The two of them were in the same boat.

A week later, Wano Country.

"Well~ I'm finally back!"

I couldn't wait to jump off the boat, Yamato stretched comfortably and sighed.

Although the little girl had a sea adventure as she wished, the small space on the boat was too cramped for the lively Yamato. Every day, Yakumo Haku could see her running around on the deck. If it weren't for the novel weapons on the boat and Yakumo Haku's company, she would have asked Jin to take her back first.

"Is this where Bai lives now?"

Looking at the scenery on the shore curiously, Yaoye's pair of fox ears trembled, and she seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Sister Yaoye, come and see where I live later, and that will be your home in the future."

Yakumo Bai led Yaoye down the deck slowly, and said to the pretty lady beside him.

"Well~ I listen to you~"

The former identities seemed to have been exchanged. At this time, Yaoye could be said to be obedient to Yakumo Bai. Well... except when others invaded her "territory".

"Runti! Peggy Wan! Go back and apologize to Lord Kaido with me! You'd better pray that Lord Kaido thinks you are worthy of two ancient seeds... otherwise... hehe~"

Jin said seriously.

"Tsk! Who's afraid of who? Let's go! I'll impress that big guy! Let's go! Xiao Pei!"

"Ahem -- Sister, can you not walk behind me? And don't push me!"

"Panda, go see dad with Jin! Maybe he'll give you a place in the Flying Six!"

Laughing at Runti and the other two pushing each other away, Yakumo Bai patted Panda's shoulder, looking like I'm optimistic about you.

"That... Boss Yakumo, can I try to challenge Governor Kaido? Although I know that I'm far behind him, I still want to know how far I am from being a real strong man!"

Panda scratched his head and said firmly.

"Well... my advice is that it's best not to go. That guy is very aggressive when he fights. But if you must go, be prepared to stay in bed for a few days!"

"Okay! I understand, Boss Yakumo!"

For Panda, what Yakumo Bai said was equivalent to agreement, and he immediately chased after Jin excitedly.

"What about me? What should I do?"

Carrot asked curiously.

"Well... Come home with me, little rabbit! By the way, I'll introduce you to a friend."

"Hey~ New friend! That's great~——By the way, when are we going to find the legendary carrot?"

"This... Let's wait until you grow up~"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because the carrot is so delicious, if you try it now, you will definitely faint with happiness..."


Yakumo Bai's mansion in Huadu.

Nearly half a month has passed since Yakumo Haku left Wano Country. During this time, Toki and her daughter have gradually gotten used to life here.

In addition to daily necessities, Maria also thoughtfully prepared shamisen for the two of them, and prepared a lot of reading materials and books for Hiyori. At the same time, the mansion was decorated in a Western style that is very different from the architecture of Wano Country.

It can be said that except for not being able to go out freely, everything is even more peaceful and tranquil than in the Kozuki residence.

Maria, who knows people well, understands that after experiencing a heart-wrenching separation of life and death, in addition to the cleansing of time, a comfortable and peaceful life plus a strange environment that is very different from the original one can often make people get out of the past faster, because this will make them want to adapt to the new environment, and therefore focus on the present.

This can be seen from Hiyori's increasingly rosy and bright look and the gradually restored girlish heart.

However, after observing for this period of time, Maria found that the widow Toki seemed not to be affected by this routine?

Because she always loses focus and frowns from time to time, looking like she is worried and entangled about something?

The difference in status naturally makes Maria unable to understand Tian Yueshi's mood. She may never have thought that until

Today, Tianyueshi is still worried about what Yakumo Bai said before he left.

The sudden change made this lady lose everything except her daughter. The insecurity of living under someone's roof made her anxious and sensitive. Naturally, she was very concerned about the words of the benefactor who saved the mother and daughter.

"Leave... Don't leave... Leave... Don't leave..."

Petals fell one by one, just like Tianyueshi's wandering mood at this time.

Leaning in a corner of the courtyard, Tianyueshi held a flower in his hand and murmured absentmindedly.

"If I leave, I will let him down. He has already risked his life to save us. What else can I shamelessly ask for? Isn't it better to just listen to his arrangements?

But if I don't leave...what if he gets involved because of me? How can I feel good about it?

What should I do?"

He sighed softly and put down the withered flowers in his hand. There were already many bare branches piled up beside him without him noticing. It seemed that he had been relying on "God's will" for a long time.

While Tian Yueshi was thinking, she suddenly heard a warm breath in her ear. She turned her head in surprise and saw the delicate Hiyori looking at her with a worried look. She asked sensibly,

"Mother, are you also worried about the benefactor? It has been half a month... the benefactor should be fine, right?"

Pushing down her thoughts, Tian Yueshi gently hugged her daughter and comforted her,

"Don't worry, Hiyori, the benefactor is powerful, and the lucky ones will be safe. We just need to wait here obediently."

"Well... okay... I also believe that the benefactor will come back safely!"

Leaning against her mother, Hiyori nodded gently, and then couldn't help asking curiously,

"Mother, what should we do next? Stay at the benefactor's house all the time? Wouldn't that be a bad idea? And ...... Father's revenge......"

Hiyori's voice gradually lowered, because she noticed that with her own questions, Mother's expression became more and more ugly, and her brows were tightly furrowed. It seems that not only herself, but Mother is also troubled by these problems...

Pursing her lips, Hiyori stretched out her little hand, climbed onto Tianyueshi's cheek, and said seriously,

"Mother, I think since the benefactor is so powerful, can he help us to avenge? After the benefactor finishes everything, we will live with Yamato and the benefactor... In this way, won't we have to worry about these things?"

The so-called children's words are like this. In Hiyori's view, this ending is the most perfect, and it is an ending that everyone can harvest happiness, but in Tianyueshi's view, isn't this asking for too much?

It is the greatest luck that the other party saved me, and I still have to trouble others to help me avenge? Even live with that person forever? Isn't that like...

Tetsuki's cheeks flushed a little. He didn't agree or disagree with Hiyori's statement. He was about to teach her the mistake of this sentence, but suddenly heard the maid in the mansion shouting in surprise,



"Thump, thump, thump--"

The wooden shoes stepped on the wooden board, making a sound. Tianyueshi pulled Hiyori and ran out of the house eagerly. I don't know why, I want to see her so urgently at this moment. My heartbeat almost jumped out of my chest. It's him. He's finally back!

"Hua La--"

The wooden sliding door was opened, and Tianyueshi stopped immediately. Surprise, astonishment, and hesitation filled my heart. When I saw the familiar yet strange boy outside the door, my heartbeat calmed down immediately. The world seemed to pause for a moment. Even if it was only at this moment, his figure was in my sight.

"Madam, how are you~"

The boy's voice sounded, and my hesitant heart had already fallen...

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