Konoha Village is crazy!

Three generations of Hokage Ape flying sun slash crazy!

All the high-level and upper ninja in Konoha are also crazy!

The news began to spread throughout the ninja world as if it had grown wings.

Konoha Village, one of the five great ninja villages, suddenly went crazy en masse.

Suddenly, he began to frantically publicize the god of all souls in the village, claiming that the god of all souls and even the existence of Gao is the only true god in the world, and ordered the entire Konoha village to believe in the god of all souls, and even the owner of Ichiraku ramen who sold ramen was forced to stuff a small advertisement, and if he did not read it according to the above, he would be expelled from Konoha village.

The entire ninja world boiled at once.

Both large and small Shinobi villages treated Konoha as a joke.

In the village of Iwahi.

The three generations of Tokage Onoki even laughed and their mouths were almost crooked.

“Hahaha, it’s so funny, it’s really funny, did the old guy finally have Alzheimer’s disease? What gods do you believe, isn’t he a ninja who experienced World War I and World War II? If there really is a god in this world, it must be their generation of Hokage Senjukuma seniors in Konoha, who do not believe in the ninja god of their own village but believe in an inexplicable god, I think he is really confused. ”

Onoki laughed when he heard the news.

“Then are we still going to their so-called holy sacrifice?”

Murakami Shinobu, the ninja who reported the news, asked respectfully.

“Go, of course I want to go, I’d rather see how they Konoha make a fool in front of the entire ninja interface, this is a once-in-a-century thing!”

Onoki said without hesitation.

In the village of Mist Hide.

Terumi looked at the information handed over by his subordinates, and his brows couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly.

She didn’t understand at all what Konoha was up to.

Saying that the third generation of Hokage is crazy, she doesn’t quite believe it.

But Konoha Village’s operation was really showy to the extreme, to the extent that she couldn’t understand it.

“Genshi, what exactly do you say Konoha wants to do? Does this so-called deity really exist? Are there gods in the ninja world? Have you heard of the name of this God of All Souls.? ”

Terumi couldn’t help but look at the oldest existence in the village and the current supreme power holder in the Mist Hidden Village.

Yuan Shi looked at the information in his hand with great effort, and slowly shook his head: “I have never heard of any god of all souls, and there has never been a record of this god in our village, in the old man’s opinion, the old guy who was killed by the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun may really be old and confused, how can there be a real god in this world?” ”

Squinting his eyes, Yuan Shi’s eyes flashed over the Mist Hidden Village for a moment. Konoha may be discredited this time, and if you take the chance, you may be able to save the decline brought by the previous generation of Water Shadow in the fog for many years. ”

Mei Hao raised her eyebrows: “Do you mean to participate in that so-called holy sacrifice?” “.

Genshi nodded: “Go and see, bring Qing and Changjuro, if the old man is not mistaken, the other major ninja villages will not miss this opportunity to hit Konoha’s reputation, if possible, join forces with everyone, after all, Konoha has become stronger and stronger over the years, which is not a good thing.” ”

Terumi nodded.

Yunyin Village.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai also got the news.

The grumpy Lei Ying suddenly laughed disdainfully.

“Konoha is really living more and more back, it’s ridiculous that good ninjas should not believe in any gods, since they are not afraid of being ugly, the old man does not mind taking a look, hmph, go and prepare, holy sacrifice?” I’d rather see what kind of gods they can make!” ”

Sand Hidden Village.

There are no high-rise buildings in the village.

All the high-ranking people had already arrived on the outskirts of Konoha.

Including the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasha, they are all ready to participate in the Konoha collapse plan of the Great Snake Pill.

But at this time, they were a little broken.

“Damn, what the hell is Konoha up to? Suddenly announced the suspension of the Chūnin exam, and instead went to perform some holy sacrifice, did their brains get into water? What about our plans? ”

Kaminobi Maki, who was in charge of the start of the plan, cursed angrily, in his opinion, the top management of Konoha was simply unwieldy, and he was promoting the god of all souls everywhere, even the vendor who sold ramen, isn’t it crazy?

“Kazekage-sama, what are we going to do next?”

Everyone looked at the fourth generation of Wind Shadow Luosha.

Luo Sha’s face hidden under the cloak evoked a smile: “What we need is just a chance, the Zhongnin exam is an opportunity, the Holy Festival is an opportunity, or even a better opportunity, wait for it, several other major ninja villages will come to participate, and when we launch the plan, they will also be unable to help but participate, maybe this time we can really destroy Konoha!” ”

Hearing Luo Sha’s words, a group of sand faintly endured and suddenly showed surprise.

Since World War II, their village has been oppressed by Konoha, and although it is said to be an alliance on the surface, in fact, everyone knows how this makes them endure this breath.

What’s more, when Konoha entered the hinterland of the country of wind, I don’t know how many sand ninjas died in battle, and the hatred between the two sides is definitely not easy to forget.

“Then I’ll go and continue to prepare, Lord Rasha.”

Markey left excitedly.

After Maji left, Luo Sha took down the bucket hat, his eyes turned into strange vertical pupils, and he squinted: “Three generations, are you really old and confused?” Or are you engaged in some kind of conspiracy? All Souls God, hmph, I really don’t know how you came up with it, but it doesn’t matter, this time, I must let you know that you are wrong, I will destroy Konoha in front of the full ninja interface!!! ”

There is no Luo Sha at all, and the fourth generation has already been killed by his big snake pill.

The same.

The other small ninja villages also got the news and also rushed to Konoha, because everyone knew that this time the Konoha Holy Festival would definitely happen something unprecedented.

It is not that some god has descended, but that the other four ninja villages are very likely to attack Konoha (Wang Qian’s) at the holy sacrifice.

They cannot afford to miss such a big event.

“Mr. Itachi, it seems that something terrible has happened in your original village, the God of All Souls, did Mr. Itachi, know the news of this god before he left? The chief seemed very interested. ”

Not very far from Konoha, two ninjas dressed in red cloud robes on a black background stood in the jungle, and after receiving the news from the ring, one of them laughed lowly.

Uchiha shook his head, and a hint of confusion flashed in his eyes, the three generations were definitely not confused people, but they didn’t know why they did such a ridiculous thing.

“Then let’s go and see, this is the chief’s order, and I also want to see if the so-called gods will come, hehe, it’s really interesting.”

The dried persimmon ghost mackerel grinned, revealing a mouthful of hideous fangs.

Uchiha nodded, and then headed in the direction of Konoha Village with the dried persimmon oniko. _

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