Treasure old man?

Golden legend?

How much to reminisce?

Monster Blaster Gear?

Wang Defa!!!

What is this all about!

And what’s going on with this sound?

Who’s talking?

This arrogant little ghost?

So what is this means of ability?

Talking communication is still a special kind of smell domineering!

Or did I awaken to the same mind-reading abilities as Ryder?

Whitebeard is confused!

Completely confused!


For a moment, I was completely confused by this sudden voice.

But the Sea Emperor is the Sea Emperor.


Whitebeard was as calm as Shanks was.

Start a detailed analysis.

The first was that he awakened the possibility of reading minds and smelling colors under the stimulation of Qi Yu.

Just for a moment.

Whitebeard is denial.

The rare ability to read minds and smell colors is innate.

In Whitebeard’s cognition.

Only the Lone Ranger of the last era, the Lone Red Redfield, possessed this ability.

It’s almost impossible to wake up.

Moreover, Whitebeard had already tried to read the voices of his sons who were not far away.

The result, of course, is failure.

This possibility is ruled out.

Then the source of this strange situation is only one possibility.

That is the man in front of him who has all kinds of strange abilities.


Whitebeard then deliberately read Qi Yu a communication to provoke him to rule out this possibility.

Then only the last option remains.

I don’t know what’s going on though.

But he seemed to be able to hear Qi Yu’s voice?!

“Kula la”

Analyzing this, Whitebeard suddenly smiled.

Laugh happily.

He wanted to hear what this arrogant man on the outside was thinking inside!

This is a rare opportunity!

If you can detect some explosive news, you can just use it to fight back!

It couldn’t be better.

Come to think of it.

The white-bearded gaze at Qi Yu was suddenly very different.

I am the old man of treasure, and you are the treasure ghost!

Let me listen to you, your voice!

Just say it.

What did this white-bearded treasure old man suddenly laugh at?] 】

[Is it difficult to be beaten by me to lose my heart and go crazy!] 】

Whitebeard: “??? ”

I came to listen to the secret.

Not listening to you shoot me.

Although I am angry, I still have to endure it for the time being.

Qi Yu must not be made aware of the fact that he could hear his heart.

The white-bearded old face twitched.

Forcefully press the anger.

[This moment of anger and laughter, it is indeed a nervous disorder].

[I really blame it too].

[Because I’m too strong at twelve o’clock in the afternoon].

[Heaven and earth are exalted


[Even if the force has been controlled, it is still too strong for an old man].

Whitebeard: “I’m @#¥Min!!! ”

This guy is so arrogant to the bone!

Moreover, although I am an old man, I am not an ordinary old man!

Lao Tzu is a white-bearded man!


I put up with it again!

Two streams of white air rushed out of the nostrils of the white beard.

The facial nerves are almost out of control.

“Daddy, what’s wrong with that?”

“It doesn’t look quite right!”

“I’ll be angry and laugh for a while, that’s why!”

The white pirates on the deck also sensed the subtle change in Whitebeard’s expression and couldn’t help but talk about it.

Secretly anxious.

This is the time.

Marco and a team of men and horses brought out ten jars of fine wine from the cabin.

Qi Yu unceremoniously took the lead in picking up a jar.

Whitebeard reached out his big hand, wanting to drink wine to suppress the shock.

Next second.

A large hand, not much smaller than his hand, pressed against the wine jar.

“What do you do?”

Whitebeard glared.


“I don’t think your physical condition seems to be very good!”

“I was afraid that I was injured under my attack, so don’t touch the wine for the time being!”

“Drinking hurts your body, now you can’t grasp it, I’ll help you grasp it!”

Qi Yu said seriously.

The words came out.

Suddenly, he won the favor of many white pirates.

After all, they were also worried about Whitebeard’s body, and did not want him to drink heavily at this time.

The various actions of Qi Yu before were enraged and angry.

At this moment, the gaze that looked at Qi Yu was slightly smoother.

Of course, there are only a few.

“How can drinking hurt you, you bastard!”

“So you are too young, wine is the holy water of life!”

“I don’t need you to help me grasp it, I grasp it myself!”

The white-bearded man glanced at Qi Yu.

Decisively raise a pot of wine.

Gollum is half belly.

Looked at.

Qi Yu also stopped blocking.

[No one can stop the dog that wants to go.]

[The whitebeard who wants to drink, no one can stop him.]

Qi Yu thought.

Then he lifted his own wine altar freely.

Drink like a white beard.

This side box.

Qi Yu drank happily.

Whitebeard was unhappy again.

The old face has a constipation-like expression on it.

What is called a dog that wants to go can’t be stopped?

His mother’s.

He dared to compare Lao Tzu to 、、、

What a boldness!

The altar of wine in Whitebeard’s hand cracked.


“What’s wrong with you, Dad?”

Marko and the others, who were also aware of Whitebeard’s constipated expression, rushed forward with concern.

Only when Whitebeard had fought a fierce fight, he suddenly drank and drank out of things.

“I… It’s okay! ”

Whitebeard waved his sons away.

His eyelids drooped, trying to hide his expression.

Don’t let Qi Yu notice anything unusual.

Now he didn’t want to reveal the secret that he could hear Qi Yu’s heart.

This arrogant little devil must be pleasantly surprised.

Just the white beard killed and could not think of it.

The secret that he could hear Qi Yu’s heart didn’t need to be hidden at all.

Even if he had to say it, he wouldn’t have said it.

Dead restricted by inexplicable rules.

Whitebeard calms his agitated mood.

Quietly listen to Qi Yu’s voice.

Trying to catch something terrible.

However, to Whitebeard’s disappointment.

The next half hour.

Qi Yu’s voice did not appear again.

Whitebeard only when Qi Yu was already alert.

As everyone knows, Qi Yu is just immersed in the selection of fine wine.

The pot of wine of the white beard has not yet been drunk.

Qi Yu’s side had already eliminated almost half.

Sensing this, Whitebeard was suddenly a little anxious.

These are his treasured wines.

This arrogant boy is really not polite at all.

And Marco the.

I actually took out the wine tasting!

Don’t know how to take some shoddy products to charge?

Whitebeard is starting to get upset!


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