Iwa Shinobi Village, Tsuchikage Building.

“Lord Tsuchikage, here is an email from the wind shadow of the Sand Shinobi Village.”

A Iwa Shinobu knocked on the door of Tsuchikage’s office and handed a letter over.


“That little ghost sent it?”

Onoki frowned and wondered.

He couldn’t remember how good their relationship was with the Shinobi Village.

That little wind shadow actually sent him a letter.

Onoki first asked the Iwa Shinobu to examine the letter before slowly opening it.

No one knows if there is poison on it.

Sand Ninja Village is an expert in playing drugs, and you must guard against them.

Onoki floated in the air, looking at it word for word.

The more he watched, the more he frowned.


“There is a real dragon in their wind ninja village!?”

“Isn’t that Wind Shadow imp joking? Is there really such a thing as a dragon? ”

Onoki scoffed a little at what was said above.

Isn’t the dragon a mythical creature?

He continued to look down.

“It’s also related to the Xiao Organization, suspected to be Hinata Yuhisa?”

Onoki glared.

“Isn’t Hinata Yuhisa dead?”

“Is this little devil of Wind Shadow lying to me?”

He held his chin and flew in mid-air thinking.

At this time, Ming Yan Shinobu pushed the door in a panic and broke in.

“A huge sandstorm inexplicably appeared in the Land of Wind, and it was accompanied by a huge dragon chant!!!”


Onoki slapped his palms on the stone table and roared in surprise.

“Inexplicable sandstorm and dragon chanting?!!”

“And also found Deidara’s traces in the Land of Sand!”

Iwa Shinobu took a deep breath and then said another message.

Onoki picked up the information sent by the wind shadow and carefully looked at it again.

The information that this Iwa Shinobu said was all correct with what was written in the wind shadow letter.

“Could it be that Hinata Yuhisa really didn’t die, and somehow became… Dragon? ”

Startled, Onoki muttered.

“Being able to trigger a tornado storm and create a huge whirlpool in the sand is really powerful.”

He looked at the powerful power of the dragon mentioned in the letter, and he couldn’t help but sigh.

“This is simply a perfect weapon of war!”

“Wind Shadow, that little ghost doesn’t even know its preciousness.”

“Even if it is possessed by Hinata Yujiu, it is still reborn, but it is just a beast now, at most it is a relatively special psychic beast.”

Onoki’s eyes flashed with greed.

“Hinata Tamaki would be really funny if he really reincarnated into that look!”

“The once powerful ninja has now become a beast.”

“Although it is still powerful, it is no longer human.”

He sneered disdainfully.

Onoki’s eyes under his thick eyebrows reveal a sinister aura.

“If you enslave that divine dragon, is it equivalent to enslaveing Hinata Tamakisa.”

“Of course, the premise is that Hinata Yuku is going to be transformed into that dragon.”

Onoki already had a decision in his mind.

“Whether Hinata Tadama reincarnated into that dragon or not, we have to try to get it, and even if we can’t get it, we can’t let Shinobu or Konoha get it.”

“Call the scouts in Shinobu to detect the location of that dragon for me!”

Onoki ordered his men.

Soon, a Dark Shadow of Iwa Shinobi Village disappeared with a teleportation.

Onoki floated to the window of the Tokage Building and looked in the direction of the Land of Wind, his eyes did not know what he was thinking, and for a long time, he slightly appeared a touch of ridicule.

“Dragons? Tamaki Hinata? It’s just a beast…”


Yunnin Village, Lei Ying’s office.

“Xiao organization? Dragon? Tamaki Hinata? ”

Lei Ying looked at the information sent by Wind Shadow with wide eyes.

“Hinata Yuhisa may have actually turned into a dragon !!!”

The figure eight on his mouth trembled.

“In the Land of Wind, he also rescued the two rebels of the Xiao Organization and the seven-tailed human pillar force.”

“Anyway, this dragon is not Hinata Yuhisa, it is also organized by Xiao.”

“That’s just right, they know that the organization captured one of our two tails, then they will use this dragon to pay for it!”

Lei Yingai’s face was scowling.

“Even if that dragon can cause a sandstorm, it’s just a beast, you can try what to control it.”

“Hehe, even if the powerful tailed beast of the Eight Tails is still bound in the body of the human pillar force and becomes a weapon.”

“Even if the so-called beast has power, it is not something to fear!”

“Order, let the spies in Shinobu find out about this dragon.”

Kiri Shinobi Village, inside the Water Shadow Building.

“Hinata Yuhisa is actually alive, and it is possible to turn into a dragon?”

Terumi flipped through the letter, her rose-like lips slightly open.

“His strength is still so strong…”

She couldn’t help but sigh.

“It would be nice if Hinata Yuhisa was born in the Mist Shinobi Village.”

Think about the talent of the Mist Ninja Village, and there is not even a Shinobi sent to take the Zhongnin Exam.

It would be nice if a genius like Hinata Yuhisa appeared in their Mist Shinobi Village.

The difference between Nagajiro and Hinata Tamaki, the prodigy of his own village, is too big.

Terumi came to the window and looked down at the entire Mist Shinobi Village from here.

“Although that dragon is powerful and powerful, judging from the results on the scene, I am afraid that it is just a beast that cannot control its own strength.”

“Although a powerful sandstorm was set off, the real lethality to personnel was very limited!”

“And even the reincarnation of Hinata Yuhisa may have paid a huge price, according to the ninja report on the other side, the real dragon does not seem to be very bright, so even the reincarnation of Hinata Yuhisa may not be able to turn over any waves.”

“The forbidden technique it cultivated in Xiaoxiao must have paid a price!”

“If it weren’t for the fact that the Land of Water is too far from the Land of Wind, I would like to try to capture it.”

“After all, dragons live in the sea.”

She also wanted to control the dragon, so that without the tailed beast, the mist ninja village with a talent fault could have more or less self-preservation power.

She’s more or less alone now…

And at the moment!

Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

“Hinata Yuhisa actually turned into a dragon?”

Tsunade’s pink lips opened slightly, and his round eyes stared slightly at the information sent by Nara Shikamaru,

“Can roll up huge amounts of sand and dust, and can defend against the day tiger that opens the seven doors of Metkai?”

As a person of the same era as Matt Dai, he naturally knew the horror of the Eight Gate Dun Jia.

But she didn’t expect Kai to be able to open the seven doors.

And it can unleash such a powerful and terrifying trick.

Even in the records in the file, Mater Dai finally opened the eight doors and almost destroyed the seven ninja swords of the fog shadow, but what move was used, no one knows.

The three Kai who were rescued could not say specific information because they fled in a hurry.

It’s just mentioned that the speed is very fast, and the move can easily destroy trees.

But she never imagined that Matkai had been able to easily open the seven doors and develop the power to temporarily surpass the five shadows.

Originally, this was enough shock for her, but she didn’t expect to receive information that Hinata Yujiu might turn into a dragon right away.

And the dragon that Hinata Yuhisa turned into a dragon can take the trick of Matkai to open the seven doors unscathed.

It was as if her head had been struck by a thunderbolt.

“It actually has such a powerful flesh, it is exactly the same as the legendary real dragon.”

“Maybe even more powerful than grandfather’s Wood Dragon Art!!”

She muttered.

“I don’t know about the divine dragon that Hinata Yuhisa found from there.”

“Or is the forbidden technique that Hinata Yuhisa originally studied related to the Divine Dragon?”

Tsunade was a little caught up in memories, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

“Hinata Yujiu actually embarked on the old path of the Great Snake Pill.”

“A good genius was ruined like this, if the rebirth really didn’t have such a little side effects, the big snake pill would not be like this.”

“I’m afraid that Hinata Yuhisa’s soul is already full of holes now.”


Tsunade tapped the table twice with his hand.

“Although Hinata Tamaki was transformed into a divine dragon, it is also a threat to Konoha.”

“Let’s see if you can find Hinata Yuhisa hiding there now.”

“Then we can see if we can control Hinata Yuhisa for Konoha’s use, or solve it directly.”

Tsunade smiled.

“I seem to say that people who are reborn in intelligence generally have a relatively low resistance to illusion, so let’s see if you can solve the divine dragon that Hinata Yujiu turned around.”

And in a room under the dark Konoha.

Tuan Zang finished reading the information in his hand, and his face was a little gloomy.

“This Hinata Yuku is actually not dead, and I don’t know that he found the secret technique of the Great Snake Pill from there and transformed himself into a dragon.”

He knocked on his crutches.

“But it’s just a powerful beast, but it must not be mastered by Tsunade.”

“Otherwise, I’m afraid my position as Hokage will have to be postponed again.”

He turned to the man with the orange ponytail and ordered.

“Yamanaka Stroke, you sent someone to contact Madara and tell him the news.”

Then he commanded to a man who covered himself tightly.

“Oil girl take the root, you take a pair of centaurs to see if you can find the dragon reincarnated by Hinata Tamaki before Tsunade, try to control it and bring it back.”

The two who were ordered did not speak, and disappeared into the dark basement with a leap.



Land of the wind, time goes back an hour before.

Inside a secluded house near the village of Shinobi.


Fierce winds swept the yellow sand.

The huge movement attracted countless ninjas in the Sand Ninja Village, there were competitors from other countries, but more were the villagers of the Sand Ninja Village, at this moment they all ran out to watch, and saw the terrifying scene of the terrifying yellow sand sweeping the sky in the distance, and the real dragon roaring the sky, they all looked stunned and broke out in cold sweat.

“What the hell is that, oh my God? Is it Kazekage-sama’s ninjutsu? ”

“No, it’s a sand city storm swept by the desert, it’s not man-made ninjutsu, and it’s good inside… As if there is something, this, what is the situation? ”

“If it’s really ninjutsu, I’m afraid it’s even more terrifying than the shadow, and this is the great power of nature.”

“What the hell is that long figure in there?! How He flew in the Sand City Storm, it was terrible!! ”

The villagers directly exclaimed when they saw the terrifying power, and also noticed the tumbling body in the sandstorm, and the entire Sand Ninja Village began to slowly sweep the dust.

The earth trembled!

At this time, in a small courtyard, an old lady shook her head and ended her daze.

This is one of her three interests after now living in seclusion.

She is none other than Chiyo’s mother-in-law. One of the elders of the village, as for her other two interests are fishing and playing dead, which are quite suitable for her as an old man.

Originally, according to her plan, she should go fishing with her brother Hai Laozang next.

But the scene in the distance caught her attention.

“This is…”

She looked into the distance with her old eyes, not seeing the center of the storm.

The wind carried the yellow sand and constantly attacked Chiyo.

“These winds seem to be spinning in a certain direction.”

Chiyo felt the direction of the wind.

Finally, she judged where the center of the storm was.

“I heard Umi Laozang say that it seems to be the venue of the Chūnin Exam, what happened there?”

She slowly turned her head to look over.

The eyelids that were originally pulled down because of the old man instantly opened, making her eyes widen, and her mouth, which had no teeth, was wide open.

“That was…”

A storm that penetrated heaven and earth occupied most of her field of vision.

The storm dyed the entire heaven and earth with chaotic colors, and the sky was full of yellow sand and stones dancing wildly in the sky, and the boundary between heaven and earth had been blurred.

The storm was like a yellow dragon flying and circling, making a sound like a dragon’s roar, like a muffled thunder rolling, and as if announcing its existence to the world.

Roaring, dancing wildly.

The wind seemed to destroy the whole world.

“How could there be such a storm…”

Chiyo looked into the distance stunned.

She had never seen a storm of this magnitude in so many years, either man-made or natural.

“Could this be caused by those enemies that Hai Laozang said were going to attack my Ailuo?”

Chiyo’s eyes were full of concern for my Airo.

“Can I know such a powerful storm enemy, can I really deal with it?”

She looked leisurely into the distance.

I hope all the peace with Iroh…

Yu Shinobi Village.

Payne, who tried to contact Deidara and Scorpion again, failed again.

As soon as the link was established, it was cut off by some force in the next second.

“Kailai Scorpion and Deidara, most of them are dead, but I don’t know if the seven-tailed human pillar force is still alive.”

Payne muttered as he looked at the rainy sky.

“It’s time to recall the Golem of the Outer Path.”

Heavenly Dao Payne pressed down to the ground.

A huge psychic formation appeared under Heavenly Dao Payne’s hands.


The Golem of the Outer Path appeared,

Also appearing together is Hinata Yuhisa’s illusory bubble.

Although Payne had been prepared for a long time, he was still surprised.

“It seems that Hinata Yuhisa really seems to have established a mysterious connection with the outer path demon.”

“Is this guy dead?”

“What a mysterious guy…”

Payne released a complete perception of the outer golem side.

“There is nothing wrong with the Golem of the Outer Way.”

“But I’m afraid something is going to go wrong with Scorpion and Deidara, and I’m afraid that the seal of Seven Tails and One Tail is going to fail this time!”

Immediately, he glanced at the illusory bubble with a slightly complicated look in his eyes again, and the sleeping figure of Hinata Yujiu in it still existed, like a god in that virtual world.

“Since it won’t have any impact on the Outer Path Golem, then let Hinata Yuhisa’s phantom follow the Outer Path Golem temporarily, anyway, there is nothing to do with him for the time being.”

After Payne finished speaking, he immediately turned to Xiao Nan and said.

“Contact Scorpion and Deidara, feel free to find out what happened on their side, and it’s no problem to escape with their abilities.”

Say, Payne disappeared directly in an instant.


Xiao Nan’s pair of paper wings flashed and flew in the air, and the look of worry in his eyes flashed.

“Did it fail…”

The original thing that was stable was strangely failed, it shouldn’t be!

Since Hinata Yujiu’s accident, everything seems to have come again.

Really miss when this guy was there.

The entire Land of Rain seems to be filled with a vigorous atmosphere.

“But this time Deidara and Scorpion have an accident, I’m afraid no one will be able to support them…”

Flick your blue hair and don’t think about these things.

She didn’t know how she always thought of that lazy fellow, remembering that when they ate barbecue together, it was as if she was free from the heavy burden of the ninja world.

Now it’s like this again, and I don’t know if I can wake up again?

If it was really as they had calculated before, if Hinata Yuhisa really created a virtual world himself, the speed of time flow would probably be completely different.

Maybe when he reappears in the world, I am afraid that she will become an old woman, and at that time, the young man and the old woman Xu Yu, what a tragic situation it should be.

Or even more terrifyingly, Hinata Yujiu completely fell into nothingness from then on, turning into a bubble of time and dissipating.

Either way, it’s unacceptable.

“What the hell are you doing…” Xiao Nan pursed his lips, and a seductive lip nail on his sealed lower lip looked very moving.

At the age of thirty, a pair of big dark eyes have anticipation, hope, enthusiasm, various emotions, and a dignified and elegant body all showing feminine beauty.

After looking at it again for a while, she disappeared a little helplessly.

And in that illusory bubble, Hinata Yujiu closed her eyes again and re-entered the deformed slumber, but the illusory world seemed to begin to expand again, full of misty mystery.



Land of the wind.

Endless yellow sand began to slowly fall from the sky.

Finally calmed down…

And when this thought was born, in an instant, everything that had been peaceful suddenly shattered, replaced by a violent, ferocious, and hideous, as if an ancient giant beast had been awakened.


?? The roar that shook the heavens and the earth tore open the yellow sand that shrouded all things, revealing the scene shrouded in yellow sand.

?? In the sky occupied by clouds and sandstorms, the vicious pupils with purple light in the hollow, coldly overlooking everything below them, the body covered with countless scales in the air seems to be coiled as a pillar of sandstorms.

The flesh and blood seemed to be completely integrated with the natural disaster, covering almost everything in the field of vision again, and the powerful tail continued to wave, causing the entire desert to storm it.

“Strange… Monsters! ”

“How, what to do? The Xiao Organization was actually able to summon such a terrifying psychic beast…”

An inexplicable sense of great fear and trembling instantly enveloped everyone’s hearts, in the face of this fear with great suppressive power.

The calmness and wisdom accumulated over more than a decade of studying in the Shinobi Village were not worth mentioning in the face of this deep fear derived from life’s most instinctual feelings, and they were torn to shreds in an instant.

?? As far as the eye can see, from directly above the head, yellow sand and the center of the hurricane, half of the tornado is occupied by this incredibly large beast.

The dragon is windy, and the sand walks the dragon!!!

But suddenly, the earth seemed to be completely shaken, as if some giant object directly hit the ground, smashing the earth directly …

The earth is cracking, the cracks of 100 meters are terrifyingly cracked, the sand is sinking down madly, as if the earth dragon turned over, when the earthquake is over, the weak wind is still spinning, and a huge crater appears in front of them.

The storm has been going on for nearly half an hour.

All the people of Konoha and Temari, Kankuro and Kyuki were firmly protected by him.

At that time, I didn’t have much energy to protect other people.

So he made a trade-off.

At this moment, I Ai Luo is standing on a platform made of sand, but there is a sadness in my eyes that cannot be concealed.

The true dragon and the two members of the Xiao Organization had disappeared, as had the seven-tailed human Pillar Force and the humanoid monster of the Xiao Organization that could seal the tailed beast.

As if it never appeared.

If it weren’t for the devastation that reminded him.

At this moment, the huge crater in the crack of the endless earth is like a deep hole that can devour human flesh and blood, as if it can be a passage to the endless hell, making people completely unable to see the end.

And underground, is a corpse that was bloody and blurred by the storm, looking at the corpse hanged like a meat grinder by a sandstorm, looking at the corpse that stretched out his hand and suffocated his mouth …

They are all Shinobi.

They all died here.

Of course, there are also many sand ninja who crawled out of the yellow sand in the sky.

They all stood there dumbfounded, their eyes full of fear, but from time to time they leaned forward, looking at the bottomless pit, and their bodies fell limply to the ground.

?? His teeth were shaking, his body was shaking, but the despair that came with the fear made even Temari realize that this was probably not good news…

The dragon descended from the ground to the Land of Wind.

Even, all the surviving Shinobi could feel the tyrannical dragon roar emanating from that hole.

They were terrified, afraid, they felt as if there were dragons living in it, and as soon as they approached, they would devour them all.

But they somehow wanted to see it.

I don’t know whether to pay homage or worship…

One head of yellow hair, one purple clothes,

Yamanaka Ino looked at the tragic scene in front of him, his eyes were dazed, and he muttered in his heart: “Is this the power of Hinata Yujiu now?” ”

Confused, she seemed to remember the handsome young man who said to her with a serious face: “I want to have the power to change myself and events.” ”

“Then what do you want strength for?” At that time, she was still confused, only knowing that this brother in front of her was very good to her, and she would marry her father like her mother in the future, and she only thought he was cool.

He didn’t answer her at that time, often touching the bandage on his forehead, as if there was everything in his eyes.

Think back to the original scene.

Yamanaka Ino suddenly understood Hinata Tamahisa for a moment, it turned out that she had never understood that guy, he wanted far more than she thought.

Now he was no longer the boy who needed to make promises in front of the Zong family.

Even the shadow of the village was afraid of him.

But is he still him?

While Yamanaka Ino was thinking, the rest of the crowd also reacted slowly, and their expressions were filled with a strange and surprising look of doubt.

“So, is that Hinata Tamaki’s psychic beast?”

A shocked speculation, but everyone present was stunned, their faces seemed to be frozen, it was completely unacceptable…

And I’m Iroh also turned around sharply.

He remembered…

Those indifferent eyes!

Ignoring the crowd, ignoring everything, self-contained.

It was so long ago that it seemed like yesterday, but it still made him remember it vividly.

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