“My purpose in going to the Whitebeard Pirates this time is -.”

At this point, Qi Yu paused.

Until Gion is on the verge of a boom.

He finally continued to speak leisurely.

“I am representing Shanks and Whitebeard in an alliance!”

Qi Yu was a serious piece of nonsense.



Gion suddenly stood up, and his voice increased by an octave.

“Red-haired Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates Unite Alliance!”

“Are you serious?” Gion kept asking questions.

The whole person was shocked to the point of no return.

If these two of the most terrifying pirates of the New World really form an alliance.

That would have an unprecedented impact on the existing pattern.

Their navy will also be challenged with unprecedented magnitude.

“What the hell are you trying to do?”

“Does it still need to be said about what the alliance does?”

Qi Yu Old God was at the opening.

“We have decided that in the near future we will send troops to the Red Earth Continent and attack the Holy Land of Mary Joya!”

“I hope that after you go back, tell the marshal of the Warring States that don’t be ignorant of the good and evil, surrender as soon as possible, and overthrow the dark government with me and others!”

Qi Yu played the head.


Gion willow eyebrows upside down.

Turn around and go.

“Oh, where have you been, and haven’t you drunk the wine yet?”

Qi Yu retained.

“When such a big thing happens, how can I still have the leisure to drink!”

“Don’t blame me, blame us for our different positions!”

Gion said seriously.

It’s already true!

“Oh, wait, you really mean it!”

Seeing the situation, Qi Yu was also a bit dumbfounded.

He just wanted to make a joke and ease the atmosphere.

I didn’t think this stupid girl was serious.

If only she had to go back and report it.

This sea must not be turned upside down by his joke?

In ancient times, there were Zhou Youwang Beacon Fire Drama Princes!

Now my ‘Qi Emperor’ is messing up the world!

It sounds pretty good!

Here Qi Yu was thinking about the possible unfolding.

On the other side, Gion’s footsteps stopped.


She took a long leg and returned in three or two steps.

Coming to Qi Yu’s near, he lowered his head.

The distance between the two sides is not more than a few centimeters.

You can clearly feel each other’s breathing and heartbeat.

“Look me in the eye and tell me if the alliance is real?”

Gion forced his eyes word for word.

“It’s all a joke, let’s make a hammer alliance with Whitebeard!”

“I have made this trip for the sake of justice, for the stability and peace of the sea!”

Qi Yu said seriously.

When even his purpose is concisely told to Gion.


After listening to Qi Yu’s story, Gion couldn’t help but let out a long breath.

At the same time, I can’t help but be a little afraid.

If only she hadn’t stopped before.

Obstinately report this.

Then their navy took measures ahead of schedule, eventually forcing the otherwise non-aligned sides to form an alliance.

Then she really became a sinner in the navy and the world.

Come to think of it.

Gion couldn’t help but feel aggrieved.

“You bad guy, you know to lie to me!”

“Didn’t I already make it clear to you?”

Qi Yu grinned.

“Then you also lied to me that the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment went for justice, what justice can the pirates have?”

“If it was really justice, you should have left the Red Haired Pirates and joined our navy!”

Gion played a little trick.


Qi Yu shook his head.

Gion: “??? ”

“The pattern is small!”

“Is justice only possible if you join the Navy?”

“Does the Navy have to be just?”

Qi Yu asked rhetorically.

“That’s nature.”

Gion is the way of course.

“Then do you know about the incident in the East China Sea Cocoa West Village?”

Qi Yu asked.

Gion shook his head in confusion.

“Well, far from it, let’s take this Alabastan theft.”

“That Klockdale is the Seven Seas of Your Navy and Government!”

“But what did he do? Nearly destroy a thousand-year-old country! ”

“And is Klockdale really that Smaug defeated?” No way! ”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

Gion pursed his lips.

“It’s not that joining the Navy is justice!”

“As long as you have a righteous heart, no matter which camp you are in!”

Qi Yu gave his own exposition.

“Pirates… How can a pirate be righteous! ”

Gion weakly retorted.

“Why can’t pirates be justice?”

“Let’s take this Alabastan incident.”

“The one who saved the country from the hands of the Seven Martial Seas designated by your navy is the Pirate Straw Hat gang!”

“Can you say they did something wrong?”

Qi Yu pressed to ask.

“Okay, I see, you don’t have to emphasize every time that it’s the Navy’s designated Seven Martial Seas.”

Gion can’t hang on to his face.

“Okay, the Straw Hat gang doesn’t have much to do with me, but has the red-haired pirate group I’m in done anything bad over the years?”

Qi Yu asked rhetorically.

Gion was stunned.

These years because of Qi Yu’s sake.

She is particularly concerned about the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirates.

However, he had never heard of this pirate group plundering.

The most information she hears is where and where the redheads have expelled the pirates, restored peace to one side, and so on.

They were doing what their navies were supposed to do

Even her sister, Lieutenant General Crane, once commented on it

The redheads are an important link that keeps the sea peaceful!

“Okay, don’t make a fuss!”

“In short, I am always with you!”

“Because you are the first and only woman I have been in this world since I came!”

Qi Yu Dao.

A love word that is not a love word is like a hammer, pounding heavily on the softness of Gion’s heart.


“Am I really your first, or only!”

“Not lying to me?”

Gion asked.

“Truer than real gold!”

Qi Yu nodded seriously.

All these years he had been lying in the red-haired pirate group.

Didn’t expect to collect the wonderful girls of the pirate world.

Gion is indeed the first.

It is also the only one at present.

、、、 though

“Wait a minute”

It seemed to see through Qi Yu’s inner thoughts.

“You said earlier that the only one at present, do you still want to find the second or third?”

Gion’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The woman’s intuition was so sharp that Qi Yu couldn’t help but be ashamed.

Just as he was thinking about how to circle it.

A white hand landed on his exposed mouth.

“I will never let you have time to find other women, enlightenment!”

Gion stood up, and his pretty face carried the arrogance that Qi Yu was most familiar with.

Qi Yu’s eyes twitched.

The corners of Gion mouth are bent.

Like a queen on high.

She lifted her long legs, her crystal jade toes rubbing against the bright red nail polish.

The elf-like, white, agile and perfect jade foot slid down Qi Yu’s fierce mouth.

“You’re hurt!”

“So today—”

“I’m in charge!”


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