Konoha Hospital ushered in the busiest day in history.

As long as the people who stayed in the village, from the patriarch of the Konoha clan to the boss of Ichiraku Ramen, they were all brought in for blood sampling, because Tsunade said that the probability of the same blood type was higher, so men were the highest priority in the mobilization of blood donations.

In the hospital's newly established blood information database, Qin Ye couldn't help but smile as he watched the blood samples labeled with Konoha ninja information being sent in.

It seems that it is just a blood sample, but for him, it is the key to further control of Konoha.

The Konoha ninjas would not have thought that they would take the initiative to put their control in the hands of Qin Ye.

After leaving seeds for the female ninjas of Konoha Village with Jade Facial Dew, Qin Ye started the second step of Konoha Encroachment Plan, using blood to control the remaining male ninjas.

His initial idea was actually for Tsunade to propose a nationwide blood donation as Hokage, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was inappropriate, and if there was no suitable reason, it would be very abrupt to suddenly engage in such a blood donation.

Especially not long after Tsunade's succession, his position has not been completely consolidated, and it is difficult to guarantee that the Konoha high-level will fully cooperate.

Because in the current Konoha, the Senju clan, the Shimura clan and the Sarutobi clan, although the name is still loud, it is also a product of the old era, and it has long been in decline.

The emerging family, Hinata, and Pig Deer Butterfly, gradually became the big family of Konoha, and the patriarchs of each clan also held important positions at the top of Konoha respectively.

If these families can get their approval, the implementation of the blood donation program will obviously be more effective with half the effort.

Therefore, Qin Ye directly took advantage of Sasuke's defection this time and pulled Pig Deer Butterfly and Hinata into his camp.

After all, their descendants are dying, and they will definitely follow the advice of Tsunade, a top medical ninja.

In fact, as he expected, in order to save the lives of Ding Ci and Ning Ci, the four clans of Hinata and Pig Deer Butterfly directly mobilized the power of the whole clan and showed their background to all Konoha.

Being a ninja in Konoha can offend a certain high-level person, but offending multiple high-level people at the same time is pure death, under the joint efforts of the four major families, almost no one will not give this face, such as Kakashi Hagi, Ape Fei Asma, Maitkai This kind of top ninja all came to Konoha Hospital to donate blood.

Even in the entire mobilization process, Tsunade and Qin Ye didn't put much thought into it, and the matter was handled by the four major families.

At this point, Qin Ye's wood leaf cannibalization plan has begun to take shape.

"By the way, wife, don't forget to advertise our blood bank in the future. Qin Ye said to Tsunade who walked in.

The purpose of the propaganda is very simple, that is, to tell the Konoha ninjas that in order to treat the seriously injured ninjas in a timely manner, a blood bank will be established in the hospital to reduce the casualties rate of the ninjas.

After all, many people in this village-wide blood donation were dragged by the four major families before they understood the cause and effect, and they inevitably resisted in their hearts.

At this time, I told everyone that this was a good thing that all Konoha ninjas could profit, and the unhappiness in the hearts of the ninjas would naturally disappear, and it could also help Tsunade gather a wave of hearts and improve his prestige.

"I've already told Mute to do it, is there anything else to order, my good husband?" asked Tsunade with a smile.

"Well, the blood samples collected this time are relatively small, and the villagers need to be encouraged to continue donating blood. Qin Ye thought for a while and said, "In this way, the villagers who donate blood will be given a high subsidy by the village, I believe that everyone will be very active, the more you donate, the higher the subsidy, don't be afraid to spend money, our family is now poor and only has money left." "

After all, this blood collection is in the name of testing, and it must not be like treating ferrets and ghost sharks.

His daughters need a lot of blood to perfectly obtain their abilities, and the blood collected at the moment is definitely not enough, but I believe that after the new policy is released, the Konoha ninjas will definitely come over to donate blood with joy.

After all, the salaries of ninjas are generally not very high, and they need to go out often to do tasks to make money, how can it be easy to donate blood, Qin Ye took out a little bit of the income in the short book street, which is enough for ordinary ninjas for more than half a year.

"It's worthy of my husband, I can think of such a way. "

Tsunade blinked beside him, and there was deep adoration in his affectionate gaze.

What she likes the most is to see her husband full of wisdom and talk endlessly.

"Ahem, that's for sure, of course. "

Qin Ye coughed lightly twice, patted his chest and said.

Although he said things that were common in his previous life, in the Hokage's time, it could be said that it was all development and innovation.

"And wife, remember to check the list and mark all the people who have not donated blood and have not used Yuyanlu, so that when we really start to control Konoha, we will be able to control it as soon as possible. Qin Ye added again, putting an end to any possible variables.

Qin Ye didn't rush to call his daughters over and use the blood to start controlling the ninja of Konoha, because there was no need to be in such a hurry, the Konoha cannibalization plan was progressing steadily, and if nothing else, Konoha Village would be in his pocket sooner or later.

Since the crossing, Qin Ye has always been cautious, and this time is no exception.

The collection of the list is a lot of work, and the next thing he has to do is wait for the bullets to fly for a while.

"Okay, I see. Tsunade nodded, glanced down inadvertently, and couldn't help but smile, "Husband, I have a lot of things to do next, and if you want, you may have to find other sisters." "

"Got it, go get busy. "

Qin Ye patted Tsunade's buttocks and said helplessly.

Although it has evolved many times, goblins are always goblins, and their instincts cannot be restrained, and as long as they spend time with the opposite sex, the blood in their bodies begins to flow downward.

At the moment, whether it is Ningji Dingci's treatment or the Konoha cannibalization plan, Tsunade needs to continue to advance, and there is really no way to accompany himself.

Seeing his wife's back, Qin Ye suddenly discovered something.

Although he has three wives, the first thing that comes to mind every time he is excited is always Tsunade.

"So my goblin is still pure love?".

Qin Ye couldn't help but think, and then stretched.

Okay, who should I go to next, Mute must be helping Tsunade, and only Xiyan is still idle.

When Qin Ye was about to go to Xiyan's house, his eyes saw two familiar figures from the window.

Ape Fly Asma and... Sunset red.


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