Under the operation of Qin Ye, the prosperity of Short Book Street is better than day by day.

After nightfall, the streets are still bustling with traffic.

The buildings and shops along the street are very prosperous, and the cries of selling come and go, bustling.

This is all thanks to the Royal Casino, which not only makes money every day, but also drives the development of related industries around it.

However, among the many industries, the fastest growing is still the custom shop.

After all, tourists from the ninja world win money in the Casino Royale, they must spend a lot, and in the ninja world where entertainment means are lacking, the vast majority of people will choose to enter the custom shop to have a good time.

Qin Ye, who discovered this, immediately renovated the surrounding custom shops.

Now the custom shop in Short Book Street is no longer called a custom shop, but is called Yanyu Building, and the essential difference can be heard from the name alone.

How elegant Yanyulou is, the style comes up after reading it again, and it is more face-saving to say it.

And after the transformation, Yanyu Building is indeed worthy of this name.

Qin Ye spent a lot of money here to build pavilions, gardens, rockeries... Anyway, what I want is to be high-end and high-grade, so that those rich people will come over willingly to blow up gold coins.

In order to make Yanyulou as famous as the Royal Casino and become the second largest source of income for Short Book Street, Qin Ye borrowed the hype marketing methods from Blue Star.

The first thing that came to his mind was packaging.

is like those idol stars in the previous life, selling personality, selling purity, and selling image, what is the essence for?

Fans make money!

Fans regard idols as lovers, and the capital behind idols treats fans as wealth boys, and they earn cramps when they make money.

Of course, no one in the ninja world who creates idols to fight at every turn may buy it, but it's still very simple to set up a circle of money.

Qin Ye first found a young lady with good acting skills and lovely looks from the original custom shop, and then tailored a story for her to promote, or a short story, when she had nothing to do.

The content of the novel is very simple, a woman named Momiji marries into the daimyo's mansion, but because her husband has a hidden illness, she is unable to have sex and cannot give birth to an heir.

For the sake of the continuation of the offspring, Momiji's husband asked him to borrow seeds from the Yanyu Building on Short Book Street.

Unable to refuse the red leaves of her husband's family, she had to endure her grievances and come to the Yanyu Building, during the day she was the noble lady of the Daimyo Mansion, but at night

Don't look at the story is simple, but who is Qin Ye, a noble gentleman from modern times, his head is full of inventory, and the writing is a three-point portrayal of the protagonist's tangled and painful but irrepressible distortion.

In the ninja world, the most widely circulated novel reading is Jiraiya's "Intimacy Paradise", but in front of Qin Ye's "The Secret of the Daimyo's Mansion", it is not enough to fight.

After all, the cultural heritage of the two eras is not at all on the same order of magnitude.

There is no accident, as soon as "The Secret of the Daimyo's Mansion" appeared, it exploded directly in the short book street, and it was frantically copied by countless people, spreading rapidly to the surrounding area, attracting countless men to come to the short book street.

After all, who wouldn't want a noble lady from the Daimyo's Mansion to kiss Fangze?

Even if some people know that it may be false, it is spread that it is ten, ten and hundred, and the false is also true.

On the night of the opening, countless visitors couldn't get through the gambling of Yanyulou, and even directly offered 500,000 taels to spend a good night with the red leaf girl.

You know, before this, the girl with red leaves only needed 100 taels to cover the night.

In short, with the story of Qin Ye, the name of Yanyu Tower was completely launched, and it became a landmark building after the Royal Casino.

The daily wealth is rolling in, and the money is making money every day.

This is probably the first successful advertising case in the ninja world.

And at this moment, Zilai was standing under the Yanyu Building, looking at Qionglou Yuyu in front of him in extreme shock.

He remembered that the last time he came here was a small building, and if he hadn't asked passers-by, he would have suspected that this was a rich mansion.

After paying the entrance fee no less than the entrance fee to the Royal Casino, he walked in like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and immediately felt that the money was well spent.

The layout of the Yanyu Building is like an antique dance hall, with a spacious dance floor in the middle, all of which are swaying and coolly dressed women, and around it are booths full of drinks, so that visitors can enjoy the dance while drinking.

When you are interested, you can step forward and take your favorite woman to the courtyard behind to spend the night together.

Jirai, who already loves beauty, came and immediately looked at the light in his eyes.

At this time, a delicate woman dressed in cool clothes came over and grabbed Jiraiya's arm, and shouted in a voice: "It's the first time for the guests, I'm a waiter here, and I specialize in accompanying the guests to drink, do you want to go to the ordinary seat or the VIP seat?"

Jiraiya's resistance to beauties is extremely low, and after being hugged, his head suddenly floated, and he waved his hand before the other party introduced the price: "It must be a VIP seat." "

"The guests are so bold. "

Hearing the woman's praise, Zilai also felt that the man's self-esteem was greatly satisfied.

Immediately, they walked to the VIP seat with the woman in their arms and laughed at each other.

Under the flattery and charm of the woman and the constant persuasion of drinking, Zilai was soon confused and did not know the east, west, north and south.

In order to show the heroism of a man, pick up the most beautifully packaged wine on the table and open it.

"No, my lord, this bottle of wine is very expensive..."

The woman said very intimately.

But Zilai just waved his hand and opened the wine in an extremely atmospheric manner.

The woman giggled when she saw it, and gave a fragrant kiss directly to Jiraiya.

Looking at the smirking man in front of her, the woman smiled even more happily in her heart... Silly man's money, it's really good to make.

At this time, the lights in the hall suddenly dimmed, and a woman wearing a luxurious dress of the Daimyo's Mansion passed through the crowd with her face hidden, which immediately caused a shout of surprise.

"Who's that, it seems to be very popular. "

Jiraiya asked drunkenly.

"My lord was so lucky to meet the Momiji girl today. The woman said with a smile.

"Momiji, is it famous?".

"Adults will know at a glance. "

The woman took out a booklet from under the table and said with a smile.

Jiraiya, who was drunk on the head, looked at the booklet "The Secret of the Daimyo's Mansion", and immediately flushed his face, and when he thought of the red leaf girl who had just been shocked, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and his heart itched like a cat scratching.

As a fellow novelist, he can only describe this story as breathtaking.

"My lord, but you're attracted to the red leaves?" the woman whispered softly, "It only takes 200,000 taels to have a chance... Of course, if you are a shy adult, forget it. "

Zilai was still very hesitant, although he had saved a lot of money through writing and executing anything, but 200,000 at a time was too extravagant.

But after hearing the woman's persuasion, he made a direct decision: "It's not just 200,000, I'll spend it!"

"Your Excellency is truly mighty. The woman suddenly clapped her little hands like a girl.

Zilai also looks proud, man... Can't say no!

"Since the adults are so generous, I will arrange for you to be a Momiji girl immediately. The woman smiled and said, "But before that, can you settle the money for the drink


"Of course, let's just say how much. "

Jiraiya proudly pulled out Naruto's frog wallet.

"I calculated, you ordered nine bottles of Supreme Aces of Spades on our side, a total of 180,000, for your sake, I can wipe you zero, a total of 180,000. "

"Cut, 180,000 only... Eighteen... Damn, how much do you say?!".

Jiraiya's sake woke up instantly.


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