trouble!

Do you really think you are the king

The prince of a country can do whatever he wants? He probably doesn't know that the bigger the fist, the more powerful it is! "

Runti patted Yamato's shoulder, picked up a bunch of rotating potato towers and took a bite. There was also a bubbling cola at hand. The perfect combination made the girl narrow her eyes happily.

"Humph! Do you understand maturity, Runti? Maturity? Before Xiaobai comes back, the less trouble we cause, the more satisfied he will be when he comes back! You can also relax well~

You don't even understand this principle, it seems you are still far away~"

Yamato raised his little head disdainfully, stretched out his fingers and shook them, looking extremely proud.


Somewhat surprised by Yamato's "foresight", Runti's face turned red. When she was about to be ashamed of her inconsiderateness, she suddenly realized-

"Wait! Didn't you still do it in the end? Didn't you still get into trouble? "

"That... that's also something I can't help~ Who made him keep coming over here and trying to bribe me with money?

Xiaobai has long said that when you go out, don't easily accept gifts from strangers, not to mention that guy has a disgusting expression, and you can tell at a glance that he is not a good person!"

Yamato was a little short of breath in the first few sentences, but soon realized that he had done nothing wrong, and soon raised his voice again.

"Hey~ But I heard from those people that the guy is the prince of this country~"

Putting down the glass of wine in her hand, Lilith, who was sitting on the side with her legs crossed in black silk, pinched her voice and said, her tone full of gloating.

"If the royal family of this country reacts, we won't be able to stay~ Not to mention waiting for Bai to come back... Oh... What should I do? "

Hearing Lilith's sad words, Yamato was obviously a little flustered, and her brain was working at an unprecedented speed. Soon, our smart and clever young lady came up with a very personal solution!

"In that case... In that case, why not get rid of the entire royal family! They are the ones who give orders in this country, right?

If they all agree that we continue to stay in the capital, who would dare to object?

Maybe we can move out of that hotel and live in the palace for a while!

Yes! Let's do it! Xiaobai will be very surprised when he comes back! "

The more he talked, the clearer Yamato's thoughts became. Why didn't he think of such a permanent solution before? Xiaobai went deep into Marijoa alone and couldn't help. He was a little disappointed at first, but if he could live in a spacious and gorgeous palace as soon as he came back, he would be much more comfortable, right?

It's easy to imagine that in Marijoa, surrounded by enemies, Xiaobai would definitely not eat well or sleep well, and there would be no one to accompany him... When he comes back, if he can enjoy the treatment that only the king can have, he will definitely praise himself! In this way, he will be much better than others!

Yamato's eyes seemed to emit an inexplicable brilliance, and he had already imagined the scene after Yakumo Shiro came back in his mind, but he didn't notice Lilith's expression of not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"If that's the case, maybe it's not a surprise anymore, right? Capturing the royal family of a member country is a big deal..."

Thinking like this, Lilith couldn't help but smile with interest. Although it was a bit reckless, it was also an exciting experience.

Fighting against a royal family on one's own... It's really exciting! Now that Yaoye is still staying in the hotel, with the three of them, they can raid the palace at lightning speed. As long as the king is captured, everything else will be easy!

Thinking of it, Lilith was about to speak up to agree with Yamato's proposal, but a light voice suddenly came into the tavern.

"I thought it was some lawless villains~ It turned out to be a few beautiful ladies~"

With a "creak", the door of the tavern was slowly pushed open, and a man dressed as a drama character, wearing a black top hat and holding a cane sword walked in. He took off his hat and saluted elegantly, saying,

"Hello, beautiful ladies, the sheriff of the capital, Lafayette sends his greetings to you-"

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