The darkest place in the world is the darkest place in the world.

"Dark cave!"

The rolling black smoke swept out along the ground like a raging wave, and in the blink of an eye, the area under the feet of the fish people turned into a deep "quagmire".

The oppressive darkness seemed to swallow up the colorful sunlight cast from above. Against the backdrop of this darkness, the prosperous streets in front of Yakumo Bai and others, which were originally radiating brilliance, suddenly lost their vitality.

"What...what is this!?"

"My body...sunk!? Such a strong attraction! I can't...get rid of it!"

"! Someone come to save me!"

The panicked shouts came one after another. Even though they had been fully prepared a few seconds ago and were extremely vigilant, the royal soldiers who had always stayed at the bottom of the sea and dealt with sea beasts suddenly lost their composure in the face of such a strange move.

Physical attacks had no effect at all! Trying to struggle out with the strong physique of the fishmen was ultimately useless!

The darkness under my feet seemed like the deepest abyss, opening its hideous mouth, about to swallow everything, whether living or dead!

"Could it be...that humans on land can be so strong?"

"Damn it! I'm so unwilling!"

When the only remaining head was about to sink into the darkness below, some people thought so.

As for Aaron, who was still shouting just now, he didn't even stir up a wave, and he sank powerlessly into the deep dark sea.

Hehe~ The so-called mantis trying to stop a chariot, strong on the outside but weak on the inside, is just like this.

"Tsk! I thought it was so powerful! That long-nosed blue-skinned fish, the result is just like this? It can't even block Xiaobai's casual move, and it still wants us to become slaves? It's really funny~"

Seeing this, Yamato curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"So... Master Yakumo's move can still be used like this?"

Runti was a little surprised. You know, when they were practicing before, the other party used this move to build an environment called simulated gravity for several people...!

Using the Moon Step to spar with each other in the air, they also have to divide their energy to resist the strong attraction from below... Although Yakumo Bai intentionally controlled the strength, the heavy feeling of obstruction made Yamato and others miserable.

Not to mention, Yakumo Shira will reverse gravity from time to time, turning it into a white hole that repels everything...

"Uh... Lord Yakumo, this is still the home of the fishmen, is it really okay for you to do this?"

Although as a maid, at least a maid in public, Robin felt that she should not ask too much about the "master's" approach, but considering that this is still a deep sea ten thousand meters below, for her own safety, Robin couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

After all, just a moment ago, weren't they still admiring the beautiful scenery of Fishman Island? How could they suddenly turn their weapons against each other? And they directly... "swallowed" a large group of people from the other side?

Thinking of the strange darkness that revealed a strong sense of danger just now, Robin unconsciously tightened the corners of her skirt.

Although she knew at the beginning that the other group was not simple, after all, they were the guys who caused the tragedy of the Kingdom of Illuria. But with the direct contact in the past few days, whether it was Yakumo Shira or Yamato and others, the girl felt a rare sense of relaxation.

They were not as vicious or corrupt as she had imagined. On the contrary, from their daily interactions, they were no different from ordinary family members or partners.

There were jokes and jokes full of life, serious training and exchange, and some intimate and ambiguous small interactions...

However, after seeing Yakumo Bai easily solve a group of fishmen, Robin once again clearly realized the gap between the two sides.

The gap in strength often widens the distance between people more than the level of status. Robin, who was precocious in thinking, understood that the former was the foundation of this sea, an absolute power that never changed!

Although this young master Yakumo was "favored" to her on weekdays, and even became his "personal maid" for a time, who could know his true thoughts? Maybe she was just a temporary toy in his hands.

When she got tired of it and the novelty was gone, she could just throw it away, or


So, what I have to do now is to gain the trust of the other party as much as possible, so as to create an opportunity for myself to escape. At this time, I took the risk of overstepping my authority to raise my concerns, which is a good start.

"Well, it's just a little lesson, nothing to worry about."

Yakumo Shiro waved his hand indifferently. After all, since Arlong appeared in Fishman Island, Tiger, the captain of the Sun Pirates, should have returned here.

With the character of this chivalrous fishman hero, he will surely not make it difficult for his benefactor, right?

Just thinking about it, a rumbling sound came from the depths of the street again. It can be vaguely seen that more palace guards are fully armed and rushing towards this side. Among them, there is a tall coelacanth mermaid, and in front of the army is a serious and anxious tiger fishman.

"Fishman Jutsu: Great Knight's Halberd!"

Although there was still some distance between them, the empty streets had already made King Neptune feel a little uneasy. The soldiers of the kingdom would never flee in battle, so the strange scene in front of him must be related to this group of people!

Feeling angry, Neptune immediately showed the spirit of the "Great Knight of the Sea". The trident in his hand stirred the air vigorously, and a spiral transparent shock wave rushed towards the few people!


In response, before Yakumo Bai could respond, Yao Ye on the side had already swung a slash, colliding with Neptune's attack, and finally annihilated each other.


While Neptune was surprised, the distance between the two sides had been shortened again. Looking at the indifferent people in front of him, Neptune asked in a deep voice,

"Who are you...? What is your purpose? What happened here? Answer me!"

Hearing this, Yakumo Bai seemed not to hear it, and turned to look at Tiger beside Neptune, and said in a calm tone,

"Mr. Tiger, long time no see~ I heard that after escaping from the Holy Land, you formed a Sun Pirates! Now it is the hot spot in this sea!"


In Neptune's puzzled eyes, Tiger was silent for a moment, and then responded,

"Long time no see, sir. Thanks to your help at the beginning, otherwise our escape would not have been so easy... But, I didn't expect that the next meeting would be like this?"

Tiger couldn't help but smile bitterly, showing a bit of difficulty.

"Haha~ Don't worry, Mr. Tiger, since I choose to cooperate with you, I will not make things difficult for Fishman Island~"

As he spoke, a black vortex appeared in Yakumo Shiro's hand, and it slowly rose to the sky while rotating in the opposite direction.

As the vortex gradually rose, a bright white light also emerged from the black hole.

"Hua La Hua La——"

The white light gradually spread and continued to expand, and one unconscious fishman after another fell out of it, raising a cloud of dust on the scattered streets.


Seeing this, Tiger hurried forward to check on the situation of everyone, and only breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that it was only a short shock and coma.

"This is really... you have given me a difficult problem!"

Tiger naturally understood that these soldiers posed no threat to Yakumo Bai and others, but fortunately, it was also because of this that no casualties were caused, and there was not even bloodshed...

"That can't be helped, who made you have a rude little brother!"

Seeing Yakumo Bai's indifferent expression, Tiger shook his head helplessly. He naturally knew who the other party was talking about, but now was not the time to pay attention to this.

Exhaling deeply, Tiger turned to look at Neptune with a serious expression, and solemnly explained in a low voice,

"King Neptune, this... is the real hero who set off the Marijoa riot and liberated the slaves——!"

"! !??"

"What did you say?"

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