Chapter 332 Jade Pool reappears, black lines!

Within these few days.

Luo Ruqing would go to the back mountain from time to time, but unfortunately, Ning Tian in the holy pond showed no sign of waking up.

But the only thing that can give her a sigh of relief is.

At the very least, Ning Tian was very stable.

This shows that in addition to being lethargic, at least Wu You lives.


In the holy pool.

Luo ruthlessly sighed and turned away.

After Heavenly Demon taught the entire Heavenly Spirit Realm, there were still many things waiting for her to deal with.

Several months have passed since Ning Tian fell into a coma.

The Heavenly Spirit Realm was also under the ruthless leadership of Luo, and it also completely ushered in the rule of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Everything is in order.

This also allowed everyone in the Heavenly Spirit Realm to see the female emperor’s methods!

Kill decisively.

Not a vase!


These months.

The Patriarch who really turned the balance of victory over, has yet to show up.

This also makes many people a little skeptical.

Was it that the Patriarch was also seriously injured during this great war?

For a time.

Many people speculate about the situation.


It has been several months since the last war ended.

Heavenly Demon Sect, which was originally destroyed and inaccessible, has gradually recovered its former vigor.

Many buildings have already been repaired.

Anyway, for the Heavenly Demon Sect, they are already very familiar with the destruction of buildings, so they are also very skilled in cultivation.

Don’t ask why they are so skilled.

Everything, just because of that man.

Inside the Heavenly Demon Temple.

“Too Elder, is the Heavenly Spirit Realm still peaceful recently?” Above the Great Hall, Luo ruthlessly sat on the high seat. She faintly looked at the group of Elders below, and asked in a cold voice.

“Emperor Hui, except for some small forces who have been spreading rumors about the ancestor belching, everything is fine.”

Too, Elder said respectfully.

Patriarch belching?

Hearing this, the mouths of a group of Elders in the hall twitched.

The person who spread the rumors is really a damn talent.


“There are such people?”

A faint killing intent flashed in Luo’s ruthless beautiful eyes. She waved her hand boringly, and said lightly: “In that case, take some people, too Elder, go and kill.”

“Yes, Empress!”

Too great Elder nodded.

At this moment, Luo Ruoqing got up slightly and looked like he was about to go out.

“You guys are being taught by Heavenly Demon, I’m going to meet a different friend.” After speaking, she turned around, stepped into the void and disappeared.

“Different friends?”

Upon hearing this, a group of Elders in the Great Hall were stunned.

Can not help but have some doubts.

A land of mountains.

Here, surrounded by mountains, it is like a fairyland on earth.

On the sky, a beautiful figure stepped out of the void, her beautiful eyes fell on the mountains below, and her mouth seemed to be counting numbers.




The sound fell instantly.


A roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards.

In the mountains below, the birds flew up in shock, and countless Demonic Beasts scattered and fled.

A holy light barrier appeared from the mountains and fell in front of Luo Ruqing’s eyes.

“A few months have passed, this Sacred Land in Yaochi should also come out of the closed mountain formation.” She murmured.

I saw the holy light barrier in front of me slowly dissipating.

Then, countless buildings in Yaochi appeared in front of them.

After several months of renovation, Yaochi Sacred Land has gradually recovered.

call out!

at this time.

A beautiful shadow flew from the Sacred Land in Yaochi, accompanied by a ring of laughter like a silver bell.


“Unexpectedly, you would come to my Jade Lake after my Jade Lake closed mountain formation was lifted.”

Queen Mother Xi appeared beside Luo Wuqing, while she was talking, she looked at Luo Wuqing’s side.

“stop looking.”

“He’s not in now.”

Luo ruthlessly said calmly.


Queen Mother West said, obviously a little lost.

“Something happened to my husband, please go to Heavenly Demon to teach me. By the way, tell me about what has happened in the past few months.” Luo ruthlessly looked at Queen Mother Xi and said slowly.


“What!? What happened to the Patriarch?”

Hearing this, the loss on Queen Mother Xi’s face instantly disappeared, replaced by a panic and worry.

“What happened to Patriarch?”

“Come with me.”

Luo Ruqing didn’t explain too much, just shook his head and said to Queen Mother Xi.


Queen Mother West nodded slightly, her eyes full of anxiety.

The two women set off.

Inside Yaochi, seeing his own Holy Lord who could not wait to leave just after the closure of the mountain formation, the elders of Yaochi couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

“Come and see.”

Luo ruthlessly waved to Queen Mother Xi.


Queen Mother West came over with doubts.

The two women walked into the holy pond, and the water quickly wetted the clothes on the two women, but the two did not care.


Luo Ruqing said, while slowly loosening Ning Tian’s clothes, then Yu pointed at his Chiguo’s upper body and said, “These black lines seem to be printed on her husband’s body.”


Queen Mother West touched it, really.

“Do these black angers have an impression of the Patriarch?” she asked.

Luo Ruoqing shook his head slightly, “I don’t know, I have been observing for the past few months. At first, these black auras spread all over my husband’s body, but as the coma time passed, these black lines became less and less.”

“Therefore, I think that perhaps the husband’s coma is to eliminate these black lines.”


Upon hearing this, Queen Mother West fell into silence, and she looked at Ning Tian silently.

In this way, if the Patriarch wants to wake up, wouldn’t it be possible to wake up by eliminating all the black lines?


Suddenly, her pretty face changed, and a flash of joy flashed in her eyes.


Just now she seemed to see that Patriarch’s finger moved?

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