"Daddy, Daddy, we're getting better now. "

"That's right, it's no worse than Sister Xiaoyue. "

After sending off the duo of the Xiao Organization, the black-robed man, one large and one small, took off their masks, came to Qin Ye's side very affectionately, and said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, my Xiaomi and Xiaoyan are the best!".

Holding the two female geese like flowers and jade, Qin Ye couldn't help but smile like an old father.

"Really, Daddy is eccentric again. "

The eldest daughter next to her, Qin Xiaoyue, couldn't help but be jealous, and went straight into Qin Ye's arms.

Usually Qin Ye's arms belong to her alone, but now there are two more sisters competing with her.

Now Qin Ye can be said to be miserable and happy, because the height difference between the three female geese is a bit big, so he is now being held in a rather strange position.

For male goblins, entering the maturity stage represents the most powerful stage of the body, and each individual is tall and muscular, and looks very intimidating.

However, the maturity period of female goblins seems to be more unique, and there is a big difference in their appearance.

The eldest daughter, Qin Xiaoyue, is in her prime at first glance, beautiful and moving.

But the second daughter Qin Xiaomi, who was born by Shizune, looks like a seven or eight-year-old little Loli, with a delicate goose egg face, a small Yao nose and a ruddy cherry mouth, and red cheeks like ripe apples, just like a real Barbie doll.

The third daughter, Qin Xiaoyan, is the youngest, but she is the most mature, she is one meter eight tall, she has a very mature charm, her thick long hair falls vertically, her delicate melon seed face always reveals a provocative taste, and the slightly upturned corners of her eyes are very charming.

Her mother is Tsunade.,She has a unique perfect body.,There's a faint feeling that it's better than blue.。

When being held in Qin Xiaoyan's arms, Qin Ye often felt suffocated.

Because Qin Ye's genes are constantly improving, the daughter he gave birth to is becoming more and more beautiful.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble, get down to business first, hurry up. "

Finally pulled his head out of Qin Xiaoyan's place, Qin Ye said immediately.

Seeing Daddy speak, Qin Xiaoyue retreated obediently, Qin Xiaomi and Qin Xiaoyan came over and pressed their smooth foreheads tightly against Qin Ye.

Ability sharing, start again!

[Successfully obtained the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye: Has the ability to see through everything with piercing eyes and hypnotic eyes.] 】

[Successfully obtain Hitomi Tsukiyo: This technique will move the opponent's spirit to the world of "Tsukiyo" created by the caster, which can be used to torture the opponent, or make the opponent see any scene, although it cannot cause physical damage, but it can cause serious mental damage, and all the damage suffered in the Tsukiyomi will be returned to the opponent's spirit].

[Successfully obtain Hitomijutsu Amaterasu: By adjusting the focus of the eyeball, a destructive black flame can be burned at the focal point, and it has the characteristic that it will not be extinguished without burning the burning object].

[Successfully obtained Susanohu: The third power that resides in the eyes of the kaleidoscope writing wheel.] Unleash a large amount of chakra, forming the posture of a martial god, the ultimate ninjutsu that integrates attack and defense, and can grow in stages with the use of pupil power and chakra, with absolute defense and unparalleled attack power

[Successfully obtain all the ninjutsu physical abilities of the oni shark!].

At this moment, feeling an incomparable sense of strength stirring in his body, Qin Ye smiled slightly.

After this battle, after obtaining the power of the Uchiha clan, his strength has once again made a qualitative leap.

It is believed that as long as he continues to multiply for a period of time and pass on the abilities in his body, his goblin clan will become a force that is difficult to ignore in the entire ninja world, and become an even more terrifying existence than the Xiao organization.

"Daddy, there's someone over there. "

At this time, Qin Xiaoyue walked over and pointed in the direction of Konoha Village and said.

They made such a big move, Konoha Village must have sent ninjas to check the situation.

"Let's go back to Short Book Street first, Konoha... It won't be long before we'll be back again. "

Qin Ye said meaningfully, and quickly left with a group of goblins.

It was also at this time that the ninja sent by Konoha to inquire about the situation was belated.

The people who came were none other than the upper ninja ape Asma and Maitkai, with a group of Konoha shadows.

At this moment, they looked at the chaotic battlefield, and each showed a shocked and inexplicable look.

I saw that within the shroud of the original Four Red Sun Arrays, the original lush vegetation here had become gone, and the bare ground had completely sunken down, forming a huge crater, and the remaining chakra fluctuations above made the dark part of the investigation even more frightened.

They couldn't believe that the ground here was actually bombarded alive with ninjutsu!

"Who the hell is making such a big move outside Konoha Village!".

Asma clenched his fists and couldn't help but say.

A ninja with such strength, if he had any thoughts about Konoha, it was estimated that the village would suffer another disaster no less than Orochimaru's destruction of Konoha.

"It can't be Uchiha Itachi and that mermaid what's the name?" Maitkai said.

After all, this kind of thing happened to these two people as soon as they left Konoha, and it was easy to associate it with them.

"Possibly, but who is fighting them?".

Thinking of this question, Asma and Maitkai fell into deep thought at the same time.

With such a powerful unknown being near Konoha, it was difficult for them to feel at ease.

Especially the current Konoha can be said to be the weakest stage in recent years after being invaded by Orochimaru and Akatsuki organizations one after another.

"Anyway, let's go back and report it truthfully. "

The two sighed and returned to Konoha Village, informing the Hokage's assistants, who were temporarily in charge of Konoha of everything they had discovered, to Koharu and Mito Menyan.

When the Hokage's assistants heard this, their faces were suddenly solemn.

Next to the couch, how can you allow the tiger to snore.

So after some careful consideration, Mito Menyan said in a deep voice: "After the death of three generations, all kinds of demons and monsters have emerged, and recently some ninja spies from other countries have been found around, and now the village can be said to be panicked, and a person is needed to dominate the overall situation, I think... It's time to talk about the fifth Hokage. "

"Yes, a kingdom cannot be left without a king for a day. Zhuan Xiaochun sighed lightly, and instructed the dark department beside him, "Go and call Jiraiya, he is the only one who can shoulder the responsibility now." "

It didn't take long for Jiraiya to arrive, and after hearing the advice of the two Hokage advisors, his brows furrowed slightly.

It's not that he doesn't want to be the Hokage, but according to the prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal, he still needs to find the true son of prophecy, and it is impossible to keep his mind on the village all the time.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya thought about it and said with a smile.

"It's embarrassing for a layman like me, but I can recommend a suitable person, in terms of family background, in terms of seniority... She's a better fit than I am. "


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