Under Su Chen's gaze.

The sword dangled and flew to the top of Sun Xiaowei's head.

It finally fell to the ground with a bang.


Even with Su Chen's patience, he couldn't help bursting out laughing at this moment!

It's not that he hasn't seen the useless ability.

He signed a full three useless abilities alone.

But at least his abilities work!

You can change whoever's name you say you want to change.

Whoever's morality is said to be raised billions of times, let his morality be raised billions of times.

But Sun Xiaowei's ability is too useless, right?


And it's so strenuous just to hold a sword.

Then two more swords for him to control, wouldn't he have to exhaust himself to death?

Su Chen turned to look at Sun Xiaowei.

I saw that he was also full of helplessness at this time.

It seems that he is quite powerless with this ability of his own.

"Forget it, let's go to other places."

Su Chen shook his head slightly, and planned to leave directly.

Sun Xiaowei's ability is too useless.

Su Chen couldn't stand it anymore.

It really is true that there is no worst ability in the world, only worse!

But at this moment.

The few people around Sun Xiaowei suddenly said:

"Fuck! This is really the Goujian Sword of the King of Yue!?"

"Haha! This idiot Sun Xiaowei really brought us the Goujian Sword!?"

"Brothers, let's send it now!"

"Sell this sword, enough for us to buy a few high-grade crystals!"


While speaking, those supernatural beings took the sword that fell on the ground.

After Su Chen heard Gou Jianjian's words, he also stopped walking.

After all, this Goujian sword is too famous.

Even today it is a national treasure!

It is said that this sword was cast from meteorites from the sky.

After more than two thousand years, it still cuts iron like mud.

"What are you doing! Put down the sword for me!"

Sun Xiaowei watched as several people snatched away the sword he summoned.

Immediately said with an angry face

Then he yelled out that somewhat secondary line again:


Sun Xiaowei fell behind.

The palm of the supernatural being holding the Goujian sword suddenly trembled.

It seemed that Gou Jianjian was about to break free from his hand.

"Hmph! I have petrification abilities!"

Seeing this, the superhuman snorted coldly.

Immediately under Su Chen's gaze.

The fist of the superhuman was directly petrified into a dry yellow rock.

No matter how much Sun Xiaowei "swords come".

The petrified palm of the supernatural being didn't move.

"The sword is not mine, you can't take it away!"

Seeing that the call was fruitless.

Sun Xiaowei wanted to go directly to grab it.

But as soon as he approached the supernatural being, he was kicked and flew away by him.

Su Chen looked very carefully.

The moment the superhuman stepped out, the soles of his feet immediately petrified.

And because of petrification.

He seemed to kick casually, but it exploded with great strength.

Sun Xiaowei was kicked almost five or six meters away.

Then he covered his stomach in pain.

But it didn't take long.

Sun Xiaowei gritted his teeth and got up from the ground.

But this time he didn't move forward.

Instead, he looked at the group of supernatural beings and grinned.

"Just take the sword."

"But this is the only spiritual sword in the world."

"I can call it back at any time!"

Hearing what Sun Xiaowei said.

Those supernatural beings immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

It seems to have forgotten this crop!

"Brother! Why don't we just keep doing it! Get this guy off?"

"I see how a dead man can recall his sword!"

A man with a sharp mouth pondered for a moment.

Suddenly, his eyes showed fierceness and he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The petrified man thought about it.

He nodded to the others.

Then they looked around.

I saw no one around.

He walked towards Sun Xiaowei with a grim face.

"What are you doing!?"

"Killing... killing people is against the law!"

"We are all the same age, you can't be impulsive!"

Looking at the killing intent in the eyes of the people in front of him.

Sun Xiaowei completely panicked now.

He didn't expect these guys to really dare to kill people!

"Don't blame us, if you want to blame it, blame yourself for being too useless!"

The petrified man licked his lips.

Immediately, his palm instantly petrified, and he slashed towards Sun Xiaowei's head.

If you get hit this time.

Sun Xiaowei has to become a vegetable if he doesn't die.

But at the moment when the petrified man's palm fell.

A white palm suddenly stretched out.

One of the two palms is as solid as a rock, and the other is extremely ordinary.

But when the two collide together.

Suddenly, a look of extreme pain appeared on the petrified man's face.

Immediately afterwards, there was a clicking sound.

I saw that the petrified palm of the supernatural being was suddenly covered with spider web-like cracks.

Then his palm returned to its physical form.

But it was full of blood!

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