I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1813: The youth holding the flag is defeated!

A light wind blew across the centre, bringing a dark cloud.

Under the gloom, Wang Mang was holding the massacre halberd and confronting the crowd below.

The four powers of the avenue entangled his body, revealing a great sense of oppression invisible.

The long hair fluttering leisurely gave Wang Mang a sense of unruly.

The massacre halberd glowed with three different rays of light, faintly exuding fluctuations, like a beast ready to go.

Staring at the young man holding the flag below, Wang Mang's eyes showed a hint of thought.

"System, what grade is the magic weapon that the flag is?"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

[Star Zhoutian Banner: A magic soldier born independently from the supreme star meteor iron combined with the stars and fairy light!]

[Rank: seventh-rank top grade! 】

[Ability details: Extract the power of the stars in the sky, and suppress them. 】

After hearing the introduction of the system, Wang Mang's eyes became more solemn.

Seventh-rank high-grade divine weapon!

For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't help but feel a little more thoughtful.

Although he has a seventh-rank high-grade divine sword in his hand, he has not experienced the power of a seventh-rank high-grade divine weapon.

Wang Mang, who was in deep thought, unconsciously squinted his eyes.

There was a slight seriousness on his face.

The same was true for the young man holding the flag below, Wang Mang, who was staring at him with scorching eyes, silently clenched the Star Zhoutian Flag in his hand.

The consumption of a seventh-tier high-grade divine weapon is undoubtedly huge.

Unlike Wang Mang, he has endless supreme avenues for him to consume.

At present, only 30% of the power of Dao in the body is left.

The two just stared at each other in silence, and the surrounding atmosphere was slightly depressing.

The people around also swallowed involuntarily and their eyes widened.

At this moment, Wang Mang made a move.

I saw that he took back the slaughter halberd and took out the Heaven-cutting Sword.

In an instant, the unparalleled sword intent shot straight into the sky, breaking through the clouds.

The extremely sharp sword light was exposed on the snow-white sword of the Excalibur, causing faults to appear in the surrounding space.

At the same time, everyone who was staring at Wang Mang felt a sharp pain in their eyes and closed their eyes.

At this time, Wang Mang was like a sharp knife out of its sheath, showing sharpness from the inside out.

Rao, the leader of the youth holding the flag, couldn't help squinting his eyes when staring at Wang Mang.

Is it the Shenxuan Starfield's Excalibur series?

He also immediately recognized the origin of the divine sword in Wang Mang's hand.

All of a sudden, the heart of the young man holding the flag was shocked.

I thought that the suppression of high-grade weapons could win more chances of winning.

He never thought that the other party would actually have the same level of magical weapons as himself.

Grandma, the idiot of the intelligence department didn't even collect such important information.

At the same time, he also had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart.

The situation before him had obviously exceeded his expectations.

At this time, Wang Mang, who was in mid-air, was ready to make a move after a series of thoughts.

The power of the four avenues suddenly boiled and surged towards the divine sword in his hand.

And the Sword of Cutting Heaven is like a bottomless black hole, constantly receiving the power of the four great avenues.

With the injection of the power of the Dao, bursts of fierce sword energy suddenly rippled out from it.

The unlimited injection of the three supreme avenues made the Heaven-Cut Sword glow with immeasurable radiance.

Terrifying sword energy erupted continuously, rendering the surrounding space.

The sharp edge that goes straight into the sky seems to cut Tian Yuan down.

The bursts of air waves made Wang Mang's deep-space Taoist robe flutter and flutter.

Feeling the power of the divine sword in his hand, Wang Mang's deep eyes suddenly showed a touch of confidence.

The next moment, his right arm exerted great force and swung the divine sword at the young man holding the flag.


A crescent-shaped slash shattered the space it passed through, and quickly attacked him.

When the slash was getting closer and closer to the young man holding the flag, the latter was no longer calm and immediately took action.

I saw that he quickly waved the Star Zhoutian Banner in his hand, and at the same time injected the power of the Great Dao into it.

In an instant, the power of the blue stars burst out from the surrounding space, continuously gathering towards the flag.

The power of the blue stars instantly appeared in front of him, forming a shallow shield.


A muffled sound sounded, and the two collided immediately.

The terrifying force caused the ground under the feet of the youth holding the flag to shatter.

Several cracks appeared in the shield in front of him one after another.

After a few breaths, the sword glow slowly dissipated.

Then disappeared the shield formed by the power of the stars in front of him.

Seeing this situation, the young man holding the flag was relieved.

All of a sudden, a cold light rose and suddenly appeared behind the young man holding the flag.

The radiant Heaven Cutting Sword appeared from the crack in space behind the young man holding the flag.

In an instant, the pupils of the youth holding the flag trembled, and his whole body trembled for a moment.


There was a loud crashing sound.

The Heavenly Cutting Sword stopped a few inches away from the back of his head.

Between the two, there is a star Zhou Tianqi!

"Oh? Will it still automatically protect the Lord?"

Wang Mang, who stepped out of the crack in space, said in surprise.

Hearing this, the young man holding the flag suddenly came to his senses, turned around sharply and grasped the Zhoutian Xingchen flag.

With the blessing of his avenue power, the power of the stars burst out from the banner.

The power of the blue stars suddenly flowed towards Wang Mang.

Seeing this situation, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth suddenly raised slightly.

The next moment, four great powers appeared at the same time, resisting the incoming power of stars.

Seeing the surprised expression on the young man's face, Wang Mang suddenly chuckled.

"You who are in the Immortal Realm can display almost 10% of the power of this banner."

As soon as the voice fell~www.readwn.com~Wang Mang suddenly increased the output of the power of the Great Dao.

In an instant, several strands of avenue power combined with each other, directly defeating the incoming star power.

The power of the four avenues magnified more and more in his pupils.


A roar sounded, and brilliant sparks flickered in front of Wang Mang.

The power of the four avenues broke out one after another.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in Wang Mang's mind:

【Ding! Devouring the ants of the Ninth Heaven of Immortality! Get 900,000 Dao Crystals! 】

Hearing this, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth raised slightly.

The people around, seeing such a scene, showed a look of panic on their faces that was visible to the naked eye.

However, Wang Mang did not look at them, but stared straight at the slowly dissipating flames in front of him.

After a while, the Zhou Tian Xingchen Banner with the power of stars all over his body appeared in Wang Mang's field of vision.

Looking at the banner, a smile appeared on Wang Mang's face.

This is the most valuable loot in this operation!

Seventh-rank top-rank divine weapon!

In an instant, Wang Mang reached out and grabbed the flag directly!

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