Chapter 110 The Great Knight of Thieves [3/7]

„Äêps: Third update, four more to go]

A few minutes ago.

In the resting place of the Kingdom of Wakan, a few hazy figures appeared outside the room.

Under the light, they looked so blurry, just like a few people with extremely low quality, almost pixelated, suddenly appeared in a 1080P video.

“Is this the place?”

One of them asked to the side.

“It’s here, yes.”

“Well, prepare to go in and steal the cannon blueprints.”

The other person nodded and said.

To say who they are, they are a few great knights in the team sent by the Duke of Golden Lion.

There are also magicians in their team. After the magicians cast a few magic spells on them to conceal their identities, they came here like this.

“”Eh? The door is not closed?”

A knight frowned and pushed the door with one hand.

The wooden door opened with a”Ya” sound.

“There’s no one inside.

He looked inside and saw no one.

“They should have gone to the restaurant to eat. This is a good opportunity. Let’s go in and steal.”

The three knights looked at each other and entered the room.

As soon as they entered the room, they saw the 24-pound bronze infantry cannon in the shadows.

This bronze cannon was specially made by Gu Yuan. Apart from anything else, the first thing was to be beautiful.

“You, a bunch of lowly mortals in the Los Empire army, how can you be on equal footing with us who are noble? It’s because of weapons like this, they are so beautiful. I have never seen such strange magic patterns, and there is no magic fluctuation, so it can deceive everyone.”

The great knight stood in front of the bronze cannon. He looked at the exquisite bronze cannon with greed in his eyes. It was engraved with patterns, but in the eyes of the knight, this decorative pattern turned into some special magic runes.

Because in his cognition, everything that exceeds the power of the human body is magic, and no other power can exist.

And why there is no magic fluctuation in the weapons of the Los Empire, when he saw this bronze cannon, he thought he understood.

He believed that the pattern on it was actually some special magic rune that concealed the magic fluctuation, so there was no magic fluctuation.

It’s not his fault for being stupid, it’s really that things like guns and artillery are beyond his cognition.

“Now, such weapons will be ours!”

“Once we create such a powerful weapon, the lowly mortals of the Los Empire will not be able to compete with us noble people!”

The knight stood touching the muzzle of the bronze cannon, his face intoxicated.

“Okay, stop wasting time and look for the manufacturing drawings. They must be here.”

“Without the manufacturing blueprint, we can’t take such a big guy away.”

Another great knight patted his companion who was obsessed with artillery and said

“There is another room inside. I will go and take a look.”

He turned and walked towards the room.

But when he reached the door of the room and was about to open it, he suddenly felt extremely alert!

He wanted to dodge, but it was too late.


A loud noise came from inside the room, and a solid iron ball instantly broke through the wooden door at a speed that the knight could not react to, and then hit the knight directly! The knight’s whole body was instantly broken into two by the cannonball! Then it flew out of the room.

The knight thought he could dodge the danger the moment he felt it, but he was wrong. The speed of the bronze cannon’s cannonball was not slower than that of a pistol.

We often see some scenes on TV, such as a person being pointed at by a pistol, and the moment the enemy fired, he instantly tilted his head and dodged the bullet.

In fact, this is impossible, because according to the speed of the pistol when it was fired, the speed of his head tilting must be at least three times the speed of sound. Only then can he completely dodge the bullet!

Even if he dodges a second before the opponent fires, he can’t dodge it, because it’s impossible for a person to be faster than a bullet.

It’s the same principle here. The moment the cannon was fired, he dodged to the side.

According to a research report from the Los Empire Science and Technology Research Department, the Great Knight’s physical fitness is four times that of an ordinary human, and he is also proficient in various fighting and killing techniques. In simple terms, he is a weakened version of Captain America wearing armor in the Middle Ages.

And the Great Knight does not have the aura of a protagonist.

The cannonball was fired so fast that he was hit instantly while he was still in mid-air, and the whole person was broken into two.

The body that was broken into two pieces was instantly blasted out of the room, and half of the body fell on the street.

“What’s going on?!”

Wallace IV and Gunther III looked at the bodies falling on the street and screamed.

“Ha ha ha ha…..”

“His Majesty is still very smart. He had already guessed that you bastards were going to steal things!”

Wawu was wearing heavy armor. He smiled and walked out of the broken wooden door. There was actually a bronze cannon inside!

“But the power of this cannon still scared me. It could actually cut a big knight in two in one shot.”

“Bastard! So Gu Yuan deliberately gave the cannon to you in public!”

The remaining two knights instantly understood why Gu Yuan did this.

It was to lure them to steal!

“You lowly creatures!!”

They shouted angrily and drew their swords.

“You are all great knights, but am I not one too?!”

“Don’t underestimate us orcs!”

Wawu roared, and took out a sharp axe from his back.

“”Go to hell!”

Two great knights attacked fiercely, each wielding a long sword, their targets were all the gaps in Wawu’s heavy armor.

Their speed was extremely fast and very accurate. If they stabbed Wawu, he would be crippled.

“”It’s nothing!”

Wawu swung the battle axe in his hand violently, as if to cut off the attacking sword, but he suddenly turned to the side, revealing the room behind him.


“”Not good!”

The two were shocked. At this moment, they had seen clearly what was inside.

There were two Los soldiers wearing steel helmets, iron masks, and holding submachine guns!

But when Wau moved away and they saw clearly what was inside, the Los soldiers had already opened fire.

“”Bang, bang, bang!”

The powerful firepower from the two submachine guns instantly turned the two big knights into sieves.

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