I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 55 Dragon Kingdom Attaches Great Importance To Supernatural Beings!

After pondering for a while again, Su Chen directly turned off the computer in front of him.

Whether it's the Nine Dragons consortium or the top ten consortiums.

The interests involved between them have nothing to do with Su Chen.

Now for Su Chen, the most important thing is to think about how to use the plane ability he just signed in!

Just now, I took advantage of the gap between the announcement of the global ability list.

Su Chen has already carefully browsed the list of useless abilities.

However, he couldn't find a useless ability that could cooperate with the ability of the plane.

He really didn't know how to boast that the ability of the plane was too high.


This is the most useless ability he has ever signed!

"Hey, is it really impossible to enter the beast realm this time?"

Su Chen stuck his chin in his hands, looked out the window at the east where the morning light was beginning to dawn, and sighed.


at this moment.

Su Chen's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

Su Chen turned on his phone and looked, and it turned out to be a text message sent to him by Hu Xiaoxiao.

"Su Chen!"

"Today is the day to enroll students in the supernatural school!"

"Although my ability is useless, you have no ability at all."

"But we can go and see the excitement!"

"I heard that people in the whole city will go to watch the excitement!"


put down the phone.

Inexplicably, there was a trace of hotness in Su Chen's eyes.

He didn't intend to just go and watch the excitement.

Instead, you have to directly apply for the supernatural school!

Although he still has no powers...


To be precise, there is no fixed ability.

But with his current strength attributes, that's definitely enough!

At the very least, it's on the global ability rankings just announced.

Su Chen can easily crush several so-called strongest supernatural beings!

For example, that completely invisible supernatural being.

There is also the supernatural being of the witch doctor and shaman.

Even including the animal body ability user who ranked third.

When these strongest superpowers really fight, they are definitely not Su Chen's opponents!

Needless to say, it is completely invisible.

Su Chen's power surged out, and the supernatural person could only be beaten passively!

As long as he dared to approach Su Chen within 500 meters.

It must be felt by Su Chen's power envelope.

Su Chen could find his position with his eyes closed.

So complete invisibility is of no use to Su Chen at all.

And the enhanced strength of witch doctor shamanism is also equivalent to transformation.

But the extent to which he can increase his power after transformation.

I'm afraid it can't match half of Su Chen's strength attribute.

After all, the value on Su Chen's power panel has already broken through the 100,000 mark!

Now there are people in the world who can reach this terrifying value.

Just Su Chen!

As for the animal body, the limitations of this ability are too great!

Put it nicely.

Find the blood of the ancient ferocious beast, this ability is invincible.

But the ancient fierce beasts are just legends.

It is really difficult to find the blood of ancient ferocious beasts in this era!

Except for the ancient beasts.

Modern society includes those fierce beasts in the beast realm.

It is far from possible to be Su Chen's opponent in a one-on-one duel!


With Su Chen's current strength, getting into the supernatural school is as easy as drinking water.

The only thing that makes Su Chen a little worried.

That is, what kind of method is the entrance examination conducted?

After all, the Beast Realm has only been opened for three months.

Schools of supernatural powers have just been organized and established by the governments of various countries. No one knows what the conditions for recruiting supernatural beings are?

This is why the whole city will watch the fun today.

And if there is no age limit.

I am afraid that the old men in their sixties and seventies will consider enrolling in school.

Rejuvenate the second spring of life.

"I wish I could just apply for the exam based on my strength!"

Su Chen pressed his chin with his hand and spoke slowly.


Eight o'clock in the morning.

After only two hours of sleep, Su Chen got up from the bed full of energy.

For Su Chen today.

There is nothing wrong with not sleeping for three days and three nights.

After all, his physique is too strong now.

After a brief wash, Su Chen went downstairs and went out.

Their supernatural school in the magic city was named the second supernatural school.

As the name suggests—it is the second key supernatural school in the Dragon Kingdom.

The first supernatural school is a supernatural school located in Kyoto City.

However, the strength of the two supernatural schools is actually on par with each other, with almost no difference.

The reason why the supernatural school in Kyoto is the number one supernatural school.

It's all because of the politics of Kyoto City.

After all, it is the capital of Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, there are a total of 33 supernatural schools established by Longguo this time, all of which belong to the state-owned assets.

The top ten consortiums have their means of recruiting supernatural beings.

But one thing is beyond dispute.

That was the era of supernatural beings, and the country was still the big one.

No matter how much the Nine Dragons Consortium is doing internationally, it still has to listen to the words of the above when it comes to China.

After all, the current supernatural powers have not yet been able to ignore the power of thermal weapons.

Even with Su Chen's current physical strength.

He just dared to use his body to pick up ordinary pistol bullets.

Let Su Chen use his body to resist Barrett's shot, and Su Chen is also a little guilty.


This is just the current status quo.

With the existence of the beast domain, it is impossible for all supernatural beings to remain stagnant.

Sooner or later, hot weapons will completely withdraw from the stage of history!

At that time—

People with supernatural powers will become the most fundamental force that determines the strength of a country!

Therefore, the country will naturally attach great importance to supernatural beings.

These thirty-three supernatural schools are the future confidence of the Dragon Kingdom!

................................................... ...................................................

PS: It's a new day!

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