Retracting his gaze, Qin Chuan asked in an affirmative tone:"The Monarch Snake and the Vine Snake are a mother and daughter, right?"

"" Yes." Yan Xiaoxiao nodded when she heard it, picked up the vine snake, and gently stroked the little guy's head, saying:"The monarch snake is my father's partner and the mother of this little guy."

As she said, she smiled softly and said:"This little guy was born last night. Maybe it was because he saw me when he was born, so the vine snake is very attached to me."

""Teng Teng~"

The Teng Teng snake also called softly, as if responding to its owner Yan Xiaoxiao.

After that, it jumped into Yan Xiaoxiao's arms, squinting its eyes and rubbing back and forth on Yan Xiaoxiao's face as if it was acting like a spoiled child.

"Vine, vine~"

""Hehe~ Stop making trouble, little guy, haha!"

Qin Chuan shrugged. Needless to say, this vine snake should have become Yan Xiaoxiao's Pokémon partner last night.

Maybe it's Yan Xiaoxiao's first partner?

And it can be seen that this vine snake is softer and less arrogant than other vine snakes when facing Yan Xiaoxiao.

In this way, it is perfect as the first Pokémon of a novice trainer.

Of course, what makes Qin Chuan most satisfied is that this little guy is a female vine snake!


This is really important!

Otherwise, Qin Chuan might have to find a way to get Yan Xiaoxiao to change one, or.........Find an opportunity to give it a try.


After everyone enjoyed the feast prepared by Qin Chuan's mother, Yan Xiaoxiao volunteered to clear the dishes on the table.

Because it was a luxurious box, the facilities inside were very complete. Not only did it have a separate bathroom, it even had a small kitchen counter. It was worth the luxury price of 100,000 yuan for the round trip.

"Umm......Pika~Pikachu~( ̄▽ ̄)"

At this time, Pikachu was leaning on Qin Chuan's legs with a comfortable look on his face, squinting his eyes and taking a rest. From the constant smacking of his lips, it can be seen that this was obviously another good dream that suited his taste.

Except for Pikachu, the remaining Pokémon of the two were put back into the Poké Ball.

Lucario, with a cold personality, was the first to take the initiative to ask Qin Chuan to return to the Poké Ball.

And Eledo, who had been staring at Lucario silently and had not even moved his eyes away while eating, also returned to the Poké Ball without saying a word.

To be honest, if he didn't know that the two Pokémon were both males, and had vaguely guessed Eledo's thoughts,......I'm afraid Qin Chuan would think that Aledo fell in love with Lucario at first sight.......

As for the Snake, she was just a baby who had just been born.

Although the infancy of Pokémon is very short, it will take at least three to seven days for a newborn Snake to survive this infancy. The newborn was very sleepy. After Yan Xiaoxiao fed the Snake with the fresh milk from the big milk can prepared by Qin Chuan, Yan Xiaoxiao took it back to the Poké Ball to rest.

By the way, the mother of the little guy also returned to the Poké Ball in Yan Xiaoxiao's waist bag after eating.

It should be mentioned here that the reason why Qin Chuan prepared the fresh milk from the big milk can was not because he knew in advance that Yan Xiaoxiao would bring a newborn Snake baby.

It was for his own newborn Larulas, which was placed in the space backpack.

Not only that, Qin Chuan also prepared a shower gel specially for newborn elves for Larulas, as well as a soft towel made of fine wool from the Mare sheep.......And a series of baby items.

He looked like a silly old father who was waiting for his baby daughter to be born.

At this time, while Yan Xiaoxiao was cleaning the dishes,

Qin Chuan closed his eyes and dozed off. He opened the system with a thought and entered the interface to operate.

His sight turned to the system warehouse: there are only two items that have not been used yet, except for the two full recovery medicines.

There are only the self-selected mega evolution stones from the novice gift pack, and the two character additional cards of Tsunade (Bronze Level) and Chun-Li (Black Iron Level).

Needless to say, the self-selected mega evolution stones belong to his future super queen Gardevoir, and the current super loli......Oh no, it should only be said that it is from the super-powerful young girl Ralts.

As Qin Chuan's mind turned, the appearance of the pair of mega evolution stones was finally determined.

From a chaotic and unclear appearance, it turned into two corresponding round stones.

A marble-sized, transparent round stone with turquoise and pink swirling around in the middle, this is the mega evolution stone of Gardevoir.

Then there is another one of the same size, but the inside of the stone is full of colorful light, and there is a twisted black pattern in the center, which is a key stone.

In addition, it is a matter of character attachment cards.

Qin Chuan was a little dissatisfied with the level of Tsunade's character attachment card that was originally reserved for Ralts.

You know, his own elves, whether it is Pikachu or Lucario, are attached to the lowest silver-level fierce characters that can be compared to the king-level combat power.

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