A room in a 5 star hotel.

Ye Fei sat calmly and calmly, sitting on the sofa, looking at Li Xiangyun lightly.

Li Xiangyun had a shocked and angry expression, and said inwardly, “What the hell are you?” Boy, don’t pretend to be a ghost here! ”

With that, Li Xiangyun walked over to Ye Fei, as if he were going to prepare for a move.

Ye Fei beckoned.

Immediately afterward, two black-clad bodyguards emerged from behind Li Xiangyun, one of whom was Black Five.

Black Five pulled Li Xiangyun up like a chicken, Li Xiangyun was suddenly confused, he wanted to struggle, but he was not Black Five’s opponent at all.

Hei Wu deliberately smiled coldly, “Just because of your skill, do you still want to move Ye Shao?” Be honest, or your life will be gone today. ”

Upon hearing this, Li Xiangyun did not dare to move at once, his face was slightly pale, and beads of sweat flowed down his forehead.

Ye Fei glanced at Li Xiangyun lightly, and he didn’t take Li Xiangyun’s threat in his eyes the whole time.

Ye Fei’s fingers tapped on the arm of the sofa, and his voice was not hurried: “Li Xiangyun, 28 years old this year, Duan Qizheng’s righteous son, is also the vice president of Qizheng Group, you love to go to the nightclub bar, yesterday you just hooked up with a nightclub sister, is called Chen Yulian, right…”

Every time Ye Fei said a word, Li Xiangyun’s face turned pale.

Because Ye Fei said it all.

Even Ye Fei was meticulous, even a few intimate little things he had done recently.

Li Xiangyun is also mentioned several times in the original book.

Li Xiangyun is Duan Qi’s righteous son, who is deeply trusted by Duan Qizheng and has a strong ability to do things, so he is very heavy on Duan Qizheng.

In the original book, Li Xiangyun was very dissatisfied with Chen Luo’s riding on his head when he first came to the group, and finally after being cleaned up by Chen Luo several times, he was completely honest and obediently listened to Chen Luo’s dispatches.

Ye Fei relied on the introduction in the original book, plus he let Hei Wu investigate Li Xiangyun’s information, so he was incomparably familiar with everything about Li Xiangyun.

This also made Li Xiangyun’s face change greatly, and the dark feeling was not good.

Ye Fei glanced at Li Xiangyun, and his voice was indifferent: “Li Xiangyun, you don’t have to be nervous, I am here to send you a rich and noble today.” ”

“Give me a fortune?” Li Xiangyun stayed.

Ye Fei said lightly, “I want you to help me with my work, and if I can satisfy me, I guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing, and that you will be rich and prosperous.” ”

Li Xiangyun gritted his teeth, he was now in the hands of this mysterious young man in front of him, and had to obey.

Man for the knife, I for the fish.

Li Xiangyun lowered his head, “What do you want me to do?” ”

“It’s very simple, Chen Luo, you know.” Ye Fei said lightly.

Li Xiangyun looked up violently, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind: “You want to find Chen Luo?” I know, you are the Ye Family Major! Thinking about the name that Chen Luo often hung on his lips in the past two days, and hearing the name that Hei Wu had just said to Ye Fei, Li Xiangyun was not stupid, and suddenly knew Ye Fei’s identity.

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes, “Li Xiangyun, you are a little smarter than I thought.” ”

“What I want you to do is very simple, I want you to stare at Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng, especially Chen Luo, and I want you to report their information to me.”

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Li Xiangyun’s expression changed, and he shook his head violently: “No, no, if my righteous father knew, he would definitely not spare me!” If I had been discovered by him, I would have been killed by him! ”

Ye Fei glanced at Li Xiangyun and said lightly, “If you don’t help me, you will die now.” ”

Hei Wu squeezed Li Xiangyun’s neck very cooperatively.

Li Xiangyun heard that the whole person collapsed directly on the ground, like a deflated leather ball.

He knew that he couldn’t beat this Ye Family Elder.

He knew even more that Chen Luo had also suffered losses at the hands of this Ye Family Major, and Chen Luo had been looking for someone to check the news and information of this Ye Family Junior in the past two days, in addition to the information of two women.

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and said lightly, “Besides, Li Xiangyun, are you really so willing to submit to Chen Luo?” These two days Duan Qi is exactly how to Chen Luo you are very clear. ”

“As Duan Qizheng’s righteous son, you could have inherited the equity of Qizheng Pharmaceutical, and even had the hope of controlling Qizheng Pharmaceutical in the future, but unfortunately, the appearance of Chen Luo made you completely out of play.”

“Don’t you want to overturn Chen Luo, or even overturn Duan Qizheng as the boss yourself?”

Ye Fei stood up, looked down at Li Xiangyun, who was sitting paralyzed on the ground, and said lightly: “You follow me, I will help you.” ”

Li Xiangyun’s whole body was shocked, and greed appeared in his eyes.

What Ye Fei said, of course, he had thought about it all.

Duan Qizheng had no children under his knees, and as Duan Qi’s righteous son, he had the best hope of inheriting the Qizheng Group.

However, the appearance of Chen Luo made him despair, and he found that Duan Qizheng was much better to Chen Luo than to him as a righteous son.

Chen Luo had only been here for a few days, and he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Duan Qizheng, and Duan Qizheng generously distributed the shares of Chen Luo’s company…

Li Xiangyun was not convinced, but there was nothing he could do.

Li Xiangyun’s heart was intertwined with greed and fear, and he looked at Ye Fei and felt that this man was simply a demagogic demon.

He also had to make a deal with the devil.

Li Xiangyun struggled for half a second, but in the end he could not resist Ye Fei’s coercion and inducement, and he bowed his head and said in a deep voice: “Ye Shao, I will let you send you in the future!” ”

“Very good, you embezzled Duan Qizheng’s several medical payments, I will help you keep it secret.” Ye Fei said lightly.

Li Xiangyun’s body was shocked again, he knew that Ye Fei was waking himself up, making him understand that he had a handle on Ye Fei’s hand.

Li Xiangyun’s head pressed even lower.

Coercive and seductive, Ye Fei played a pure fire.

“Tell me about Chen Luo’s movements in the past two days.” Ye Fei said lightly.


Li Xiangyun nodded continuously, and he explained the situation of Chen Luo in the past two days.

Li Xiangyun is Duan Qizheng’s righteous son, and his status is not low. Having him watching Chen Luo was much more useful than the bodyguards Ye Fei had sent to track him.

Li Xiangyun explained a lot of things, making Ye Fei slightly bow his head.

Among them, one thing that Li Xiangyun confessed also confirmed Ye Fei’s speculation, according to Li Xiangyun’s statement, Chen Luo had collected a lot of information about the Su family and planned to move against the Su family first!


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