"Bend your knees, bend your legs, lift your feet. "

"yes, well done, keep it up. "

"Come on Sakura-chan, hold on a little longer and you'll be able to pass the test. "

Qin Ye leaned on the table in the Hokage's office, carefully guiding the little ~ Sakura in front of him.

It should be said that she is a ninja who has undergone various trainings since childhood, and although Sakura is not very old at the moment, her body is extremely plastic-.

Under a pink dress, there is a bodybuilding curve under long-term exercise, the fair skin is glowing with the unique luster of a girl's skin, and the legs without a trace of fat are firm and powerful, even if they squat for a long time, there is no tired-feeling at all.

Sakura maintains a squatting position with her hands behind her head behind her head and breathes evenly.

Although at the beginning, under Qin Ye's guidance, she showed the instinctive shyness of a girl, but with the gradual Xi and persistence, Sakura's eyes also became serious and serious.

After all, this is a test personally arranged by Lord Qin Ye, and the movements are a little strange, but no matter how hard it is, she will do her best to complete it.

She didn't doubt the reasonableness of it, because it was the words spoken by Lord Qin Ye, so it was impossible to make a mistake, she just needed to follow all the instructions of Lord Qin Ye to do it!

Minutes and seconds passed.

Fine sweat gradually broke out on Sakura's white forehead, soaking her pink dress.

Her legs, which had been in a standard posture, also began to tremble slightly, and the soreness and hardship eroded her will at the same time.

But Sakura still gritted her teeth and persevered.

Whenever the thought of giving up came to her mind, the rooftop of Sasuke and Naruto's duel came to her mind, and she recalled her own feeble screams.

Or outside Konoha Village, facing Sasuke who defected from the village, she could only stay alone in the village, and could only beg Naruto for help, and in the end, he was covered in bruises.

Every time she dreams about these things in the middle of the night, her heart is as sad as a pinprick.

She hated her helplessness, hated her weakness, and desperately wanted to grow up to chase the backs of the two people in the seventh class.

Actually, it's not the first time Sakura has come to the Hokage's office to find Tsunade.

Naruto went to worship Jirai as a teacher, Sasuke went to worship Orochimaru as a teacher, if she didn't want to be pulled further and further, Tsunade-sama was her only hope.

But the current Tsunade is not the Tsunade of the original plot, and Tsunade, who is full of only thinking about fishing and playing cards, will not have the leisure to accept a small oil bottle as an apprentice.

Returned again and again disappointed, went and returned again and again, and finally had the honor to get the favor of Lord Qin Ye, she must not miss it!

Qin Ye glanced at the time, nearly two hours had passed since the beginning of the thunder fire squat training, and the sun hanging high outside had already quietly set, and it was evening.

To tell the truth, he proposed this apprenticeship test, which was originally a casual move, seeing the young and energetic girl Sakura, and using his control to satisfy his low-level instincts.

Even if you accept Sakura as an apprentice, that is, teach the ability of a Tsunade like the original plot, and deal with it.

However, now seeing the resoluteness and perseverance in the girl's eyes, Qin Ye gradually sat up from the desk and restrained his casual expression.

Due to squatting for too long, Sakura's body was obviously overloaded, and her legs had begun to swing significantly, and her coat was completely soaked with sweat and completely attached to her body.

But she was still gritting her teeth and insisting, and her lower lip was bitten out with a deep red mark.

For the faith and perseverance shown by the girl at this moment, Qin Ye felt the need to respect it.

Although Sakura was not very popular in her previous life because she would only ask Naruto for help, in all fairness, there was nothing she could do.

Let's not mention Sasuke and Naruto, the reincarnations of Indra and Asura, these two are pure and pure hanging on the wall, one writes the wheel eye and the other is the nine-tailed pillar power, and the strongest shinobi in the ninja world.

Just said that their Konoha twelve little powerhouses in the same period were either from the Konoha family with family ninjutsu or were talented in some aspects, such as Xiao Li, who was proficient in ninja and practiced physical skills day and night.

Sakura is a civilian born with a pure tabula rasa.,To be one of the top 12 is pure hard work.,One of the few highlights in the early stage is the middle ninja exam.,In the exam that must rely on cheating to pass, pass with your own knowledge reserves.。

She is the small town of Naruto World, and she can only change her fate by constantly learning and Xi.

If you want to compare with the two of Ming Zuo's hanging walls, it can only be said that it is difficult for strong people.

Trying this thing is sometimes really not worth mentioning in the face of talent.

However, for Sakura's hard work and the sake of feasting his eyes, Qin Ye was ready to help her.


At this time, Sakura finally exhausted all her strength, and could no longer support the squatting posture, and her body directly fell forward uncontrollably.

Sakura, who thought she was going to fall to the ground in embarrassment, subconsciously closed her eyes, and her heart was very bitter, after all... Or is it a failure?

However, the imaginary pain did not come, but she felt that she had come to an extremely solid embrace, which made her extremely reassuring.

She fluttered her eyelashes and opened her eyes, and Qin Ye's soft voice came from her ears: "Congratulations, you have passed the assessment, and in the future... You are my disciple of Qin Ye!"


Sakura, who thought she had failed, raised her head and showed an expression of great surprise, her watery eyes as if there were stars shining in them.

"Of course, don't call the master yet. Qin Ye said with a smile, hugging the girl's slender waist.

Sakura suddenly reacted, her delicate body was being held in Qin Ye's arms, she couldn't help blushing, and she still shouted obediently: "Master." "

She only felt a shyness more than squatting just now from the bottom of her heart, you must know that she is sweating all over her body, what if she soils the master's clothes?

Of course Qin Ye doesn't mind, a young girl in her youth, even if she sweats, she still has a fragrance on her body... Of course, don't try it if it's three-dimensional, it stinks.

He reached out and took the shy girl princess in his arms and put it on the soft bed beside him.

Then, Qin Ye stretched out his hand in the girl's exclamation and put it on her extremely sour leg.

"What are you calling, the master is helping your muscles relax. "

Qin Ye said angrily, and gave Sakura a blow on the head.

At this time, Sakura noticed the green aura emerging from her master's hand, obviously using medical ninjutsu to help her heal, and immediately stuck out her tongue playfully.

However, out of the girl's instinctive shyness, the little face still turned red.

Qin Ye carefully massaged Sakura's legs, relieving the sourness caused by the long squat, and soon the stiff muscles gradually relaxed and regained their former elasticity.

Throughout the process, Qin Ye showed a rare seriousness. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's not surprising.,Sitting on the beauty of the world like Tsunade Hime.,What is there to see about a small potato that hasn't grown yet.。

"Is it still sour?" Qin Ye asked with a smile.

"No, it's not sour, thank you, master. "

"That's good, Sakura, you remember, this thunder fire squat is not only a test for your entry, but also a test for your future cultivation. Qin Ye said seriously, "This action has been researched and explored by the master for many years, and it is very helpful for girls to cultivate patience, flexibility, and will, so don't let it go." "

"Got it, teacher!"

Sakura, who didn't feel anything wrong at all, clenched her fists and nodded earnestly.

"Well, let's tell you about the etiquette of the teacher. Qin Ye coughed lightly and said righteously, "First of all, meet the master in an environment where there are no outsiders, say hello in a cultivation posture, come, go and demonstrate to the master." "

"Yes!" After relieving the muscle soreness, Sakura immediately stood in front of Qin Ye and shouted respectfully, "Hello master." "

Because of the long-term training, Sakura already has a muscle memory in this action at this moment, and a slight movement is an incomparable standard.

"Yes, the next point is the second point, which is a courtesy, or a gift from the master to you. Qin Ye walked behind the desk and opened the drawer, took out a brocade box and handed it to Sakura, and said with a smile, "Open it and take a look." "

Sakura curiously took the brocade box, and when she opened it, she found that it was all neatly folded, thin socks like cicada wings.

"It's called Stockings, so you've seen Tsunade wear them, right?"

After hearing Qin Ye's explanation, Sakura suddenly showed an extremely surprised expression.

You know, since Tsunade appeared in Konoha wearing black silk, almost all men and women in Konoha have been asking about this sock that can make people more attractive, but there is no same style in the village.

Sakura, who has also been yearning for this sock for a long time, suddenly hugged the brocade box happily: "Thank you, master." "

"In the future, when you find a master, you must put on stockings, otherwise... The master will be punished!" Qin Ye pretended to be serious, and Sakura, who listened to it, nodded her head like a chicken pecking rice.

"Master, is there anything else you want to order?"

Seeing that the time was not too early, Qin Ye thought for a while and asked, "Sakura-chan, tell the master, what kind of person do you want to be in the future?"

"I want to successfully catch up with their backs and become someone who can take charge of themselves!"

Sakura said without any hesitation.

Qin Ye was not surprised by such an answer, after all, in the original plot, this was Sakura's beliefs and thoughts throughout her life.

But Qin Ye made a straight face at this time: "It's really unproductive, becoming my disciple just wants to chase others, can you have some ambition!"

Looking at the master's suddenly changed face, Sakura suddenly panicked, and said hesitantly, "I'm sorry, master, I... I didn't want to you off. "

"Shut up, hear me. As Qin Ye's voice fell, Sakura was immediately silent, waiting for her master's lecture like a schoolboy who had made a mistake.

"Since you are my disciple, you must not be behind, I know about your seventh class, and I also know that your teammates are very talented, but who said that you can only chase their backs, and you can't let them chase your backs?"

Qin Ye said seriously.

Sakura couldn't help but be infected, and her beautiful eyes showed eagerness and excitement.

In fact, no one is young or frivolous, this girl's heart has always been extremely proud, that is, she was hit by Naruto again and again, and she recognized the reality and smoothed the edges and corners.

If you can give her a chance to change her fate, the ambition and ambition of the girl Sakura will never be lacking.

Yes, who wants to be behind others to be the first.

The master has said so, how can I, as a disciple, show weakness?

Sakura raised her head decisively, her eyes full of convincing and adoration: "Sakura-chan, it's all up to the master!"

"Okay!" Qin Ye slapped his palms and said with a serious expression, "Next, the master will tailor a special training plan for you, each of which will be more difficult and difficult than the Thunder Fire Squat, are you ready?"

"As long as she can become stronger, Sakura is at the mercy of her master. "

"It's very energetic, today you go back to rest, and tomorrow, the training will officially start. "

"Yes, master!"

Looking at Sakura's back as she left firmly, Qin Ye smiled slightly.

The current Sakura is like a small bud, inconspicuous but with unknown potential.

Qin Ye is ready to be a flower keeper temporarily, watering and fertilizing it at all times, and taking care of it carefully, so that the girl bursts out with amazing beauty after blooming.

Isn't there a saying that says that?

Today you ignore my love, and tomorrow I will make you unattainable.

Qin Ye wants to train Sakura to be a goddess who is in the limelight, so that Sasuke Naruto and others can't help but sink for it, and become a humble licking dog.

At that point, the flowers are ripe and it's time to pick them.

The goddess you yearn for has long been in my pocket.

That must be a pretty good feeling.

.. Beg..

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