Originally, Qin Chuan was going to go to the breeding house run by his mother Ye Qingya with the help of his father Qin Hetu to select a fairy or fairy egg with decent qualifications.

Oh, I forgot to say that the family Qin Chuan traveled to was also a wealthy family. His father Qin Hetu was a fairy doctor who studied fairy.

And his mother Ye Qingya was a well-known fairy breeder. However, when Zhao Feiyan, who was visiting at the time, learned about this, he immediately said: Just leave it to him!

Because he will lead a team to explore an ancient ruins soon, and it is likely to find some rare fairy.

At that time, he will take the opportunity to select and capture one as Qin Chuan's main force.

Qin Chuan was naturally overjoyed at the time.

You know, although his mother Ye Qingya's breeding house is also a well-known first-class breeding house in Baihua City.

But after all, it is not like the Fairy House, a place specially designated by the Alliance to sell fairy eggs and young fairies.

Besides, there are not many types of fairies in the breeding house.

And most of them are Pokémon like Jug, Honey, and Milcan, who are not good at fighting but can produce by-products.

Or some Pokémon that are older, have insufficient potential, or have exhausted their potential.

They are not worth cultivating.

The only one that is excellent in both racial value and growth is Bulbasaur, one of the three starter Grass Pokémons.

But there is no way, Qin Chuan is a complete beauty control.

Bulbasaur is indeed cute, but the subsequent evolutionary forms of Bulbasaur and Venusaur are really hard to describe.......

If there was no choice, Qin Chuan would eventually choose this Bulbasaur as his initial partner.

But after hearing what Zhao Feiyan said about the rare Pokémon in the ancient ruins, Qin Chuan couldn't help but yearn for it. He directly threw the onion turtle behind his mind.

"What kind of Pokémon will it be?"

"Dragon-type Baby Dragon? Or ground-type or rock-type Yukira? Actually, steel-type or psychic-type Iron Dumbbells are also good......."

Although he was told that it was almost impossible to obtain these quasi-god-level Pokémon, and the resources required for cultivation were not affordable for ordinary families,

Qin Chuan still couldn't help but fall into fantasy.......


Just like that.

One day, two days, three days......

Ten days......One month......Three months......

Qin Chuan was eagerly waiting. Seeing that the date of the assessment was getting closer, there was still no news from Zhao Feiyan and the rare Pokémon he promised.

Although the time given by the academy was very ample.

Six months and a half years to obtain Pokémon partners and train them.

But he originally wanted to become the predecessor of the Pokémon Doctor. Not only did he refuse the opportunity of the academy to issue Pokémon. He also spent more than two months studying the scientific research topic [On the individual impact of Pokémon habits].

Add to that the three months that were wasted.

In other words, Qin Chuan only had less than a month left to complete the selection, even hatching, and even training of the Pokémon's combat effectiveness.

Although he was very confident in himself, Qin Chuan also knew that he could not wait blindly like this.

Otherwise, I am afraid that by then I will not even have the last bit of time to prepare!

Just when he decided to give up such a meaningless wait and took the Bulbasaur with good qualifications as the initial Pokémon to start training, the system awakened.......


Qin Hetu put down the"Elf Daily" in his hand, raised his hand and gently lifted the frame, and said seriously:"Xiaochuan, are you still going to decide to let Pikachu become your initial Pokémon and participate in the trial assessment after January?"

Qin Hetu frowned.

To be honest, Qin Hetu is a very open-minded father.

Otherwise, he would not have suddenly given up the smooth path of being a Pokémon doctor that he had always insisted on for his son.

He chose to become a very dangerous Pokémon trainer instead, without any objection or obstacle.

He even gave enough help and support.

But now that Qin Chuan has so"stubbornly" chosen his childhood playmate Pikachu as the initial Pokémon,

Qin Hetu has a lot of opinions in his heart.


Qin Chuan prepared tomato-flavored Pokémon food for Pikachu. He was stunned at first, and then he answered with certainty:"Yes, I have decided to let Pikachu be my first Pokémon partner!"

"That's my original Pokémon, right, Pikachu?"

Qin Chuan reached out and rubbed Pikachu's furry little head.


Pikachu responded with two cute sounds, and then quickly lowered his head to eat heartily.

It was obvious that today's training had also consumed a lot of energy for it.

Now it urgently needed to replenish its energy!

"Xiaochuan, you should understand that becoming a Pokémon trainer is no joke!"Qin Hetu's earnest voice came again.

"I hope you can think it over carefully enough!"

Although Qin Hetu did not say it explicitly, his meaning was very clear:

Pikachu is not suitable to be Qin Chuan's first Pokémon!


Qin Chuan touched his nose awkwardly. He just remembered that he had been busy training Pikachu in the past two days after the system awakened.

For a moment, he forgot to tell his parents that Pikachu is no longer the same as before!

However, what reason should be used to explain the change in Pikachu's qualifications?

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