Chapter 190: A Hundred-meter-high, Ten-thousand-mile-long “Mountain Range” [1/5]

On the dark grey cracked ground, a battle is drawing to a close.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

A Los Empire soldier holding an AKM switched the AKM to semi-automatic mode and quickly pulled the trigger three times.

The last three demon soldiers who were unwilling to surrender and began to flee were immediately shot in the back and fell to the ground.

The Los Empire soldier proudly raised the AKM in his hand, winning cheers from a group of his companions around him.

“”Okay, clean up the battlefield quickly.”

An officer came over and scolded.

They were a spearhead unit of the Los Empire Army, a spearhead regiment.

The whole regiment was mechanized, with trucks, tanks, motorcycles, etc., the purpose was to march quickly, to encircle the enemy from behind, or to penetrate the heart of the enemy in the vast battlefield.

But now they felt that they were lost.

“”Captain, are we advancing too fast?”

In the army, a group of officers above the company level gathered together. They looked at the simple map in their hands. This was the map they seized from the demons. However, they found that they could not understand it at all!

The map drawn by the demons was really abstract. It was really difficult for human officers like them to understand.

“We should be at this location.”

The leader of the Sharp Knife Regiment took a deep breath, took off his military cap, put the map in his other hand on the table, pointed to a certain part and said:

“This location?”

“That’s not right, Captain. There is a mountain nearby, a very long mountain.”

A lieutenant pointed to a blank spot on the map and asked,”According to the map, there is nothing in our direction, but we clearly saw before that there is a special mountain range here, only a hundred meters high, but very long.”

“Yes, but apart from that mountain range, the rest of the terrain is correct.”

The team leader was also stunned. Apart from that mountain range, the other marked locations were exactly the same as on the map.

But why is there a mountain range here but it is not marked on the map?

This puzzled them. It was also the reason why they thought they had read the map wrong and were lost.

“Could it be that this mountain range has only appeared recently? This should explain why all kinds of terrain are shown on this map, except for this mountain range.”

A lieutenant officer frowned and said

“How is that possible?”

The officers laughed and said

“I am more inclined to believe that this mountain range has some extremely special military conditions or some secrets, which is why it is not marked on the map.”

“This can reasonably explain this problem.”

The major officer in charge of the regiment pondered and said

“That’s possible.”

The other officers all nodded. Compared to the second lieutenant’s idea, they agreed more with the major’s idea because it was more reasonable and normal.

“In that case, we have to climb up the mountain to take a look. We have only seen it from a distance and have not yet surveyed it carefully.”

“Then we will go survey and see what is on that mountain range.”

The major pondered for a moment and said


The troops immediately started to move towards the mountain range which was not high but very long.

As they got closer to the mountain range, they felt that something was wrong.

Because from a distance, it looked like a mountain range with high and low elevations, but as they got closer, they found that it was not a mountain range at all, but a wall!

An irregular wall comparable to the Great Wall, with the highest point being 100 meters and the lowest point being 70 to 80 meters!

“This, this thing is a wall?”

The major stared at the wall in front of him that was 100 meters high and as long as a huge mountain range.

“Such a long wall, such a high wall, who is it blocking? Was it built by the devil?”

Waves of doubts appeared in his mind, and the major waved his hand and said,”Let’s climb up this wall and see what’s behind it!”

“Maybe it was built by the devil to block something.”

“Let’s survey it and then submit a report.”

Immediately, he began to direct some people to prepare to climb this extremely long mountain that was like a wall.

Some soldiers brought a rope catapult.

This is a thing with a simple mechanical principle. Press the button and the rope will be ejected. The hook on the top will hook the wall and you can climb. It is generally used by troops to climb some tall obstacles.

A soldier looked at the rope catapult in his hand and shouted,”Bring some more ropes. This rope is fifty meters long. Looking at the height, we have to connect another fifty-meter-long rope.”

Several Los soldiers came immediately and began to connect the ropes.

After more than ten minutes, all the connected ropes were put into the rope catapult.

“Put it in place, put it in place, prepare to launch the rope.”

Seven or eight rope catapults were lined up in a row, and a Los soldier slammed the trigger of the rope catapult.


“call out!”


“call out!”………….

There were sounds coming from the catapults, and the ropes instantly shot upwards.

Of the seven rope catapults, five successfully shot the hooks at the top of the ropes upwards, while the other two were crooked.

“”Okay, put on the protective gear and hang the rope, we are ready to start climbing.”

Five Los soldiers, one of whom is a soldier who specializes in recording the war and acts as a war correspondent, has a color camera hanging on his chest. He puts on the pendant and buckles it on the rope.

“Is it strong enough?”

“No problem!”

After confirming that there was no problem with the rope, five Los soldiers began to pull the rope and climb up step by step.

About half an hour later, they climbed to the top.

A Los soldier grabbed the top with his hands, and with a little effort, he climbed up.

Standing up straight at the top, he began to move forward, and said to the walkie-talkie on his chest:”I have successfully reached the top.”

There was a platform-like place on the top. Only then did he realize that the thickness of this mountain, which was almost like a wall, was more than 50 meters.

The second and third Los soldiers successfully climbed up.

They saw the first Los soldier standing on the opposite edge, stunned.

“What’s ahead?…..”

As the few people got closer, they looked at the scenery in the distance and were stunned.

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