I Signed-In In Tokyo

Chapter 68: Unwilling garden, Lynn stretched out the evil hand of school girl?

   "Even if Yuanzi joins the karate club, with your temperament, it is impossible to practice to the extent that you can win the championship, right?"

   Yuanzi was very powerful on the side, which made Xiaolan's gaze a weird look.

   As for the character of fishing in the garden for three days and fishing for two days, it is estimated that if he didn't practice for two days, he would not be able to bear the bitterness, so he sneaked away in the middle.

   Still want to participate in the SAR competition with Lin En?

   Are you serious?


   "But I'm still not reconciled!"

   "Lynn! Can you play tennis?"

   "Otherwise, let's participate in the Tennis Special Zone Tournament and fight for the men's and women's doubles championship together!"

   Xiaolan’s words made the garden choked.

   Have the intention to refute, but what they said is still correct.

   She doesn't have that perseverance at all. Even if she joins the karate club, she is probably just a salted fish.


   She is not willing to be so backward!

   He glanced at it, and the garden immediately thought about it.

   Winning the karate double championship with Lynn is definitely out of the picture.

   But tennis is fine!

  She is a member of the tennis club!

  If Lynn also joined the tennis club, wouldn’t he be able to work hard towards the SAR tournament?


   "Will I know how to play tennis, let me put it aside for now."

   "It's mainly you. Are you sure that you are qualified to represent the tennis team in the SAR competition?"

   After hearing Yuanzi's words, Lynn knew that this girl was probably on top.

   Tennis doubles to win?

   It's pretty beautiful.

   But the question is, do you have that strength?


   As soon as Lynn said this question, the garden that had been so hot was immediately sunk on the spot.

   Representing the Tennis Club in the SAR tournament?

   Sorry, as an ordinary employee, she doesn't have that qualification at all.

   "Alright, don't talk about it yet."

   "The class bell has rang, and the teacher is coming soon."

   "You also have a garden, don't think about it all the time."

   The appearance of a friend being'sinked' made Xiaolan couldn't help crying or laughing.

   She knows that Yuanzi likes Lynn and wants to use this method to get closer to Lynn, but the problem is, even if you find a way, you have to be a little more reliable?

   As the class bell rang, Xiao Lan hurriedly pulled the sleeve of the garden.

   Then, after the teacher in this class walked into the classroom, Xiao Lan's gaze unconsciously scanned the only empty table in the class.

   The next moment, Xiao Lan sighed slightly, her expression slightly complicated.

   But she didn't notice. At the same moment, the garden behind her was looking at her back with more complicated eyes than her.

   Then let's analyze the wave now.

   Xiaolan and Kudo Shinichi have been childhood sweethearts for so many years, and this relationship will not be broken, not to mention that there is friendship even if there is no love, so the road to attack Xiaolan has just started, and there is a long way to go in the future.

   Next, I will talk about Yuanzi. Although after a few days of getting along, it is no longer obvious that she is idiotic, but there is always a feeling that she seems to be serious.

   It is also Yuanzi's seriousness that makes her have some worries now.

   Because while chasing love, she also has to consider her friends.

   After all, it is suitable for Xiaolan, except for Kudo Shinichi, it seems that there are only a few talented people in Xia Linn.


   Well, is it better to keep the status quo first?

   Xiaolan's reaction and Yuanzi's expression were all seen by Linn.

   This made him make up his mind while analyzing it in his mind.

   It is impossible for him to take the initiative to pursue Xiaolan immediately, because once Kudo Shinichi's shadow has not been wiped out in Xiaolan's heart, secondly, Xiaolan will also choose to refuse directly because of concerns about the garden.

   If this balance is broken, the pursuit of this grand plan will be disastrously hit.

   Not only will it no longer be able to maintain the current good atmosphere, it may even be difficult for friends to do it.

all in all!

   The timing is wrong now.

   Even if you want to take action, you have to wait until Kudo Shinichi really becomes Conan.

   As for now, she still has to continue to subtly, let Xiaolan get used to herself by her side.

   That's right!

   is so happy to decide!


   "Mr. Lin En!"

   The morning class was boring and boring. To Lynn, a strong master of high school, it was like sitting in a big kindergarten class and listening to the teacher talking about the arithmetic of one plus one.

   There is no difficulty at all, but it makes him drowsy.

   Fortunately, the boring time will eventually pass. By the time of the noon break, the already rejuvenated garden took out her lunch box and happily prepared to go to the cafeteria to buy lunch with Lin En and Xiao Lan.

   No way, Xiaolan was really tired yesterday, and today’s breakfast was just a casual sip, not to mention the lunch box at noon.

   But when the three of them got up and were discussing what they would like to eat at noon, a voice full of vitality suddenly came from outside the classroom of Class B in Class 2.

   suddenly turned his head and looked.

   The girl with the black piano case behind her back and waving her hands, isn't it the cute girl of Yui Hirasawa!

  This...what's the situation?

The younger school girls appeared at the door of the second-year classroom~www.NovelMTL.com~ and yelled at Teacher Linn, which made many students who have not walked out of the classroom all looked at Linn. Body.

   This gangster, who won the class B angels and female local tyrants just after he transferred to school, has just reached out to the younger students in just two days?

  What's so special... It's too enviable!

   "Lynn, is that your acquaintance?"

   The cute and cute Hirasawa Yui appeared, which made the garden instinctively vigilant.

  Who is that girl?

   Why is it called Teacher Lin En?

   What are the identities of her and Lynn?

   "An acquaintance... isn't even counted, but should be regarded as a disciple?"

   "Didn't I tell you before, I joined the Qingyin Department, and she is a member of the Qingyin Department."

   At the watchful garden, Lynn turned his head and explained, without saying more, and walked towards the door.

   But when he walked to the door, he found that dare to be the only person who came.

   In the corridor of Class B against the wall, three girls are standing there.

   The relaxed face of the Li team, gently pulling on the sleeve of the Li team, looking around like a frightened kitten, and finally adding an excited expression, also looking at the left and right of Miss Kotobuki.

   This light-sounding group of four... Why did you run here at noon?


   "Tanainaka, Akiyama, Kotobuki, are you...what's the matter?"

   With a hint of doubt on his face, Lynn asked.

   "Mr. Lin En! I'm here to hand in my homework!"


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