I Signed-In In Tokyo

Chapter 569: A cat coffee shop without cats, is this a sign of melting iceberg?

Yukino Yukino likes cats, but it's not a secret.

At least Lynn knew about this a long time ago, but didn't know how Yuihama Yui knew about it.

But that is not important.

Anyway, this proposal about the cat coffee shop is very warmly welcomed by everyone.

"Cat cafe, it seems very interesting."

"If I have time, I must also go to support Xuexia-senpai!"

Check it out.

Daiwei patted his hands lightly, clearly showing his yearning for the cat coffee shop.

The law team on the side nodded again and again.

"Yes! When the performance is over, let's go over and support Yukoshita-senpai together!"

"Cat or something, so cute!"

But how to put it.

Although everyone is very optimistic about this exhibition.

But at this moment.

Xiaolan raised a very critical question.

"At a cat coffee shop, there should be no fewer cats, right?"

"Yukishita-student, Yubihama-student."

"Do you have cats in your house?"

"How many more?"

This problem came out.

Look at Yukoshita Yukino and Yuihama Yui on the opposite side.

The two girls stood together on the spot.


"I don't have a cat. After all, I already have a dog at home."


Yuihama Yui shook her head with embarrassment on her face.

And I don't know why, when she mentioned the fact that she didn't have a cat, the expression on her face was still slightly subtle, as if there was something unspeakable.

But I didn't wait for everyone to observe Yuihama Yui's expression carefully.


Yukino, who also shook his head, also attracted everyone's attention.

"I don't have a cat either."

"The apartment where I live now... pets are not allowed."

All right.

Obviously I wanted to get a cat coffee shop, but neither of the members had any cats.

This is very embarrassing.

And just when Xuexia Xuena said that he couldn't keep a cat because of the apartment.

The garden on the side seemed to have thought of something, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and then showed a puzzled look.

"Isn't it?"

"Since you like cats, isn't it more than enough for you to find an apartment where you can keep pets?"

From the previous conversation.

Everyone can clearly see that Xuexiaxue loves cats.

But he obviously likes cats and has the ability to raise cats, but because of this unreasonable reason, he didn't raise cats.

This makes Yuanzi very confused.

With this question raised by the garden.

Look at Xuexia Xuenao again.

After a brief silence, she shook her head gently.

"Although I can find an apartment that allows pets."

"But... the cat needs company."

"If I raise it, but don't have much time to spend with it, it will definitely feel lonely, right?"

"Since this is the case, I might as well stop raising it from the beginning."

All right.

It turns out that this is the real reason why Xuexiaxue does not keep cats.

But just after she told the truth.

Lynn on the side was embarrassed.

Although his family also raised three cute little ones, most of the time, they were in a stocking state, and Lynn didn't think about whether they would be lonely.

Think about it now.

Whenever I go home, the eldest sister Yang is a little better, but Xiao Liu Xiao Ba always likes to stick to herself.

So... will they also be lonely?

And I... should I spend more time with them?

All right.

Sure enough, I should accompany those little guys more in the future.

Today I was taught a lesson by Xue Nao!

"There is no cat..."

"This is a headache..."

"What about the cat coffee shop?"

"Are you going to borrow a cat?"

"The borrowed cat, is it really reliable?"

Lynn is now reflecting on his lack of care for them.

Dawei on the side was somewhat disappointed.

She was looking forward to that cat coffee shop.

It turned out to be good.

Without the protagonist, can this coffee shop be opened?

I heard Yui Hirasawa talking to himself.

Yukino's eyes also showed a touch of helplessness and disappointment.

She really liked Yui Hama's proposal.

I can't help but.

This plan has not yet started and will be declared bankrupt.

Then at this moment--

"If it's a cat, it's actually not a big problem."

"I have three in my own family, and I can also borrow a few more docile little guys from my friends to help."

"As for the coffee shop..."

"Because the second year Class B exhibition is also a coffee shop project, I am responsible for preparing the equipment and raw materials used in the coffee shop, and it will be easy to get one more by the way."

"So the only question is whether Yuukishita wants to start this project, or whether to open this cat coffee shop."

Seeing that the cat coffee shop is popular, Linn naturally won't let everyone down.

Cat coffee shop.

The protagonist is the cat.

As long as you can attract customers with cute and docile cats, then this project is considered a success.

The three little ones in Lynn's family can definitely be said to be very attractive and cute.

Let them help, it shouldn't be a big problem.

As for three cats may not be enough, this is also very simple in Lynn's view.

When the three little guys were adopted at the beginning, the guardian Ms. Nana who happened upon him at the pet store, Lin also communicated with her via text messages from time to time, and never really interrupted contact.

under these circumstances.

Please borrow some cats from Oshimori Nana, and then briefly communicate with them, and promise enough benefits to make them attractive, so that they can be cute and attract customers.

This cat coffee shop project is really hard to fail!

In this way.

The rest just depends on how Xuexia Xuena chooses.


"Does Lin En have a cat?"

"Can you borrow a docile cat?"

"This is really great!"


"You can't miss this opportunity!"

Lynn was looking at Xue Nao under the snow.

But before Yukino could answer, Yuihama Yui on the side became excited first, holding Yukino's hand, jumping and laughing again.

And heard these words in Linn's mouth.

It was indeed unexpected by Yukoshita Yukino.

She didn't expect it.

This fiance, who seems to have been resisting him, would choose to support himself like this at this moment.

This couldn't help making her always frozen heart suddenly rippled.


"Thank you……"

"Master Lynn."

Under the gaze of Linn, Xuexiaxuena was silent for a long time before finally bending down and bowing, expressing his gratitude to Linn.

Although thank you.

There was no change in her expression on her face.

But others can't detect it.

Lynn could detect a different emotional fluctuation in her eyes.


Is this a sign of melting iceberg?

Although some accidents.

But it's not a bad thing.

Isn't it?

"You're welcome."

"It should be."

Xuenai smiled slightly towards Xuexia.

Although the melting of the iceberg is a good thing, it is a pity that Lynn doesn't have much time to fiddle with the heart of the ice queen right now.

After all, there was a lot of time lost in the light tone department.

Now that the overall situation is set, today's exchanges should almost end here.

"The situation is now."

"Class B operated a maid coffee shop for the second year, the service department operated a cat coffee shop, the light sound department had to prepare to perform on stage, and the karate department had to participate in a mixed martial arts competition."

"I will not be absent from each of these four projects, but because of this, time will become very scarce in only one day of cultural festival activities."

"Before the start of the cultural festival, we must make a good time plan, and there must be no crashes."

"Of course."

"There are still two days to prepare, so it's okay to discuss it slowly at that time."

"As for the moment."

"We have something to rush to Yokohama as soon as possible."

"So let's stop here today."

Get up and clap your hands.

While attracting everyone's attention, Lyn not only succinctly stated the key points of today's topic, but also confirmed the time arrangement that everyone must pay attention to on the day of the cultural festival that is tight in time.

When I see everyone knows it well.

Lin En nodded and announced his dissolution on the spot.


"Ms. Lynn is going to Yokohama?"

"Is there something important?"

This announcement by Lynn undoubtedly aroused the curiosity of many people.

This is not.

Before he greeted Xiaolan Yuanzi to leave, Pingze Wei approached him.

"It's not a particularly important thing either."

"It's the Suzuki family's consortium that held its 60th anniversary, and I was invited to attend the banquet."

Since Dawei asked, Lynn naturally didn't hide it, and immediately answered with a smile.

"It turned out to be attending a banquet!"


"As expected of Teacher Lynn!"

When I heard that Lynn was attending a banquet for the rich, Pyeongtaek's only big cute eyes flashed with admiration.

This made the garden on the side heard it, and immediately embraced her shoulders full of interest.


"Only you want to come to the banquet too?"

"If you want, you can go with us."

"If you are interested, you can all work together."

"Anyway, it's my family's banquet!"

In the Qingyin Department, although Yuanzi has a very good relationship with everyone, the best one to play with her is undoubtedly the law team and Dawei.

Seeing that Daiwei was so interested, Yuanzi was naturally willing to take her to play with.


She waved at the end and sent out an invitation to everyone present.


It seems ~www.NovelMTL.com~Yi Pingze is really interested in the banquet of the rich. Hearing Yuanzi's invitation, his face immediately showed an expression of eagerness.


Before she could say yes, Qiu Shan Mio, who was beside her, grabbed her arm.

"Don't try to sneak away!"

"I will help in the class this afternoon, and there are songs to practice!"

"Sorry, Yuanzi-senpai."

"Although thank you very much for your invitation, this time... we really can't attend the banquet at the senior sister's house."

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