I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1843: Into a weird situation!

After withdrawing his thoughts, Wang Mang quickly said silently in his heart: "System, take out the Heaven-Cut Sword."

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! The item was retrieved successfully! 】

In an instant, space ripples appeared on Wang Mang's right arm, and a snow-white sword emerged.

Holding the Excalibur, Wang Mang began to analyze the current situation.

The power of the seventh-rank high-grade divine weapon will definitely give him a certain advantage.

Avatars can only help in this battle with the appearance of gods and demons.

Raising the Dao strength of the First Layer can even give oneself a momentary opportunity.

After increasing the Dao strength of the first level, he can free up the extra Dao power to overtake the Excalibur.

With this in mind, Wang Mang's eyes froze, and a thin dark golden light erupted from his whole body.

An ancient and barbaric atmosphere emanated from Wang Mang's whole body. Remember https://m. vipkanshu. VIP

In an instant, Wang Mang's power of the Great Dao directly increased the strength of the first layer of heaven.

In this way, the greater the load on the body.

After the power of the Dao was increased, immeasurable divine light erupted immediately, and faintly began to suppress the energy ball compressed by the Dao Rhyme of Nothingness.

Seeing this situation, without hesitation, Wang Mang directly withdrew a little of the power of the Great Dao, making the power of the two equal again.

Under Wang Mang's deliberate manipulation, the excess avenue power formed an arm to hold the Excalibur.

Because although this divine sword is in Wang Mang's hands at this time, it has not been sacrificially refined on weekdays.

At this moment, anyone can use the Heaven-Cut Sword, but with the existence of a system, this is obviously impossible.

When he was about to be captured, Wang Mang could immediately take back the system space.

As the transformed hand grasped the divine sword, the ripples of sword energy suddenly surged.

The terrifying sword intent that shot straight into the sky tore through the clouds, as if it wanted to tear the sky.

The fierce sword energy made all three of them dignified.

The power of a seventh-rank high-grade divine weapon cannot be resisted.

Once the body is attacked, it will definitely be the end of missing parts.

Of course this is without defense.

Seeing that the three of them seemed to be shocked, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

Here comes the solution.

The sharp sword light burst out and bombarded in the direction of the three of them continuously.

The dense sword lights cover the sky and cover the earth.

The three of them also took out their magic weapons to resist the attacking sword light.

Seeing the divine sword bursting out with sword light, greed appeared in the eyes of the three of them in unison.

Seventh-rank high-grade divine weapon! This is something that only patriarchs are entitled to!

If you **** this magical weapon, even if you don't have the right to use it later, the reward will definitely not escape!

The three looked at each other vaguely, and they all understood the meaning of each other's eyes.

The next moment, the three of them, who were filled with Dao charm, began to communicate through sound transmission.

"What do you two think about this divine weapon?"

"Hehe~www.readwn.com~ Isn't this nonsense, just say whoever belongs to it and it's over."

"Don't hide it anymore, kill this one first, and then it will definitely belong to someone."



After the initial negotiation between the three of them, brilliance appeared in their eyes at the same time.

In an instant, the Dao Yun around the three of them burst into bright light.

The powerful aura directly leveled the sky filled with sword light.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang was shocked.

Although I knew that these people definitely didn't use their full strength, I didn't expect that they still had such power.

Jianmang was solved so easily.

The situation is a bit difficult!

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