The prisoner was in prison, and the prisoner was in prison.

Wano Country, Rabbit Bowl Prison.

"Dingling, bang--"

The heavily fortified steel door was slowly opened, and a smell of decay and decay immediately hit the face.

"Master Yakumo, please forgive me. This is a prison after all, and the environment is naturally not much better."

A man with long earlobes bowed respectfully, his words full of awe.

Waving his hand to fan away the pungent smell, Yakumo Bai frowned, raised his hand to put on the same mask as Runti, and barely endured it. At the same time, he waved his hand casually, indicating that he didn't care.

The Orochi Oniwabanshu in the original work are now only a few big cats and small cats, and the only one who can show off is Fukurokuju in front of him. This time, he asked to come to Udon to "visit the prison", and the other party was also accompanied by Orochi's instructions. While guiding, it may also mean surveillance.

"Okay, since you are here, you can leave quickly. I don't want others to disturb the next game."

As he said, Yakumo Bai pulled up Yao Ye and Tian Yueshi, who was wearing a black coat and a fox mask, and raised his foot to walk inside.

"Please... please wait a moment, Master Yakumo! Lord Orochi asked me...!!"

The anxious shouting stopped abruptly, and Bai Ye, flashing with cold light, had quietly pressed against Fukurokuju's neck. With just a little force, a fountain could be splashed out.

"Huh? What? What did Orochi ask me to do?"

He tilted his head slightly, as if nothing had happened, and Yakumo Bai glanced at Fukurokuju and asked.

Although the calm tone was not murderous, it made Fulu Shou feel like he was falling into an ice cellar. He knew that this mysterious young master was very playful! At the execution ground, the other party's sharp and profound words broke the defense of many samurai loyal to the Kozuki family, and therefore Orochi could clean up the mess much more smoothly.

If his interest was disturbed... Fulu Shou was sure that the knife in front of him would cut it without hesitation!

Swallowing saliva fearfully, Fulu Shou decided to respect his inner thoughts, laughed dryly, and said,

"Haha... Lord Orochi asked me to tell you that you must have fun. These daimyos have been unwilling to surrender. If they die, they die. Just treat them as your toys... Haha..."

"Heh~ Toys..."

Gently patting Tianyue's clenched little pink fist, Yakumo Bai did not stay any longer and turned to walk towards the depths of the prison.

"Kurozumi Orochi... Some people have become puppets in the hands of others without knowing it..."


A moment later, deep in the prison, a single cell.

"Dingling, banging--"

The complicated iron chains were pushed aside, the heavy door creaked, and three unfamiliar footsteps slowly approached, waking up Shimotsuki Ushimaru who was dozing off to relieve hunger.

"I have to say, it's really similar!"

A surprised young voice sounded, Shimotsuki Ushimaru looked up in confusion, and saw a nine-tailed boy who looked like a fur tribe looking at him curiously, followed by a fox woman with one tail, and a person covered in a black coat.


After exhaling deeply, Shimotsuki Ushimaru sat up with difficulty, his face slightly pale but still unruly, with a smile on his lips, he said,

"What? That Orochi guy is at a loss? Is he sending women and children to persuade me to surrender this time? Humph! He is just a villain who is willing to sell his head!"

Hearing this, Yakumo Bai first signaled Tianyueshi not to act rashly, then took a few steps closer, took off the gourd toy on his waist, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a big wine gourd, and the shaking wine in it made Shimotsuki Ushimaru's eyes change.

I only heard Yakumo Haku filling a dish of wine for the other party while saying,

"Well... it's true. If it weren't for the help from Shimotsuki Yasuie, Kurozumi Orochi might have died in some corner, and he would not have become the general of Wano Country."

"Ton ton ton - ha~ good wine!"

The long-lost feeling of satisfaction flowed through his body, and his exhausted body seemed to be rejuvenated with the intake of alcohol. Of course, Shimotsuki Ushimaru knew that this was just an illusion produced by the brain.

After being locked up here for so long, this body has been on the verge of its limit, and that's why he drank the wine brought by Yakumo Haku without hesitation. Even if there is a problem, it will only accelerate the arrival of the final end. He has never been afraid of death.

No matter what this boy is

Who is it, but the other party brought wine and drinks to win the favor of Shimotsuki Ushimaru. In a rare good mood, he said, "I didn't expect that you, a little kid, know so much... By the way, is it really okay to say that your boss, the general of 'Wano Country' now, is it okay? Haha, although it is indeed true." Shimotsuki Ushimaru shook his head in self-mockery, with a bitter smile. "I didn't say that I came on behalf of Orochi~ Shimotsuki Daimyo, not to mention, no one can bully me!" Under Shimotsuki Ushimaru's suspicious eyes, Yakumo Shiro slowly stood up with a playful smile on his lips, and the mysterious Tianyue Toki behind him took off the fox mask at the right time and lifted the black hood on his head, revealing a delicate face. At this time, the pretty lady was pursing her lips tightly, and looked at Yakumo Bai steadily, then she forced herself to calm down and said in a deep voice,

"Let me introduce you to Daimyoji Shimotsuki.

This young man's name is Yakumo Bai, the young master of the Beasts Pirates, and the savior of me and Hiyori!"


Hearing this, the wine glass in Shimotsuki Ushimaru's hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces. The rich aroma of wine spread out, dispelling a lot of the decayed smell of the prison, but Shimotsuki Ushimaru obviously had no time to care at this time.

With his eyes wide open and his body trembling slightly, Shimotsuki Ushimaru looked at the familiar woman in front of him in disbelief, and was shocked.

"The Beast Pirates? Young Master? Benefactor?

What's going on? Madam Toki, didn't you... die in the fire at the Kozuki family?

Did this boy save you?"

Seeing this, Tianyue Toki had already anticipated the situation at this moment. He took a deep breath and silently said in his heart, "Master, let me lend you a hand." Then he roughly told Shimotsuki Ushimaru what had happened in the past half month-

"... This is what happened, Mr. Shimotsuki, Master Yakumo saved us from that disaster, and now he is determined to defeat Orochi. For this, I want to gather as much available power as possible..."

Tian As Yue Toki's voice gradually fell, Shimotsuki Ushimaru also gradually calmed down. At this time, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were fixed on Yakumo Haku, and he asked in a deep voice, "So, you want to borrow the name of us daimyo to call on the people and samurai to fight against Orochi together with the Beasts Pirates?


Let's not talk about whether it is feasible first - Yakumo Haku, right? How can you guarantee that the Beasts Pirates are not colluding with Orochi and want to take this opportunity to annihilate the resistance in one fell swoop?

Mrs. Toki, I naturally trust you, and I am also very grateful that you can take the risk to save them, but how do you want to gain my trust? Let me support your actions?"

Hearing this, Yakumo Haku raised his eyebrows. Unlike Kozuki Oden, this Shimotsuki Ushimaru is much wiser. At least he is much better than that guy in not easily believing others.


Yakumo Haku laughed for a while. It seems that it is time to use the mouth-to-mouth trick that he has practiced for a long time. After all, he is a nine-tailed fox, and this basic skill still needs to be mastered.

"Daimyo Shimotsuki, you must always be clear about one thing, that is, your assistance can only be regarded as icing on the cake. We, the Beasts Pirates, are enough to defeat Orochi. Now I come to you for Madam Toki's sake.

Fighting Orochi has never been for the Kozuki family. In addition to considering the future of Madam Toki and her daughter, it is also for the interests of the Beasts Pirates.

As an external force, the Beasts Pirates have no interest in the messy affairs of Wano Country.

Before, we came to Wano Country for development and construction through Orochi. While reaping profits, we also brought countless benefits to Wano Country. Under the mutual benefit, we would not care about the conflict between Orochi and the Kozuki family...

But now that the Kozuki family has been destroyed by Orochi's conspiracy, the ambition of that idiot seems to have expanded because of this?"

Yakumo Bai smiled disdainfully, as if speaking to Tianyueshi or Shimotsuki Ushimaru,

"According to the information we have received, Orochi seems to have begun to secretly withdraw the deal he made with us before... He even sent people to infiltrate the seastone mining area to cut off the source of funds?

Hehe, now that he has become the winner, he wants to overturn the table? That guy doesn't seem to know how many chips he has left..."

After a pause, looking at Shimotsuki Ushimaru's gradually sinking expression, Yakumo Bai continued,

"So, Mr. Daimyo, it's not me who is begging you now, but you who are asking for my help. If you can participate in the battle against Orochi, you may be able to regain some of the people's trust, but if you can't... then wait to be completely abandoned by the people!

I hope you can think about it again. As a daimyo,

, live for the Kozuki family, or live for the people of Wano Country! "

After the words fell, Shimotsuki Ushimaru's expression had fallen to the bottom, while Tianyue Toki looked worried, wondering if this trip could help Yakumo Bai.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment, and in the unspeakable silence, only the two foxes seemed to be out of the matter, wagging their tails leisurely, and from time to time they would entangle with each other playfully, and then separate, repeating this cycle without any boredom.

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