I Stand For Justice In The Marine

Chapter 35 Cross's Plan

The Kingdom of Frevans is just one of more than 100 countries under the World Government, not to mention that even the royal family that ruled the Kingdom of Frevans will give up this country, so the World Government will naturally not give up hundreds of thousands of useless people. It takes a lot of trouble for people.


Zephyr held on to the wooden wall of the cabin, panting heavily.

As soon as he thought that the Frevans Kingdom was about to perish and hundreds of thousands of lives would disappear, he felt a strong sense of suffocation, which made him almost out of breath.

"Cross, can't we do something?" Zephyr murmured, there was actually a hint of prayer in his tone, and he didn't know whether he was praying to Cross or the gods.

As a righteous sailor, Zephyr really couldn't just sit back and watch a country perish and hundreds of thousands of people die.

"Teacher Zephyr, you think so highly of me, what can I do!" Cross let out a wry smile, and said helplessly, "I don't want to set foot on the territory of the Kingdom of Frevans because I'm afraid that I can't help but destroy this country. The royal family was killed..."

Suddenly, Cross paused with a strange expression, and after a while he slowly said: "Maybe, we can't save this country, but we can make the culprits get the punishment they deserve."

Zephyr's expression changed slightly, he stared at Cross sharply, and said, "What do you mean?"

"I have a plan, and I wonder if Teacher Zephyr would like to join?" Cross met Zephyr's eyes without hesitation.

"Tell me!"

"Teacher Zephyr, come closer!"

Cross waved at Zephyr, and when Zephyr approached, he whispered in Zephyr's ear: "It's like this, Mr. Zephyr, as a high-level Marine, came to escort the royal family of the Kingdom of Frevans to the Holy Land [Mariejois] To attend the meeting, soon there will be envoys from the royal palace to invite you to the dinner party, when the time comes we will

In the evening, a beige four-wheeled carriage, pulled by six white horses and escorted by dozens of soldiers, arrived at the port.

On the deck of the warship, Cross and Zephyr looked at the gorgeous carriage that looked like a small house on the shore, and couldn't help but look at each other with disgust.

"Your Excellency Zephyr, in the name of His Majesty the King, I invite you to the dinner!"

The royal envoy in a white suit stepped onto the warship, took out a beautiful white invitation card from his arms, and handed it to Zephyr respectfully.

Zephyr reached out to take the invitation with a blank expression, touched the beautiful pattern on the invitation, and sighed softly: "This is the paint made of ammonite...it's so beautiful!"

The palace envoy raised his head proudly, and said with a proud expression: "Your Excellency Zephyr has a good eye, and amber is the best gift God has bestowed on our kingdom!"

"Hehe~ I really envy you all, you can actually live in such a...beautiful country!" Cross chuckled and said meaningfully.

Return the best gift that God bestowed on your kingdom?

This is probably the Pandora's box that God bestowed on your kingdom!

"Well, since it's an invitation from His Majesty the King, then I'll be disrespectful!" Zephyr squeezed the white invitation in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Cross, come with me!

"It's an honor, Teacher Zephyr!" Cross nodded.

"Two, this way please!"

The palace envoy bowed down respectfully and made a gesture of invitation.

Afterwards, Zephyr and Cross were not polite, they walked straight off the warship, and got into the four-wheeled carriage on the port.

The carriage is very spacious, and Zephyr, who is about three meters tall, does not feel crowded when he sits in it. There is even a fixed small round table in the middle.


The coachman outside let out a soft drink, flicked his whip, and drove the six tall horses to pull the carriage forward, heading towards the palace.

The horse's hooves stepped on the ground as white as snow, and the carriage was driving in the city of Frevans Kingdom. Cross lifted the curtain of the window and looked out.

In the evening, the Kingdom of Frevans is still very beautiful. Spire buildings can be seen everywhere, and the walls are painted with paint made of ammonium lead, which has a kind of sparkling and crystal clear beauty.

Suddenly, a child on the street attracted Cross' attention.

The other party was wearing a furry winter hat with leopard Madara points, a light yellow suit, a white shirt inside, a red tie, dark blue shorts and black shoes, holding a few thick books in both hands, He quickly ran into a large hospital.

"That kid is.... Trafalgar Law?!"

Cross narrowed his eyes and quickly recognized the other party's identity.

‥...seeking flowers...0

If Cross admits his mistakes and remembers correctly, that child should be one of the future "extremely evil generations", and also the only survivor after the destruction of [White Town] Frevans.

Suddenly, Cross remembered his plan. If it succeeds, he wonders whether it will change the ending of [White Town] Frevans, or whether it will change the fate of Trafalgar Law.

You must know that Trafalgar Law’s childhood fate was extremely tragic. When [White Town] Frevans was destroyed, he saw his parents were shot to death, and the hospital where his sister was located was set on fire. He told his nuns and companions that he would be redeemed He was also shot and killed by the army, and the whole country was destroyed in a sea of ​​flames. Later, he hid in a pile of corpses and escaped across the border.

"Cross, what's the matter?"

Just about to close his eyes and meditate, Zephyr noticed that Cross's breathing was getting heavier, and couldn't help but care.

"It's okay, I just thought about the next thing!" Cross looked away, shook his head at Zephyr, and signaled that he was fine.

Zephyr looked at Cross with a serious expression, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be nervous, you can give up at any time, and I can do it alone!"

Cross snorted unhappily, and said, "Don't underestimate me, Mr. Zephyr, I proposed the plan!"

After an unknown amount of time, the carriage stopped.

The next moment, the voice of the palace envoy came from outside the carriage: "Your Excellency Zephyr, the palace is here!"

Zephyr, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and a horrified killing intent flashed through his eyes.

Cross pressed Zephyr's arm and said softly, "Teacher, hold your breath!"


Zephyr exhaled a long breath, got up and got out of the carriage.

Cross followed closely behind, and as soon as he got out of the carriage, he saw the huge castle in front of him.

The beige pointed castle, similar to the Romanesque architectural style, looks solemn and majestic, yet low-key and luxurious, and there are neatly dressed guards guarding the gate, revealing a noble temperament.

"Your Excellency Zephyr, please follow me!"

The palace envoy stepped forward to lead the way, again making a gesture of invitation. .

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