"Boom boom……"

The huge sandstorm surrounding the capital city of Arubana continued to swallow the central area where the palace was located with a deafening rumble.

Wherever the sandstorm went, most buildings were unable to resist.

All were torn into pieces and dragged into the air, turning into smaller and smaller debris during the collision.

Even rocks would be torn into pieces by the wind and mist carrying sand, and turned into fragments and dragged into the air.

Even the strongest walls in the royal city were eroded by the sandstorm and many of them had begun to crack.

"The sandstorm has not disappeared!"

The rebels gathered in front of the palace burst into panicked arguments.

"Why! Why did the sandstorm not disappear even though Crocodile had been defeated?"

"No! If this continues, sooner or later we will be swamped by a sandstorm! The entire city will be swallowed up by a sandstorm!"

"The princess clearly said it! As long as Crocodile is defeated by the Straw Hat Boy, the sandstorm will disappear! Why hasn't it disappeared yet?"

People looked at the thousands of meters high yellow sand pressing down desperately, slowly swallowing and eroding them, but there was no way to escape.

There were weapons piled under their feet that could take other people's lives, but they could not pose any threat to the sandstorm.

People are so insignificant to nature.

"Hiding in a building means death!"

"Ahem, many people took shelter in the building! As a result, the roof of the entire building was blown off by the sweeping sandstorm tornado. No one survived!"

From the mouths of those who escaped death with yellow sand on their faces.

People have already known that even if they took shelter in the building, it would be difficult to escape.

This level of sandstorm, even the old people who have lived here for decades have never seen it.

"God of the desert! Your children, please don't hurt us!"

"God of the desert! We were wrong, please let us go!"

"sand god……"

Some respected elders knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly towards the area of the sandstorm.

They prayed to the God of the Desert to protect them and bring back the devastating sandstorm.

People looked at the terrifying sandstorm that was still approaching the palace at an unstoppable speed.

Someone sat on the ground in despair, muttering:

"useless! Nothing is used! We are doomed!"

Suddenly, a voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar to the rebels sounded from the loudspeakers around the square.

"I beg you to calm down!!!"

The king's soldiers respectfully separated and made way for a passage.

King Cobra walked out with Weiwei's help and faced the crowd in the square.

"It's King Kobra!"

The thousands of people at the front of the crowd burst into an uproar, and the sound quickly spread to the area behind them:

"His Majesty the King is here!"

"King Cobra is coming!"


"His Majesty……"

The rebels looked at Cobra with shame and guilt.

They saw that there was a lot of blood on the king's face and clothes, and his hands were hanging unnaturally to the ground, and it seemed that he had been tortured.

King Cobra turned his head and stared at the people around him, and said in a steady voice:

"Are you the kind of people who like to give up life at will? Cheer up, everyone! Our fight is not over yet!"

Cobra's words shocked everyone in the square.

Even Weiwei, who was next to Cobra, looked at her father in surprise.

"Father, you……"

Cobra showed a loving smile to Weiwei, stroked Weiwei's light blue but dusty hair, and praised:

"Weiwei has grown up. I'm so proud of everything you do."

Weiwei looked at Kobra with tears on her face:


Cobra picked up the walkie-talkie from Vivi's hand and slowly walked to the high platform aside.

Under the complicated gaze of hundreds of thousands of people, Kobra came to this high platform that had been spared.

"It’s not time to despair yet! He stared at the crowd of people in the square, and spoke firmly into the walkie-talkie in his hand:

"People of the Kingdom of Alabasta! Pick up the weapons at your feet and let us declare war on this sandstorm...!"


People stared blankly at the king on the stage, and for a moment they did not understand the meaning of the king's words.


The whole square is extremely quiet


Suddenly a voice came out, breaking the calm.

The rebels heard the sound and went away, only to find that the king's troops were silently picking up the weapons on the ground.



Although the king's troops did not understand what Kobra said, they This did not prevent them from fulfilling Kobra's orders.

The weapons they had discarded before were once again held in the hands of the king's soldiers.


Some of the rebels also lowered their heads and picked up their weapons.

They did this not because they were following Cobra's orders, but because they were worried that the King's Army would take advantage of the opportunity to rush over, so they took up their weapons to defend themselves.

"Our enemies are never our own compatriots!

But those pirates, conspirators, hostile forces, etc. who are trying to harm us, all enemies who are trying to harm the people of our country!"

Cobra paused, took a deep breath and shouted loudly:

"Even including extremely bad weather like sandstorms!"

The rebels were in an uproar.

Our enemies have never been our compatriots...

They clearly heard the king's words of forgiveness and understanding.

Many people showed regret, self-blame, and remorse on their faces.

Under the fluctuations of various emotions, it seemed that even the destructive natural disaster sandstorm that was about to arrive became less important.

Cobra roared loudly:

"O people of Alabasta!

Please raise the weapons in your hands, they should not be weapons wielded against your compatriots!

It is a powerful weapon to protect this country from foreign invasion!

We, the Alabasta nation, will never wait for death in fear and cowardice!"


After the words fell, Peru had turned into a huge falcon and landed in front of the stage.

Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of people and the king's army,

Cobra turned over and jumped down, landing on Peru.

King Cobra pulled out Peru carried the knife on his back, swung it forward vigorously, and roared:

"Please charge with me! Let’s smash this sandstorm that’s trying to take away our lives!"

As he spoke, Peru had already passed over the crowds of rebels and the King's Army at low altitude. He screamed and rushed towards the sandstorm not far away. The

King's Army in the crowd bore the brunt and also rushed towards the sandstorm. The voice roared:

"The King's Army is willing to follow His Majesty the King to break through the sandstorm until death!"


The ground trembled, and hundreds of thousands of people turned back.

"Go! Go!"

"Crush the sandstorm! For our country! For His Majesty the King!"

People's hands have already grasped the weapons picked up from the ground.

The previous estrangement and hatred have disappeared.

They are no longer enemies, but compatriots with the same goal and the same pursuit.

They are all just following King Kou. member of the nation in bula

"For the Kingdom of Alabasta!"

"For His Majesty the King!"

"Go! So what if it’s a sandstorm! Crush it!"


The rumbling vibrations of the earth formed two vibrations with the vibrations of the distant sandstorm.

Hundreds of thousands of people turned around and headed towards the sandstorm, led by King Kobra in a very absurd and thrilling way.

They tried to compete with the power of nature with human flesh.

Peru was extremely fast and did not slow down at all. Within a few minutes, he was the first to encounter the overwhelming sandstorm.


Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of people, Peru rushed into the sandstorm carrying King Cobra without any pause.


Soon, King Cobra disappeared completely in the sandstorm.

But this did not scare the elite king's army that followed.

""Go! We will follow His Majesty the King until death!"

They rushed into the sandstorm and followed their king.

"Go! To make up for our mistakes!"

"Always follow His Majesty the King!"

The former rebels followed closely behind.

Hundreds of thousands of people just rushed into the sandstorm like adding firewood.

"Are they crazy!"

In the distance, Navy Captain Dasqi, who was closely guarding Crocodile in the square, looked at this scene in astonishment.

The navymen beside them were also very shocked.

Are people in this country crazy?

They Don't you know that the sandstorm is not something that human power can contend with?

But the next second, the sandstorm suddenly stopped, as if the people rushing into it were really hurt by the sandstorm. subsequently���The navy officers just fled under their jaw-dropping gazes.


This earth-shattering sandstorm actually began to retreat.

It was like a stray dog, fleeing and disintegrating.

The yellow sand in the sky quickly dissipated, but the dark clouds did not.

A drop of rain fell on the ground.

It fell on the faces of the rebels who had already made up their minds to die.

"It's raining?"

The rebels, who had not felt the taste of rain for a long time, looked up at the sky in confusion.

The tears in their eyes actually woke up earlier than their thoughts and poured out desperately.

"It's raining! It actually rained!"

"The rain is finally back!"

The sandstorm was getting farther and farther, revealing the messy scene after being swallowed up.

In the sky, a lonely figure slowly fell under the gaze of people.

Kobra, covered in dust, stood on Peru's body and looked at him tiredly. The people below showed a smile:

"The sandstorm was defeated by us! The war is over!" it's over……


The people of Alabasta looked at each other in joy.

After a brief silence, there was an earth-shaking cheer:

"Long live the Kingdom of Alabasta!"

""Long live King Cobra!"

In the pouring rain, people cheered wildly to celebrate the end of the war.


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