Chapter 795 Unification of the Profound Sky? Resist the Kuroshio.

“Senior Sister, have you ever heard of the detachment above the ancient gods?”

In the Great Hall.

When everyone’s expressions were heavy, Ning Tian’s voice sounded again.

“Above the ancient gods…transcendence?”

Hearing Ning Tian’s words, Ye Shuang and the others were stunned for a moment, a flash of doubt flashed in their eyes, and then fell silent, thinking carefully, but for a long time to come to an answer, they could only shook their heads at Ning Tian.

Above the ancient gods…

Where can I be detached?

“Boy Ning, if the people present don’t even know you, who can know? Could it be that Chen Gejiang?” At this moment, several figures walked in, only Qin Luo walked in first, and he Next to him, Ling and Chen Gejiang were both on the sidelines.

“Master, I’m here.”

Ling chuckled at Ning Tian.


“Brother Qin Luo, don’t talk nonsense, I don’t know where is beyond the ancient gods.” On the side, the guy Chen Gejiang waved his hand quickly, if nonsense, Ning Fellow Daoist punched him again. What to do?


Hearing Qin Luo’s words, Ning Tian was stunned for a moment, and realized that this is indeed the truth.

after all…

He has come back countless times.

Indeed, I have never heard of the detachment above the ancient gods.

If it has been achieved, it will not be repeated countless times.

“This time, there are indeed many variables, such as the witch named Xiaoyou, if it weren’t for her, I might not know what detachment above the ancient gods is.” Ning Tian murmured, then looked at Ling and the others.


“How did you come?”

Ning Tian looked over and asked.


“You can’t come to the Master if you have nothing to do.”

Lingba played with the ice blade and curled his lips.

Hearing this, Ning Tian couldn’t help but smile. Ling, the girl, has changed more and more since she left the Ice God Palace last time: “Of course I can, but based on what I know about you, you must be okay. just came.”


“Indeed, this time something really came.”

Ling smiled at Ning Tian, ​​then put away the ice blade, and his expression gradually became solemn: “Master, the news that has just been received, the Kuroshio in the three Sealed Lands, may be more turbulent than last time. Dozens of times stronger!”

“Dozens of times?”

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

The Kuroshio that descended on Nanhan Xinghai last time was already terrifying, and now it has strengthened dozens of times…then I’m afraid…

“Ok, I know.”

Ning Tian nodded slightly, without a hint of surprise. He had expected the dark tides of the three Sealed Lands to become stronger long ago, and he had already made countermeasures long ago.

“Do not worry.”

“The immortal bluestone wall I ordered you to build is my improved type. Although it is not enough to completely resist the dark tide, as long as the cultivator gathered is strong enough, it can still be blocked.”


Heard this.

The eyes of Qin Pang and others lit up suddenly, they are worthy of being the Patriarch, even this was expected!

Could it be that…

Everything is under the control of the Patriarch?


What they don’t know is that this is not an expectation, but the experience accumulated through countless times.


“Heavenly Demon teaches that there are not many cultivators capable of resisting the Kuroshio. Even if you add other forces, it may not be enough. After all… there are three sealed places of the Kuroshio.”

When Qin Pang and the others were relieved, Su Yueyao slowly spoke.

Heard this.

Inside the Great Hall, everyone was taken aback, their faces sinking slightly.


According to Su Yueyao’s words, although Heavenly Demon has many people, there are not many cultivators capable of resisting the dark tide. Even with the addition of Fire Domain, Demon God Domain, Dao Domain, etc., it may not be enough.

“Do not worry.”

At this time.

Ning Tian’s voice sounded faintly, as if it were a reassurance, and immediately let the uneasiness in everyone’s hearts dissipate, and he looked at him.

“From the very beginning, you were wrong… to resist the dark turmoil is not the responsibility of my Heavenly Demon Sect, but the responsibility of the entire Profound Sky World. Why impose this great task on yourself?”

“If the powerhouses of the entire God’s Realm are summoned to resist the dark tide, wouldn’t it be enough?”

The corner of Ning Tian’s mouth lifted slightly.

In other words.

That is, I don’t have enough manpower? It doesn’t matter, we can convene tool people.

“But, those guys in God’s Domain are timid and afraid of death, how can they dare to make a move?” Pei Hu frowned and said.

“It’s very simple.”

“It’s fine to subdue them, and no matter how bad it is, it will be fine to unify the entire Profound Sky.”

Ning Tian said casually.



Everyone was silent for a while.

Then, in a moment of silence, he sighed.


For the current Patriarch, there really seems to be nothing in the Profound Sky World to stop him.

“Ha ha!”

“Unify the entire Profound Sky, haha! Interesting!”

“Then walking?” Pei Hu laughed, already a little impatient! To unify the entire Profound Sky, the idea of ​​Junior Brother is big enough, he likes it! He likes this kind of big idea!


Ning Tian nodded slightly.

“There is not much time left for us.”

“Unifying the Profound Sky, resisting the Kuroshio, just distribute it like this.”

[Countdown to the old book, about the new book, it is not connected with the old writing, but the same interesting, brand-new story, which will have a certain linkage with the old book, the second group of new books: 826879234]

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