After converting all the remaining S-rank black crystals into power attribute points again.

On the light curtain on the front panel of Su Chen.

Available strength attribute points changed from zero to 12000 again!

The black crystal Su Chen of other low-level beast domains added points to agility and endurance respectively.

Anyway, he doesn't care much about this attribute value.

It's better to allocate it to endurance and agility, and then remind him to reach the critical value later.

Su Chen even suspected that he was the first to be reminded that there was still a critical value.

Even if there are some other supernatural beings, it is mainly to add a certain attribute.

I'm afraid it won't reach the terrifying 200:1 threshold!

After a while, all the black crystals under Su Chen's feet were finally exchanged.

At this time, the data on his attribute panel is already gorgeous.

The name of the supernatural person: Qiongqi

Power Score: /

Intelligence: 120

Strength: 112840

Agility: 13210

Stamina: 12160

Of course, it's not just the properties panel that's changed.

The attribute panel also represents various indicators of Su Chen's body.

At this moment, Su Chen shook his body slightly.

The air around him seemed to be filled with terrifying sonic booms.

But it was different from last time.

Although the power in Su Chen's body was surging.

But there is no state of eruption all the time.

Obviously, Su Chen's control over his body has also been raised to a very terrifying level.

This is not only the benefit brought to Su Chen by the neutralization of various attributes.

In Su Chen's opinion, his battle with the giant tree monster in the SS-level beast domain was the most crucial point.

That hearty battle.

It directly made Su Chen's surged strength fully integrate with his body.

Even reached a restrained state.

Now Su Chen doesn't move.

I'm afraid that no one will know when I move.

How much power will be contained in his fist.

Let alone ten steel plates now.

Even if it is the hardest diamond in the world, Su Chen can easily crush it with bare hands!

"By the way, there is this good thing!"

After the excitement, Su Chen suddenly remembered the liquid of life again.

This is a baby that can increase bone density.

Su Chen looked at the attribute panel in front of him, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

If he drinks the liquid of life now, will he also be able to increase the attribute value on the panel! ?

The more I think about Su Chen, the more likely it is.

Immediately, he no longer hesitated, and directly took out two balls of life fluid.

A large group of them is the double life fluid rewarded by the system.

The other smaller group was rewarded by him and Li Huan for clearing the SS-level beast realm.

Su Chen opened his mouth, and he swallowed the two balls of life fluid in one gulp.


After entering the liquid of life, Su Chen felt warm all over his body.

Couldn't help but whispered.

At this moment, especially Su Chen's bones were numb and numb, as if undergoing some kind of transformation!

This feeling of restraint that made Su Chen intoxicated lasted for five minutes.

When his body returned to normal state again, Su Chen felt that his whole body seemed to be sublimated.

If he added countless attribute values ​​before.

Su Chen still felt that he was a normal human being.

That starts from this moment.

Su Chen thinks that he has broken away from the category of normal human beings.

Because the bones that are the most difficult to transform have been completely transformed by the liquid of life at this moment!


"This is!?"

A moment later, when Su Chen looked at the property panel expectantly.

The expression on his face froze for a moment.

I saw that the main attributes such as intelligence, strength, agility, and endurance on the attribute panel did not change at all.

But at the bottom of the stamina attribute panel, there is suddenly a new attribute value!

Root bone: 32000 points!

Looking at the column of Gengu, the excited expression on Su Chen's face was hard to suppress.

Without a doubt, this is definitely the best panel to match Su Chen's power attributes!

And it's his unique attribute panel!

Su Chen guessed that all of this should be due to the liquid of life.

Help him open such a brand new panel!

"This trip to the Beast Realm is really rewarding!"

Su Chen looked at his attribute panel and said excitedly.

But after thinking about it, the time is getting closer to twelve o'clock in the morning.

Su Chen's complexion suddenly collapsed.

After clearing all the beast realms twice, Su Chen has experienced this wonderful feeling.

If the ability rewarded by the system is still so useless!

Could it be that Su Chen still needs to find someone who can cooperate with him! ?

The first time I found Chen Daqiang, and the second time I found Li Huan.

He really didn't have the confidence to meet a good partner for the third time!

"System, why don't you just be an individual!?"

The last moment of leaving the beast realm.

Su Chen couldn't help but looked up to the sky and sighed!

................................................... ...................................................

PS: Ask for data every day!

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