I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 95 Crashing Down A Hundred-Story Building! Into The 25Th Floor Underground!

The twenty-fourth floor underground of the Feller Building.

At this time, Old Feller was completely paralyzed on the floor.

He passed the screen in front of him.

He watched Su Chen and Qin Ruoyu disappear into the eastern sky~ helplessly.

Where would Su Chen go.

He knows better than anyone!

And just now he called several beautiful country old-guys one after another.

But without exception.

All are rejected.

This shows that he has been completely abandoned.

The Feller Consortium has also been completely abandoned!

"Old Feller, do you regret it?"

At this moment, he couldn't help muttering to himself.

Immediately, two lines of clear tears fell down his old face uncontrollably.

At this moment, old Feller's intestines are full of regrets!

I knew it would be like this today.

Even if he was killed, he would not pretend to be a passer.

If he killed him, he would not let Tong Wu provoke Su Chen.

If he is killed, he will not fire those eight super-H weapons!

But now I can't regret it at all.

Su Chen has come over!


At this moment, a violent roar directly resounded in the old Feller's ears.

He looked up.

I didn't expect Su Chen to come so fast!

Outside the hundred-story building of Feller.

Su Chen was floating in mid-air with Qin Ruoyu in his arms.

He just punches casually.

The Feller Building in front of Su Chen collapsed.

Many confidantes of the Feller family didn't even have time to escape.

It was crushed under the ruins!

"Something's wrong with the ground!"

"I can feel the breath of the other four attribute elements!"

At this moment, Qin Ruoyu suddenly turned her head and said to Su Chen.

The elements of the five elements are mutual generation and mutual restraint.

Qin Ruoyu could feel this, and Su Chen was naturally not surprised.

"Tong Wu is still alive?"

"Is it all hidden underground?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows, and then there was a murderous look in his eyes.

To fight against the outside world, we must first settle down inside.

Now is the time to do a thorough understanding.

Su Chen stretched out two fingers, pointing directly to the underground of the Filler Building.

Qin Ruoyu next to him looked at Su Chen's fingers.

Immediately, she couldn't help but widen her pretty eyes.

I saw that the thick concrete floor couldn't bear Su Chen's two-finger calendar at all!

A loud roar sounded.

The ground was directly pressed out of a bottomless pothole!

Su Chen turned his head and nodded to Qin Ruoyu.

Then the two jumped directly towards the pothole.

"Still down there."

After the two appeared on the twenty-fourth floor underground.

Qin Ruoyu pointed to her feet and said.

She can feel that the four attribute elements are in the next layer.

And she even felt the thunder element.

At this moment, the five attribute elements are shaking violently.

It seems to be going through some unknown process.

But Qin Ruoyu didn't have the slightest concern about this.

My own man is not even afraid of super H weapons.

What else can Blue Star pose a threat to him now!?

And Su Chen turned his head to look at Qin Ruoyu, and then said:

"Don't worry, there seems to be an old friend here who has never met."

"Old friend?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Qin Ruoyu was taken aback.

Why hasn't she heard of Su Chen and Meiguo's friends?

"Come on, I'll take you to meet him.

Su Chen made a fool of himself.

Then he dragged Qin Ruoyu directly into the closed room.

Su Chen's current perception has become extremely powerful.

So start as early as the moment you go underground.

He has already sensed the power of the attribute elements that Qin Ruoyu mentioned.

In addition, he also felt an old man who was about to run out of fuel.

The Filler Consortium never raises waste.

An old man who is about to die is here.

Then his identity is self-evident.

Old Fei Le, Yin Chen is not an exaggeration to call him an old friend.

Although the two have never met.

But each other has heard each other's name countless times.

After raising his legs and walking into the enclosed space.

Qin Ruoyu immediately saw the old man lying on the ground.


Su Chen didn't know what old Feller looked like.

As the only daughter of the Nine Dragons Consortium, Qin Ruoyu naturally knew it.

So she recognized at a glance that the man on the ground was Old Feller.

And at this moment, she suddenly woke up.

What kind of old friend is Su Chen talking about?

It is clearly a metaphor for the words "old enemy"!

"Are you Qiongqi?"

At this moment, Old Feller leaned against the instrument behind him with difficulty.

As if exhausting the last of his strength, he asked.

At this time, a dagger was stuck in his chest.

Blood has flowed all over the ground.

Knowing that I will not survive today.

So the old Feller finally chose to do it himself.

I have to say that the old Filler is indeed a heroic figure.

...asking for flowers...

Ruthless to the enemy, even more ruthless to himself.

"What's the point of saying this now?"

Su Chen's eyes froze, and he pursed his lips and said.

He didn't have much friendship with old Filler.

Why does old Feller still look like he wants to catch up with him?

And old Feller, thanks to himself, committed suicide.

Otherwise, Qin Ruoyu next to him might personally burn him to ashes.

The kind that even saves the urn.


Old Feller coughed twice when he heard the words, then shook his head with a wry smile on his face.

"I know it doesn't make any sense to say that."

"But I still want to apologize to you and Miss Qin."

"It was my old Feller who made a mistake before, and I hope you two can forgive my sins.

"In this way, I can feel at ease and be a good person when I go to God."


Old Feller's face at the moment was sincere, as if speaking from the bottom of his heart.

But Su Chen couldn't help frowning as he stared at the old Feller's eyes.

Although he had never met old Feller.

But from some of the old Feller's previous means.

He can also roughly judge the old guy's temper.

He is not a person who will give in easily.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be crazy enough to launch eight super H weapons in the end.

Even if there is a possibility of a big battle, he must be killed!

Especially now that old Feller was not going to live long.

Now he should have nothing to fear.

Since there is nothing to be afraid of.

Why don't you say a few harsh words, and even scold Su Chen severely.

On the contrary, he was convinced and softened here!?

And go to God?

If people like Old Feller could see God, no one would go to hell even in the world!

"I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"I regret it, I regret it!"

At this moment, Su Chen was silent.

Old Filler cried again.

That kind of appearance makes those who hear it sad and those who see it cry.

But Su Chen saw him like this.

The brows were furrowed even tighter.

Old Feller may really regret it.

But she didn't think she would cry in front of him.

This is not the character of a man like Old Feller at all.

After a while, Su Chen pursed his lips and asked suddenly:

"Does Old Feller have any descendants?"

Qin Ruoyu was taken aback when she heard this.

Although I don't know why Su Chen asked that.

Still truthfully replied:

"He has a son in.".

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