Iwahide Village, Onoki.

Mist Hidden Village, Illuminated Beauty.

Yunyin Village, Lei Ying Ai.

Shayin Village, Luosha.

The leaders of the four great ninja villages arrived one by one.

The Great Sacrifice Square also gradually quieted down.

Lei Yingai was the first to stand up unceremoniously.

“Three generations of Hokage, what the hell are you doing, don’t tell us about sacrificing gods now, you don’t believe this kind of nonsense, what’s the matter, pick it out!”

And as Lei Ying stood up, Tsuchikage Onoki also stood up, but he smiled and said: “That’s not necessarily, maybe it’s the ape flying sun who is confused, maybe he dreamed of some soul~.” ”


There was a burst of laughter.

The ninjas of the four great ninja villages all laughed.

The wind shadow Luosa disguised by the big snake pill was even more hooked at the corners of his mouth, revealing a mocking-smile.

However, at this moment, the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Chopper smiled and said lightly: “Whether the gods are true or false, you will soon know, because the gods will come soon.” ”

Saying that, ignoring the uproar of the major ninja villages below, he directly made a gesture of invitation: “Then, ask the god to preside over the god arrival ceremony.” ”

The big snake pill opened his mouth, and was about to taunt a few words, but his eyes suddenly froze, and his face showed shock and incredulity.

It’s not just him.

Tsuchikage Onoki.

Lei Ying Ai.

Agent water shadow shines beautifully.

Murakami Shinobu, including countless older generations, showed disbelief.

The exclamation was irrepressible.

“That is, Konoha’s golden flash?”

“What? Konoha IV Daijime? ”

“How is it possible, Konoha Shidaimu is already dead!”

“That’s it, who doesn’t know about the Nine-Tails Rebellion!”

The exclamation made the faces of the ninjas of the major ninja villages change greatly, and the Konoha ninjas who had not received any news in advance also showed shock and disbelief.

Kakashi’s eyes widened.


“It’s really Shidaimu!”

“But isn’t the fourth generation sacrificed?”

“What the hell is going on?”

Konoha’s villagers exclaimed.

And the upper ninjas, in addition to the shock and the appearance of the wave feng shui gate, many people’s eyes also fell on another person.

“Is that, Blood Red Chili Pepper?”

“It’s her, I definitely can’t be mistaken.”

“What’s the matter, the fourth generation has appeared, and the blood red pepper Jiu Xinnai has also appeared, this, this.”

After the big snake pill came back to his senses, his eyes suddenly burst out with endless brilliance, and he couldn’t help but ask in a loud voice: “Sarutobi Sun Slash, what the hell is going on, is that really your fourth generation of Konoha’s Hokage Wave Feng Shui Gate and his wife Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai?” ”

Maru’s voice had a tremor in it, his greatest was eternal life, and if the dead could really regain eternal life, wouldn’t it be realized?

Thinking of this, the big snake pill only felt that the blood of his peeping body, the biggest secret body in this world, began to boil.

However, the next moment something he couldn’t believe happened.

“Orochimaru-senpai, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I really didn’t expect it to be such a scene when we met again, you have already betrayed Konoha, haven’t you? Also prepared the so-called Konoha collapse plan, do you want Konoha destruction so much? ”

If the wave feng shui is good, it makes the big snake pill a burst of disbelief, and the throat rolls.

“You, you.”

Looking at the shocked expression of the big snake pill, Bofeng Shuimen smiled and said lightly: “You want to ask me why I am clear, right, it is because the gods know everything.” ”

After speaking, his gaze swept over everyone: “I know you have a lot of doubts, but it doesn’t matter, My God is coming, and after seeing the divine power of My God, you will naturally know how ridiculous your thoughts are.” ”

“Tsunade, let’s get started.”

Bofeng Shuimen turned his head to look at Tsunade, who had a serious face.

Tsunade nodded, ignored anyone, and walked directly to the altar, kneeling on the altar, and his voice spread throughout the audience: “Believers of my God, let us pray together to welcome the coming of My God.” ”


Kakashi, Matkai, Sunset Red, Sarutobi Asma, Yamato, Hinata Hiashi, Mitarashi Azuki Bean, and the previous generation Inuga Butterfly and all the other Kami-Shinobi of Konoha knelt down to the altar first.

Then, there are Konoha’s middle ninjas, the lower ninjas.

Finally, there were nearly 100,000 ninja civilians.

Led by Tsunade, prayers began to sound.

“The ruler of all spirits in heaven and earth, the master of all spiritual life, the god of all spirits who is elevated above the heavenly dome.”

“You were born in the depths of the Sea of Chaos, you were born when heaven and earth first opened, you walked on the earth, you sowed spiritual brilliance, you are the gift of all beings and all things, you are”

100,000 people prayed together.

Before you know it, the prayer has magic.






The sound of prayer seems to come from the distant past, from the unreachable future, and from every corner between heaven and earth.

Such a vision caused the faces of the high-level leaders of the four major ninja villages and the small ninja villages to change.

But that’s just the beginning.

When 100,000 believers chanted to the recitation of all souls, when the sound of countless men, women and children chanting sounded in the void, even the thick nerves like Lei Yingai were staring.


Thinking of some possibility, Lei Yingai couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit.

On the side, Onoki, Terumi, and Orochimaru also had solemn faces.


World of the Gods.

Feeling the power of faith frantically surging from the Hokage World, the corners of Lin Heng’s mouth slowly hooked.

Ha Feng Shui and Tsunade did a good job after receiving the lesson.

Sarutobi Hinata that old guy is also very good, and Konoha spares no effort when promoting the faith.


Thinking of this, Lin Heng slowly got up.

The divine power surged up all over his body, followed the channel of faith, and crashed into the world wall of the Hokage World.


The entire Hokage world resounded with a shaking sound that shook the heavens and the earth, and even the entire world emitted an overwhelmed creaking sound.

A trace of crack appeared above the heavenly dome.

This moment.

All the creatures in the entire Hokage world looked up at the sky, and from the soul instinct, they felt fear.

“Look, sky, sky!”

The people of the sacrificial square in Konoha Village exclaimed.

Suddenly, countless people looked up at the sky, and more exclamations followed.

Lei Ying Ai, Tsuchikage Onoki, Agent Mizukage Terumi, Orochimaru, and the Uchiha Weasel and Dried Persimmon Ghost Fish hidden in the shadows, their faces changed drastically.

“My God is coming.”

Tsunade at the top of the altar muttered to herself, even though she already understood all about the power of the gods, but she couldn’t help but tremble in her heart when she saw this one who tore the entire sky.

“Is this a god?”

Sarutobi Michi muttered to himself, and on the side, Koharu, Mito Menyan, and Shimura Danzo were all shocked.

The power of the gods was beyond their imagination.

Click, click, click.

At this moment, as if the glass was broken, more cracks appeared in the sky, and then under everyone’s horrified gaze, a large hole appeared in the sky, and an incomparably majestic figure slowly descended from the big hole.

The boundless divine light on his body illuminated the entire Hokage World.


Advent to mortal! _

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