In Li Huan's perspective.

Su Chen's figure suddenly jumped tens of meters away.

Then he rushed towards a towering giant tree very domineeringly.

See this scene.

Li Huan is really passionate!

I look forward to the day when I can be as fit as Su Chen.

Who would dare to laugh at his abilities like this.

Then he would let the other party call him daddy while ravaging the other party.

It's just the next second.

The expression on Li Huan's face froze!

The imagined picture of Su Chen beating the giant tree and beast in front of him did not appear.

Instead, Su Chen's figure was swept away by the branches of the giant tree, and he was swept away!


"Are you OK!?"

Seeing Su Chen fell hard in the distance like a broken kite.

Li Huan shouted hastily.


Just when he was about to run over, he saw Su Chen turn over and stand up again.

He patted the dust off his body and signaled to Li Huan that he was fine.


Su Chen did not feel any discomfort other than feeling a little numb all over his body.

The defensive power of this red armor.

It is indeed stronger than Su Chen imagined!

But if you think about it carefully, you can figure it out.

After all, the black armor is already a reward from the SS-level purple gate.

And his red pattern armor is not only defensive, but also the agility and endurance attributes added to Su Chen.

They must far surpass Hei Jia!


Even in the face of this higher-level Heimen Beast Realm.

Su Chen can still take a hard blow without getting hurt!

"Now it's my turn to act!"


Su Chen looked at the giant tree monsters that had moved collectively in front of him.

He licked his lips bloodthirstyly and said.

Now that he knows that there is no problem with his defense.

Then next——

Then you can verify the power of the Dragon Finger!

The figure suddenly sprang out again.

In a few seconds, Su Chen rushed into the encirclement of giant trees and beasts.


From all directions, giant tree monsters waved thick resin and came towards Su Chen.

Don't look at it as a simple whipping action.

If you switch to other supernatural beings, you will get hit.

Even if all the stamina attributes are clicked, they will have to belch in an instant!

And Su Chen would not rely on the strong defense of the red-patterned armor to blindly block the attack of the giant tree beast.

Combat skills naturally also include dodging.

If he just stood still and was whipped by the giant tree, he would be out of his mind!

And relying on the red-patterned armor to hard-catch the giant tree monster is fine.

If you pick up a few more times or even dozens of times.

Even if Su Chen's body is made of iron, he can't hold it!



"Brother is mighty!"

At this time, Su Chen dodged the attacks of several giant tree monsters.

Then he punched out.

In Li Huan's sight.

The giant tree and beast hit by Su Chen instantly turned into pieces.

Li Huan couldn't stand the visual impact of crushing a towering tree hundreds of meters high with one punch.

But he knows how much he owns.

If he had been surrounded by giant trees and beasts, he would have been whipped and fucked in just a few strokes!

"Brother, come on!"

Thinking of this, Li Huan could only cheer Su Chen silently.

However, his shout seemed to attract the group of giant trees and beasts.

Many giant trees and beasts turned around and looked towards Li Huan.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Li Huan's scalp was instantly numb from fright.

Then he looked a little embarrassed and said:

"Brother Jushu, you guys do your best too..."

Those giant trees and beasts naturally couldn't understand Li Huan's words.


They did not attack Li Huan.

Instead, they all surrounded Su Chen again.

It seems that Su Chen has completely angered them by killing one of their kind.

Although the fierce beasts in the beast domain do not have a high IQ.

But the simple character is still there.

Anyway, they have only one task.

That is to tear everyone who breaks into here.

Which one to tear first, and which one to tear next.

Or two shredded at the same time, completely driven by instinct for them!

And now their instinctive subconscious tells them.

You must tear this arrogant guy to shreds first!

"Bang! Bang!"

Immediately, a fierce battle broke out suddenly.

The sonic boom of thick tree trunks hitting the air suddenly sounded.

While Su Chen struggled to avoid the whipping of the tree trunk, he would find the right opportunity to throw a punch.

With the tyrannical strength combined with the addition of the dragon finger, the thick limbs of those giant trees and beasts are simply vulnerable to a single blow in Su Chen's eyes.

In an instant, the sky was full of fragments, so romantic.

If there is a couple here, I am afraid that they will point to the scene in front of them and agree for a lifetime.

I think this romantic picture is simply the best witness in the world.

However, although the picture is beautiful, only Su Chen knows the danger in it.

He was almost hit in the head by those giant tree beasts several times.

If this is drawn.

Su Chen would definitely explode his brains on the spot and die tragically.

Unless he fully summoned the red armor to form a helmet defense.

But Su Chen held back at the last moment.

Force your body to escape these attacks.

While the battle is heating up, Su Chen's fighting skills are also improving at a crazy speed!

................................................... ...................................................

PS: It's a new day!

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The little author would like to thank all the masters here!

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