Tsunade managed to give birth to eight goblins again, and Shizune gave birth to four like last time.

Although both parents are the same, the goblins born to the two this time are slightly different from the last time.

First of all, the appearance of these goblins, the characteristics of the goblins' fangs and sharp mouths have faded a little, and they have gradually become more biased towards humans, and they are no longer disgusting in infancy, but give people a feeling of ugliness.

Thanks to the evolution of Qin Ye's own genes, I believe that with the gradual increase in his communication with high-quality women, sooner or later the goblins will be able to live openly among humans.

In addition, what surprised Qin Ye was that Tsunade gave birth to a baby girl during this production!

Like humans, goblins are male and female.

However, in the goblin race, women are extremely rare, and they belong to the rare species of goblins.

"Wow wow!".

Qin Ye walked up to this rare baby curiously and looked at it curiously.

He was surprised to find that compared with the ugliness of the babies around her, this baby girl was quite clear and beautiful, with big watery eyes that were crystal clear, which was extremely cute, except for her green skin and pointed ears, it could be said that she had perfectly inherited her mother's beautiful face.

It seems that the baby girl inherits more genes from her mother.

Qin Ye couldn't help but pick up the cute baby girl, gently poked her skin as white as milk, and suddenly felt that she couldn't put it down.

"From now on, you will be called Qin Xiaoyue. He laughs.

Qin Xiaoyue seemed to like the name very much, stopped crying, and her big eyes bent into crescents.

Tsunade and Shizune on the side watched the scene of father and daughter harmonizing, and also showed a happy smile.

Only Mao Yue Xiyan, who came over, pursed her lips slightly and was a little jealous, secretly touched her belly, and couldn't help but say in her heart: "I also want to give my husband a cute baby." "

After a night of hard work, she also had a new life in her belly.

Of course, what makes Qin Ye happy is not only the cuteness of the baby girl, as a rare species in the goblins, Qin Xiaoyue also has special abilities that are different from the male goblins.

Male goblins are able to make women obedient, while female goblins have the ability to make men obedient, and manipulate men by ingesting men's blood and secreting pheromones that make their owners obsessed.

At the same time, female goblins can also extract genes by drawing a large amount of male blood, and inherit all the abilities of the other party in the same way as Qin Ye.

On top of that, female goblins are also able to feed back the inherited abilities to the Goblin King.

To put it simply, not only women, as long as Qin Ye can collect enough blood from the strong, he will be able to obtain the abilities of the male powerhouses through the female goblins.

However, the ability of gene extraction, a female goblin can only be used once, which is a limited skill.

But Qin Ye doesn't care at all, as long as she gives birth to enough babies, is she still worried about not having a baby girl?

That's why he kept the man in the hotel and didn't kill him.

After all, it is easy to attract the attention of Ninja Village by dying too many people, and it will undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble if any clues are discovered, and for now, basic production and social operations still need to be completed by these ordinary people, at least until the goblins multiply to a certain number.

Control is obviously much better than mere killing.

The time came three days later.

The descendants of the Goblin King grow and develop very quickly.

Qin Xiaoyue has also grown from a small baby to a slim green-skinned little beauty.

At this time, Qin Xiaoyue was basking in the sun in the courtyard, her age looked almost seventeen years old, she held Qin Ye in her arms very affectionately, humming a little song very happily, with that kind of extremely satisfied smile on her face, and her clear eyes made her like a pure angel.

Qin Xiaoyue's chin is not as delicate as many big beauties, and there are some little girls' unique roundness, which makes her whole person look pure and innocent.

And this little girl has perfectly inherited the genes of her mother Tsunade, and her body development is excellent, and she has far surpassed that of an adult woman.

Being held by her daughter, Qin Ye enjoyed it and was a little helpless at the same time.

Although his genes are constantly improving and evolving, his size has not moved, and now he can just reach Qin Xiaoyue's knees when he stands up.

When the two stay together, it's hard to tell who is the father.

Of course, being small also has the benefits of being small, after all, the feeling of driving a big car is still quite good.

"Xiaoyue, take me to your eldest brother. Qin Ye said.

In three days, Qin Xiaoyue has grown up, and it is time to activate the ability.

After all, it's not easy to explain that those men have been missing for too long.

"Okay. "

Qin Xiaoyue coquettishly agreed, casually stuffed Qin Ye into the clothes on her chest, and walked towards the hotel like a kangaroo mother with a little kangaroo.

In this regard, Qin Ye was also very helpless.

Qin Xiaoyue is much more clingy than her mothers, thinking about sticking to him every minute, making her three mothers eat their daughter's vinegar all day long.

Passing by the hotel room, I could vaguely hear a strange noise coming from the empty door.

It was his goblin sons multiplying the race.

After a long period of hard work, most of the women captured in the hotel entered the pregnancy period.

It is estimated that it will not be long before Qin Ye's grandchildren will be born.

However, compared to their father and grandfather, the strength of this group of grandchildren has to be lowered by a notch

After all, their mothers are basically ordinary people, and they can only rely on their father's genes.

Of course, even if the strength is lost, at least it should have the strength of the dark side.

Soon, Qin Ye and the others came to the room where the man was being held.

Ignoring the many frightened, hateful, and angry eyes inside, Qin Ye handed over the blood that had been prepared a long time ago to Qin Xiaoyue.

After absorbing the blood, Qin Xiaoyue's eyes flashed with blood, and then a strange aroma spread from her body.

Whenever the man smelled this fragrance, his eyes all became dull in an instant, and it didn't take long for this sluggishness to turn into a crazy obsession.

Qin Ye waved his hand to let the guard's son open the door.

In an instant, the men all rushed out, and their eyes were extremely hot and fell under Qin Xiaoyue, and even more, just because Qin Xiaoyue's gaze swept over, they fainted directly with excitement.

"From now on, we goblins are your masters, do you hear?"

"Yes, it's all up to Lord Satsuki. "

"Leave, business as usual, and don't divulge anything about us. "

Qin Xiaoyue waved her hand and let the men leave.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ye nodded with satisfaction and looked out the window.

When the time comes, it's time to take over the entire Shortbook Street as a goblin base.


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