The blade Qin Chuan kicked out almost passed by her left cheek.

Its power was so great that one could tell what would happen to the energy shield behind her that was said to be able to defend against the full force of an elite Pokémon. If she was not careful,......You can imagine what her fate would be. She would definitely die!


Anna looked shocked and angry, her voice was a little hoarse.

But she quickly calmed down and said,"The energy shield of the isolation room has been broken. I guess the train police will find this place soon. Aren't you afraid?......"

Anna's eyes swept across the middle of the isolation room, and the body of Aokihara in the hollow of the floor, the meaning of which was self-evident.

But Qin Chuan just tilted his head, put his finger in front of Anna, and asked slowly:"So? What is your choice?"


Anna's expression changed constantly, her lips moved for a while, and finally she sighed and didn't speak again.

She knew that the mysterious boy in front of her seemed to have handed the choice question to her, but in fact, she had no choice at all.

Although the broken energy shield of the isolation room would pose a threat to Qin Chuan, at this time of"being at the mercy of others", wouldn't it also bring herself into danger?

Anna looked up at Qin Chuan's handsome face, a trace of bitterness flashed across the corner of her eyes, she slowly closed her eyes, opened her cherry lips, and let Qin Chuan put his bleeding finger in.

A mysterious power emerged from Qin Chuan's soul, and followed the blood that flowed into Anna's mouth into her body.

Blood Soul Contract!

As Qin Chuan used this power, Anna, who had closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes wide.

Because she suddenly felt an indescribable great power connecting to the depths of her soul, and severe pain emerged at the same time, as if she was being bitten by countless sharp-toothed fish around her body and soul.

The pain came and went quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it receded like a tide and disappeared.

When Anna finally relaxed and opened her eyes, the power of one of the eight geniuses bestowed by Qin Chuan was directly imprinted on her soul and was mastered and understood by her.


There was a strange sound. It might be the severe pain just now that made Anna subconsciously suck on Qin Chuan's fingers. When he pulled it out, it took quite a bit of effort.

Qin Chuan looked at the water stains on his fingers speechlessly. The immortal physique of the gods had healed his wounds long ago.

After subconsciously waving his hands and shaking them, Qin Chuan seemed to remember something. The slight spiritual energy fluctuations on his hands swept over and instantly cleaned his palms. At this time, Qin Chuan raised his head and asked:

"How does it feel? The power I bestowed on you?"

To be honest, Qin Chuan was a little curious.

Maybe it was because he had adapted to the rules of this elf world. Although the follower Bajijie created with the Soul Blood Contract still could not escape his absolute control.


The power of Bajijie is completely guided by Qin Chuan's essence, that is, the power of the Star Spirit (the snake is the will of the planet), to guide nature to give it.

In theory, he couldn't be sure which one it would be.

Moreover, different world environments will also have a great impact on this power.

The original power of the snake Bajijie is very simple, which is the eight elements of wind, earth, thunder, fire, beast, fang, death, and darkness formed by the birth of the [King of Fighters] world..

But the elf world is different.

Because there are more magical and diverse power elements in this world.

They are general, fire, water, grass, electricity, ice, insects, flying, ground, rock, fighting, superpowers, ghosts, poison, evil, steel, dragons, and fairies, a total of 18 kinds of attribute powers!

Qin Chuan could vaguely feel that through his blood soul contract, Anna awakened one of the attribute powers.

But which one it is, still needs to be learned from Anna.

But facing Qin Chuan's questioning eyes, Anna suddenly hooked her finger at him provocatively and said:"If you want to know, why don't you just try it?"

This is......Inflated?

Want to take the opportunity to take revenge?

Qin Chuan pinched his chin and saw what Anna was thinking at a glance. He did not refuse, but slowly uttered a word:"Okay."

Seeing Qin Chuan agreed, Anna was obviously very happy.

First, she used the Elf Watch to notify and send away the flight attendants and his men on the airship, and then jumped around for a long time without paying attention to anyone. to say......She has a good figure and is very flexible.

After a long while, Anna finally finished warming up, feeling the attribute power filling her body, and took a fighting stance.

"bring it on!"

"Are you sure you are ready?"


"......Okay, then attack."

"You said it, take it!"

Anna's eyes were full of confidence. As soon as she finished speaking, a white energy like fighting spirit burst out from the outside of her body.


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