Chapter 86 Mysterious Person [7/7]

【ps: Today is the seventh update】

【P.S.: I am really drunk with this broken review mechanism of the website. I can guarantee that there is nothing prohibited in Chapter 80, and all kinds of words have been checked, but it is blocked. It will take a day to restore it. Damn! What

Yaer carried on her back was indeed the magic supply device on the backs of the steel half-orc girls rescued by Gu Yuan.

It’s just that the craftsmanship of the Orc Empire on some key parts is extremely rubbish and rough.

The appearance is also extremely simple, so this magic supply device has not played a big role on the half-orc girls.

But the Los Kingdom is different. After these things came into Gu Yuan’s hands, Gu Yuan immediately ordered to start repairs. In one or two days, all kinds of parts were replaced. The magic supply device does not need to be changed, only the hardware needs to be replaced with various sophisticated craftsmanship parts of the Los Kingdom.

And just like this, guess what, it can be used.

Although the half-orc girls are more compatible with magic and can exert the maximum power of the device��

But Angelina and Yaer both knew how to use magic, so Yaer borrowed one in the name of an experiment. Once the magic was activated, the device started flying around with Yaer.

Yaer has always been a careless person who is always looking for trouble. Angelina is different. She was worried about Yaer, so she pulled the device when Yaer took off, and she was taken to the sky by Yaer.

After flying for a while, Yaer became familiar with the device, and immediately she began to fly freely in the sky with the wind.

After all, a magician can only fly in the sky when he reaches the level of a great sky wizard.

Yaer is just an ordinary magician, but she enjoyed the feeling of flying. How could she not be excited?

“”Your Majesty! Your Majesty!”

Stephens shouted as he walked into Gu Yuan’s study.

“What’s the matter?”

Gu Yuan was handling government affairs and looked up at Stephens.

“Yaer borrowed a magic device from the research laboratory! Your Majesty, she has flown away now, taking Angelina with her!”

Stephens walked in with an old bone in a hurry, and then he couldn’t help but knocked his waist

“I know.”

Gu Yuan said casually.

“Ah! Your Majesty, you know! ? Your Majesty, you also know that it is something made by orcs. Although our parts have been replaced, the failure rate is still extremely high! It is very dangerous!”

Stephens was anxious. If only Yaer went out, it would be fine. The key is that when Yaer flew away, Angelina was accidentally taken away.

Angelina is well-behaved and has always been very serious in kicking Gu Yuan to deal with things.

And Stephens has long seen Angelina’s feelings for Gu Yuan.

Thinking that Angelina is an elf princess and a king like Gu Yuan is a good match, Stephens wants to match Gu Yuan and Angelina.

Stephens also watched Gu Yuan grow up. Now that the Los Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger, Stephens is also happy, but Gu Yuan is still not married at the age of twenty. As an old man, Stephens is also anxious.

People in this era get married very early. Gu Yuan is still not married at the age of twenty-one or twenty-two. In this era, he is already considered an older single youth!

And the country also needs a queen……

“I know that the device has a high failure rate, and I am not unprepared.”

Gu Yuan looked at Stephens, his mouth curled up.


Stephens had a puzzled look on his old face………………………

“”Hey, oh my!”

Yaer was flying happily in the sky, and suddenly the magic device behind her made a stuttering sound. The magic device made by the orcs was good enough to fly, but it was replaced with parts from the Los Kingdom, so it could fly for a while longer, but this time, it broke down.

Yaer’s speed in the sky suddenly dropped.

Not only did the speed drop, but their altitude also dropped……

“Hey hey hey ahh…”

“Yaer yaer yaer yaer yaer!”

“I’m going to fall down!!”

Ya’er and Angelina screamed in the air.

The two girls hugged each other, and tears burst out from their two delicate and perfect little faces.


With a muffled sound, Yaer and Angelina paused in the air, and then slowly floated up in the air.

Angelina looked up with tears in her eyes, and saw a big umbrella above them, blocking the sun and slowly bringing them down to the ground.

Angelina and Yaer hugged each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Yuan had already installed a parachute on it.

If there were no insurance measures, how could Gu Yuan lend such a thing with a very high failure rate to Yaer.

After the two girls landed safely, Angelina’s feet touched the ground, and she only felt that her legs were soft.

“Yaer! You are too reckless. Gu Yuan has already said that this thing has a very high failure rate, and you dared to use it secretly. Really.”

Angelina breathed a sigh of relief after landing, but soon she raised her little hand and hit Yaer on the head fiercely.


Yaer covered her head and whispered to Angelina,”Isn’t there a parachute?…..”

“You still know there is a parachute! If there is no parachute, then we would both be dead by now!”

Angelina said angrily. She thought that if she died, she would never see Gu Yuan again, and Gu Yuan would never see her again!

And she didn’t even give him her first kiss……To Guyuan……

If she died like this, it would be such a pity.

A princess of elves actually fell to death. If people knew about it, she would become a joke even if she died.

“”Okay, okay, Your Highness, Yaer was wrong.”

Yaer lowered her head in front of Angelina in disappointment.

“Well, it’s good to admit your mistakes.”

Angelina sighed. Although she was not much taller than Yaer, she still touched Yaer’s head.

At this moment, a slightly charming female voice suddenly came from the side.

“Two little sisters, is this the Kingdom of Los?~~”

Angelina and Yaer looked over and saw a man standing on the ground not far from them, covered in a purple robe with gold edges. He had a hood on his head and a white faceless mask with golden patterns on his face. The strange thing was that the mask was a complete piece without any gaps, which made people wonder if the man could see the road.

And two tufts of purple long hair hung down from the high part of his chest.

The man seemed to have been standing there for a long time, but the strange thing was that Angelina and Yaer never felt it.

“Who are you?”

Angelina’s little face immediately became alert.

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