"How is this possible?!"

"What monsters these two women are!"

""Oops, it's a bit unstoppable, right?"

For the navy soldiers present, the scene happening in front of them must be enough to make them unforgettable for the rest of their lives, and it can even be called a psychological shadow. The two most powerful vice admirals on their side, the two natural fruit ability users of the Ice Fruit and Magma Fruit, were beaten back and vomited blood in a single encounter!

You know, these two are the hot candidates for the position of admiral, and it is basically a foregone conclusion that they will be promoted to admiral in a few years.

But such strong men were actually defeated by two seemingly delicate and lovely women?!

Of course, it's not as exaggerated as being defeated.

Although the two were forced to retreat and vomited some blood, they didn't lose their combat effectiveness.

It's just that the eyes of the two are now more solemn than those of other navy soldiers, and their eyes are fixed on Shinobu and Albedo opposite them.

Only when they are in contact can you feel how powerful these two seemingly weak girls are!

"Ah~ Although Mr. Kuzan seems to be a good person, a man who keeps getting in the way is quite annoying.~"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? I think we can just kill him together. Anyway, I think this magma man is quite unhappy. He also made rude remarks to Lord Ivan before."

At this time, Shinobu and Albedo themselves are still in almost the same state as before.

One has a soft smile on his face, and the other is cold and elegant, but the usual smile has disappeared. , instead , when looking at Spandyne, there is a bottomless murderous intent!

Her body belongs to Lord Ivan alone, how dare any trash covet her?

In fact, she is not that angry. After all, she is"soft-hearted".

Anyway, he just said the wrong thing. If that is the case, then just cut off his tongue~ He will be beaten and killed at every turn, too."Violent"~

"you! Who are you?! Wait, wait! Come and protect me! I am a great hero in the navy, and I must not let these demons hurt me! Kill them! Kill them directly, and him! Come together!"

Spandayin was naturally panicked at this time, and because of the way Kuzan and the others had retreated, he was subconsciously frightened and his legs went weak. He collapsed on the ground with a look of horror on his face. He had a chance to win, but he felt It seemed like the world was in his hands, so he was a little complacent just now.

After all, he thought, wouldn't it be natural for a great hero like him to have a few stunning beauties

? , there should be no problem, but who would have thought that these three people are crazy, even a great hero like him dares to attack, and they are so strong!

But by now, he has been"convinced" that these three people are crazy! , they must be O'Hara's"demon" just like the two criminals next to them, so just go together and kill them all!


But the navy soldiers, all looked at you, looked at me, and even the three remaining lieutenants on the side were a little undecided for a moment, and could only get a little closer to Spangdyne, Just to prevent him from being slaughtered.

But you said that you want them to attack Albedo and the others, or even kill Ivan? ? ?

Depend on!

Looking for death!

They want to live longer!

"……Although he has a foul mouth, he is a member of the World Government. You should not attack him casually. We will report it to the higher-ups."

Compared to the others who were all silent, Sakaski was the first to speak at this time.

He looked at Ivan, his eyes full of entanglement, but he still answered coldly.

It still sounded very cold, as if he was following procedures, but at this time, his tone was also softened, not as tough as before.

After all, they also knew that they were in the wrong first, and they deserved to encounter such a thing for saying such things!

But after all, he is a member of the World Government, and so openly, they can't just watch him get killed, right?

"No need, I'm from above, just kill him. If you don't want to die, just get out of the way."

But Ivan was not as talkative as usual this time, but said coldly and silently.

Anyway, I had seen this guy extremely unhappy before, and now that I have offended him, why don't we get rid of him?!

"What a loud tone, who do you think you are?"

"He is a Celestial Dragon"

"……Eh? Heaven, Celestial Dragon people?!"


Originally Spangdyne still retorted with disdain, but after hearing Sakaski's explanation, his face gradually became bloodless and livid.

And Sauro, who had been watching silently from the side, He couldn't help but stare at Ivan with his pupils widened, and the same thought came to his mind.


Why are the Tianlong people here?

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