I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 3 You Can Make Everyone Named Zhang San Die Instantly! ?

After school at four o'clock, Su Chen returned home at ten past four.

Three bedrooms and one living room, still in the school district.

It was the most precious property left to him by his parents who had a car accident in his predecessor.

After two simple bites of food, Su Chen turned on the computer and went online.

Now he naturally wants to know more about the beast domain and supernatural beings.

But after checking it out, he didn't get any more understanding.

I only know that there is a beast tower in the beast domain.

All levels of beast domains are in the beast tower.

What exactly the beast domain looks like, I'm afraid he can only know once he actually enters it.

Afterwards, Su Chen clicked on the waste firewood power net.

I want to see those weird and useless abilities, so as to find a sense of psychological balance.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, Su Chen can't stop at all.

Su Chen, who saw all kinds of weird abilities, laughed out loud.

He thought it sounded ridiculous that the internal jokes of the previous life didn't have these abilities.

"Wait! This ability!?"

And at this moment, Su Chen looked at a corner of the website, and couldn't take his eyes back immediately!

"Breaking news, breaking news! The most useless is also the strongest ability! [I can instantly kill everyone named Zhang San!]"

The following are followed by comments from netizens.

"Haha! Who did we offend by calling Zhang San?"

"Wori, brother upstairs, don't be joking, my name is really Zhang San!"

"Hiss! Brother, you'd better pray that this ability user doesn't activate his ability! Otherwise, he will become scum in an instant!"

"Friendly reminder, go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to change your name!"


Looking at the news in front of him, the expression on Su Chen's face froze for dozens of seconds.

Then he slapped his thigh fiercely, and couldn't help showing a look of excitement!

This supernatural person can instantly kill everyone named Zhang San.

And now he can make everyone call Zhang San!

When the two of them work together, wouldn't it be a matter of seconds! ?

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately clicked on the news.

After carefully watching from beginning to end, Su Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

At the end of the news, there was even the contact information of this supernatural person.

And said that this supernatural person has a sister who has cancer.

If there is a well-meaning person who feels that this supernatural being is a bit pitiful, he can donate some money to show it!

Looking at the phone number, Su Chen immediately picked up the phone and dialed it.

With the cooperation of this supernatural being, they might be able to go to the beast realm to slaughter!

Although Su Chen doesn't know if it is possible to rename the wild monsters in the beast realm.

But definitely worth a try!


After Su Chen dialed the phone, the other side also answered it quickly, but the voice was a bit puzzled, and it was obvious that he didn't know Su Chen's purpose.

"Hello, I saw your contact information from the waste wood power website."

Su Chen explained first.

"Oh, that's right! Brother, go and change your name! Don't worry! I won't activate my abilities!"

On the other end of the phone, such a sentence came out of nowhere.

Su Chen was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

It seems that many people named Zhang San have already called this supernatural being.

It should be that they are all afraid that this brother will disappear if he thinks about it.

This ability is indeed just like the news headline said: it is the most useless and the strongest ability.

But now Su Chen can completely turn it into the strongest!

"My name is not Zhang San. I called you to ask if you are interested in entering the beast realm?"

Su Chen didn't show his cards directly, but said tentatively.

Even if he wanted to cooperate, he had to get to know this person first.

"Entering the Beast Realm? Of course I want to!!"

"If I can get a piece of spar, even if it is the lowest grade D spar, my sister's illness can be treated with money!"

Seeing this, Su Chen moved slightly.

Unexpectedly, in the face of such a big temptation from the beast domain, he thought of his sick sister.

After feeling that this supernatural being is a good person, Su Chen showed his cards and said:

"Brother, your ability is to instantly kill all people named Zhang San, right?"


The supernatural person replied with some confusion.

"And my ability is to let everyone be called Zhang San!"

Su Chen said in a word.

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

PS: The new book sets sail!

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