Dusk falls.


Fiery red colors fill the sky.

The sea is sparkling.

The picture is beautiful.


A small black dot appears in the beautiful sunset scenery.

Not much time.

The black dots gradually enlarge.

With the sound of breaking wind.

A shadow suddenly fell from the sky.

Heavy smashing fell on the deck of the boat.

The person who came was more than two meters tall, tall and tall, and his figure was even more exquisite.

A long shiny purple hair was casually tied behind the head.

Complements that lilac eyeshadow.

Hunting with the wind, the Navy’s Justice Daiki wears a skinny cardigan that perfectly outlines her figure.

The lower part of the body is a pair of thigh-high hot pants.

On her slender white left leg, there is also a purple spider tattoo.

In addition to its interest, it also added a bit of evil charm.

Counting the entire navy, there are only a few female navies whose beauty and strength coexist.

Except for the young Grand Staff Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Now there is only one beautiful navy in the navy that can have such a powerful and powerful navy.

She is the candidate for the admiral of the Admiral Headquarters, Momoto Gion !!!


The newcomer Locke Star, who was napping on the rudder, woke up in shock.

Wait to see the cloak of naval justice fluttering in the wind.

Locke Star couldn’t help but be stunned.

Don’t wait for him to say anything.

A dazzling sword light suddenly fell.

“[email protected]#¥%!”

Locke Star A lazy donkey rolled, hurriedly dodging the dense center of the sword light.

However, there was too much sword light.

In a hurry, it is impossible to completely dodge.

One face.

The Locke Star that offered a reward of 94 million Berry was wounded.

“Damn! What the hell are you bastard Navy! ”

“Did you know that this is the flag…”

Locke Star didn’t finish speaking, his eyes widened, and he was a lazy donkey rolling again.


The deck of the boat cracked again with a huge crack.

“This is the ship of the Four Emperors Red-haired Pirates!”

“And don’t blame me for not telling you—”

“My family’s deputy captain, Vice Captain Qi Yu, is on the ship now!”

“If it disturbs the good dreams of my captain, it is no joke!”

Locke Star gasped in anger and shouted threateningly.

“What you’re looking for is your co-captain!”

Gion’s pretty face was covered with frost.

When she heard Locke Star mention Qi Yu, her shot was obviously getting more and more fierce.

In front of the strong people of the general waiting level, the Locke Star with a reward of no more than 100 million yuan can only hold the share of the head rat.

“Qi Vice! Help me! ”

“This crazy lady of the navy is going to kill someone!”

Locke Star wailed for help.


The door on the second deck opens.

Qi Yu, who had been disturbed by his good dreams, only had time to say a word.

Next second.

A dense stream of brilliant sword light poured down towards him.


Look at this long-lost familiar sword light.

Qi Yu couldn’t help but chuckle.

The revival of a certain period of time in my mind about four years ago came to mind.

Four years ago.

Qi Yu, who decided to stand up, applied to the red-haired Shanks for permission to go out alone.

His first target was a sea thief who had caused losses to the Red-haired Pirates.

Before that action.

Qi Yu meets a certain Navy Vice Admiral who is unexpectedly sassafrared.

At that time, Qi Yu was not dewy, and there were few people on the sea except for the friends of the red-haired pirate group.

The young navy beauty lieutenant general, who was heroic and sassy, naturally did not know Qi Yu’s identity.

By chance.

After encountering Qi Yu to save civilians.

At that time, the lieutenant general Gion had a strange thought in his heart.

After testing Qi Yu’s righteous heart.

Gion sends out an invitation to Qi Yu.

I want him to join the Navy.

The result, of course, was ignored by Qi Yu’s gorgeous beauty.

For the first time in his life, he was rejected by Gion Qi and stomped his feet.

But she also knew that people had their own ambitions and didn’t care much.

I thought that the two sides would basically not have the opportunity to see each other again in the future.

Who would have thought.

When she falls into the trap of the pirates and encounters a desperate situation.

Qi Yu’s god-like figure descended from the sky.

A knife to the head of the enemy.

That domineering figure was deeply imprinted into the deepest part of Gion’s mind.

For the first time, her frozen heart melted and trembled.

For the first time in my life, I had a crush on a man.

But if it’s just a heartbeat, it’s not nothing.

It’s just that neither she nor Qi Yu thought of it.

The pirates also prepared a surprise in that trap.

Just when Qi Yu and Gion felt safe and began to collect the booty.

A large expanse of pink smoke with mysterious medicinal effects enveloped the two men.

Directly let the two skip the process of acquaintance, confession, communication, marriage and so on, and enter the final cave link.

Everything went on in a vague way, but it came to fruition.


Gion, who wanted to cry without tears, decided to charge interest and leave Qi Yu behind.

Even if you are actually shy to the extreme.

However, he still pretended to be a big grin, indicating that he would be responsible for Qi Yu to the end.

She operated this and directly confused Qi Yu.

For a while, I forgot to refuse.

In this way, Qi Yu was taken to the boat of Lieutenant General Gion.

Started a month-long ‘loving’ life.

During this period, Qi Yu and Gion ‘husband and wife are in one heart’ and have eliminated more than a dozen brutal pirate groups.

Until one day.

His confidence exploded, and he felt that as long as Qi Yu was there, Gion who was not afraid of anyone suddenly had a whim.

It was decided to take action against the red-haired pirate group that had the appearance of a rising star and had the posture of the emperor of the sea.

This is very embarrassing!

Am I okay with hitting myself?

Qi Yu was thinking about getting Gion to abandon this decision.

The ‘research vessel’ of the Navy Headquarters came.

Vice Admiral Tsuru arrived, and at a glance, he recognized Qi Yu’s identity.

So Gion was on the spot… Angry crying!


One shot and two scatters!

Its ‘husband and wife’ combination of profits and gold has thus parted ways.

It’s been four years since we parted ways.

“Yo, Gion, long time no see!”

Qi Yu received the brilliant sword light with the body of the Immortal King Kong.

Smiling and greeting the heroic captain waitress on the broken deck.


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