Another evening.

The sunset reflects the sky and the sea.

The picture is gorgeous and beautiful.

“Is this already going to go?”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

“Hmm, don’t you want to go and wait for you to continue to be bullied?”

Gion hummed proudly.

Forget it.

She tiptoed the deck.

Step on the moon and take off.

The three or two leaps were to return to their small reconnaissance warships.

Gion turned his head.

Stroked the sideburns of the hair.

“It’s great to see you again!”

Gion smiled.

“Oh shit, my goddamn charm that has nowhere to go!”

Qi Yu shook his head helplessly and whispered.

Hearing this, the body of Locke Star, who was lying dead on the deck next to him, twitched.

“Get up.”

Qi Yu gave the newcomer a kick.

“How long are you going to lie down?”

“Hey hey”

Locke Star smiled.

He had also just woken up a few minutes earlier.

Just didn’t want to disturb Qi Yu and Gion, so he continued to pretend to sleep.

“Even the general alternates of the Navy Headquarters are all pleased!”

“Qi Vice Zhen is a model for my generation!”

Locke Star had a look of admiration on his face.


Qi Yu did not comment.

“The kitchen has left you some food, and when you’re full, grab some ingredients!”

“I’ll go to rest and catch up on sleep!”

Qi Yu waved his hand and went straight back to the room.

Lift the quilt.

A brilliant purple light suddenly came into view.


Qi Yu snorted softly.


This is a ‘property’ that only Qi Yu can see and pick up.

Pick up!


[Congratulations on obtaining Grade A Swordplay].

[Kendo Realm: Intermediate Great Sword Hao→ Superior Great Sword Hao].

“I didn’t expect Gion to be a treasure girl too!”

“Not only those few fabrics, but also such a big gift!”

Qi Yu sighed secretly.

During the decade of the Redhead Pirates.

Qi Yu picks up various attributes related to kendo.

In the sword path, he also grew from a small white who did not know anything to a great sword master who could rank among the top ten in the sea.

In the red-haired pirate regiment of the incompetent, there are not a few swordsmen with swords.

Captain Shanks is one of the world’s greatest swordsmen.

There are also two great swordsmen among the senior cadres.

In such an environment.

If Qi Yu couldn’t become a Great Sword Hao, then this luck was also too low.

But it turns out.

Although Qi Yu’s lucky attribute does not have EX, at least the A grade is also available.

Divide the power of the great swordsman of the pirate world according to the system.

Before today.

Qi Yu’s kendo was at the level of the Intermediate Great Sword Hao.

It was only one foot away from the superior Great Sword Hao.

Right now.

The purple-grade quality sword technique that exploded from the body of the Grand Sword Master of the Gion just became the kick of this door.

Sent Qi Yu to the threshold of the superior Great Sword Hao.

From this moment on.

Qi Yu’s sword path, seeing all over the sea, was probably enough to enter the top five ranks.

Qi Yu, who was in a good mood, was ready to take a good night’s sleep.

This is the time.

The lower cabin kitchen suddenly heard the howl of a ghost crying wolf.

It was the moving shout of Locke Star, who had tasted Qi Yu’s all-out explosive food.

The next day.

When Qi Yu woke up.

The newcomer Locke Star has prepared a refrigerator full of ingredients.

The intent is simple and straightforward.

It’s just that Qi Yu’s cuisine is certainly not something that anyone can eat casually.

This little calculation of Locke Star is doomed to fail.

It was another five days.

Qi Yu returned to the territorial sea of the red-haired pirates.

Follow the guidance of the Life Card.

Straight towards the island where the redhead and his party are located.

It will arrive and meet in the evening before the sun goes down.


Gion, which was separated from Qi Yu, also returned to the naval headquarters of Marin Fodo at this time.

About the purpose of Qi Yu’s meeting with Whitebeard.

Gion naturally cannot fail to report.

Naval Headquarters, Office of the Field Marshal.


Listen to Gion’s report.

It is learned that the Red-Haired Pirates are not going to ally with the Whitebeard gang.

Admiral Sengoku is also not easily breathed by the long breath.

The big stone that had been hanging in my heart for many days was finally put down.

“Gion, this time hard!”

Sengoku nodded affirmatively.

“Mr. Sengoku, this is all I should do.”

Gion opened his mouth, and his white face was full of vitality and heartfelt joy.

Lieutenant General Crane, the High Staff Officer, who was also working in the Marshal’s office: “…”

Careful thinking about his sister.

She could guess a rough idea with one look.

Looking at Gion’s current ‘fascinated’ appearance, 80% of them are ‘falling’ again.

Four years of hard work have been in vain.

After all, his sister was abducted by pirates.

Come to think of it.

Rao is a lieutenant general of the Great Staff Crane, who is inevitably angry and helpless.

Finally able to feel Karp’s mood.

Kapu is the grandson of the red hair band, becomes a pirate, and the eight cows can’t be pulled back.

And at this moment, her sister was abducted by Qi Yu, and she was in the navy, and her heart was already taken away.

Even Lieutenant General Crane of the ‘Zhi Duo Xing’.

In terms of the feelings between men and women, there is really nothing to be done.

After all, he couldn’t force his sister to forget Qi Yu, or even find someone he didn’t like to marry!

“That’s it, Gion is already a big girl now, so let her go!”

Lieutenant General Crane shook his head helplessly.

The report is complete.

Gion, who had been granted leave of absence, withdrew.

The marshal of the Warring States, who had been pondering for a long time, finally spoke.

“Little Crane, there is a report from Gion, so there is enough explanation for the big moves of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment in recent days!”


Lieutenant General Crane nodded.

“I’m afraid Whitebeard has listened to Qi … The man’s opinion, that’s why he sent someone to support the fire fist. ”

Sengoku folded his hands on his chin and said, “Fire Fist – Potrokas D… Gore D、、、 Ace! ”

“Sengoku, what do you want to do?”

Lieutenant General Crane looked solemn.

“So far, that fire fist has been sheltered under Whitebeard’s banner, and even we can’t find a chance to do it!”

“Now is not the best time!”

Sengoku deep voice.

“Warring States, don’t you 、、、.”

“I’m not saying I’m going to tear my face off with Whitebeard right now!”

“Taking this opportunity, I also want to see how much ability the bold Blackbeard who sent someone to invade the Seven Martial Seas Conference and proposed himself to do so really has the ability!”


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