Can't figure it out.

Su Chen simply continued to read.

At this time, the eighth place has also been announced.

No. 8: Resurrection ability!

Owner: Sadie

Beast Domain Name: White Swan

Affiliated consortium: White Elephant Consortium!


"Resurrection ability!?"

With just one glance, Su Chen could not restrain a shocked expression on his face.

This is definitely the ability at the top of the pyramid!

Even if it is ranked in the top three, it is not surprising, but why is it only eighth! ?

With curiosity, Su Chen silently clicked on the detailed ability introduction below.

Since the top ten consortiums ranked the ability of resurrection so low.

That means its true utility may be somewhat low.

And when Su Chen read the detailed ability introduction, he immediately understood.

It turns out that the so-called resurrection ability is not really able to bring people back from the dead.

Instead, resurrect the dead and keep them alive for another thirty minutes.

But even so.

In Su Chen's opinion, this ability is strong enough!

For example, it can be used to solve crimes, resurrect the dead and identify the murderer by himself.

Another example is to revive a teammate who has died in the battle and continue to fight for 30 minutes.

And after knowing that he will die soon.

The fighting power that erupted is definitely not the same.

Su Chen clicked on the comment below and took a look.

Most netizens have similar cognition to Su Chen.

The resurrection ability has pros and cons.

But in the eighth position, there is absolutely no problem.


The announcement speed of the top ten consortiums has gradually accelerated a lot.

After all, it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

If it continues to drag on, I am afraid that people all over the world will not be able to bear the hardship.

From the seventh to the third, the five superpowers, the top ten consortiums have all announced it in one go.

They are:

Seventh place: mind control!

Sixth place: Completely invisible!

Fifth place: Retinazer!

Fourth place: Electromagnetic King!

Third Place: Beast Body!

Su Chen couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw these five strongest abilities in the world.

no doubt!

These five abilities can definitely be called pyramid-like existence among abilities!

Just talking about the complete invisibility ranked sixth is already almost invincible.

Because total invisibility is more than simply making others invisible.

Instead, all smells and breaths will converge.


This is still not the scariest place to be completely invisible.

The most terrifying thing is that the body will be almost transparent.

Can penetrate any medium.

Once this ability is activated, it is equivalent to the complete disappearance of this person in the world.

During the battle, even the trace of the enemy could not be found at all.

What about a fart?

So the strength of this ability is definitely very high.

However, it is not impossible to deal with complete stealth.

At least Su Chen has no less than three ways to deal with complete invisibility.

The first way to deal with total invisibility is with curse abilities.

Just like the combination of Su Chen and Chen Daqiang.

"I don't care if you hide or not!"

"As long as you change your name to Zhang San, you will die!"


The combination of Su Chen and Li Huan is the same.

"I won't fight with you, so what if you are invisible?"

"Why don't you obediently come out and recognize your father?"

In addition to the above two invincible methods.

Su Chen also has a third way to deal with completely invisible supernatural beings.

And there is no need to rely on any combination of abilities, only Su Chen can do it by himself!

That is to unleash all his strength.

Complete stealth is equivalent to losing the target of attack.

But when the attack is changed to a range, it is useless to be completely invisible.

Take Su Chen's current strength attribute.

After his strength is completely stirred up, at least five hundred meters around him will become a mess.

At that time, those who are completely invisible will also have to be shocked to reveal their original shape!


Sight skips over the full invisibility ability.

Su Chen looked up again at the third-ranked beast body ability!

Since this ability can crush Retinazer and Electromagnetic King, it can be photographed in the third position.

The power is enough to be seen.

After clicking on the detailed introduction of the ability, I read it for a while.

Even Su Chen couldn't help clicking his tongue.

This ability is similar to the tenth-ranked witch doctor and shaman technique!

But its strength is many times stronger than that of the witch doctor and shaman!

As the name suggests——

The beast body is an existence that can transform into a beast!

But this third-ranked animal body ability.

But it's not just simply turning into a beast.

Instead, it can become countless kinds!

................................................... ...................................................

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