I Signed-In In Tokyo

Chapter 541: I like the self-confident appearance of the younger brother, you want to be a real mang


In the face of Kasumigaoka-senpai who was smiling, Ying Riri shuddered subconsciously.

Just because he helped Lun also said a few words and contradicted the president of the other party, are you ready to let my society die?

Do you want to play so big!

Especially from the eyes of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, she is definitely not just talking.


This is a complete threat to yourself!

Just thought of this.

Ying Lili couldn't help being even more frightened.

This woman...

There is definitely a demon hidden in her heart!

"Ha ha…"

"Student Zecun, you don't have to be so nervous."

"We are not the enemy."

"Didn't you just ask me, how did you know Hideri Kashiwagi's name?"

"it's actually really easy."

"Hongsaka Zhuyin, don't you know if you have any impression of this name?"

Staring at the frightened Yinglili, Kasugaoka Shiyu retracted the trembling evil smile.

In an instant, the feeling she gave to people became like a spring breeze, which suddenly eased the originally tense atmosphere.

As for the question in her mouth—

"Hongsaka Zhu Yin?"

"You mean... the founder of rouge_en_rouge, the No. 1 club in the fan industry?"

As an ergonomic painter, Ying Riri is obviously impossible not to know the name of Hongzaka Zhuyin.

That's why.

She could somewhat understand why her pen name was exposed.


"It was from Hongsaka Miss Zhu Yin that I learned the identity of classmate Zecun."


"Ms. Hongsaka Zhuyin values ​​your talents very much, and has always hoped to draw classmate Zecun into her own ranks."


"Classmate Zecun actually joined such a boring society."

"This is obviously a waste of your talents."

Since the last time I met Hongsaka Zhuyin at the comic show, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu has obviously not broken contact with the other party.

On the contrary, she also learned a lot of industry knowledge from the other party, otherwise it would not be possible to reveal Ying Lili's true body today.

The key is.

Because An Yilun has no self-knowledge.

As a result, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't have any favors with him at all.

That's why.

She also didn't mind putting eye drops on the other party here, and directly expressed Hongsaka Zhuyin's wooing of Yinglili.


For Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's rhetoric.

Yinglili was obviously unexpected.

Have you been favored by the famous business queen Hongsaka Zhuyin in the industry?

She wants to let herself join rouge_en_rouge?

to be honest.

Such an opportunity is a rare opportunity for any painter.

But what about yourself?

What should I do?

Then Ying Riri was at a loss for Kasumigaoka Shiba's words.

Next second.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned his head and looked at Lin En directly.

"Although the senior sister still has contact with Miss Hongsaka Zhuyin, Miss Hongsaka Zhuyin has given up on her mind early."

"So, Brother Lynn, don't get me wrong."

Mr. President just now.

As a result, has he changed back to Lin En's junior again?

Facing Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's ingenious smile, Lin En was also speechless for a while.

He is very clear.

At the beginning, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu had a mouthful of the president, and that was correcting her identity and firming her position. It represented that An Yilun's invitation was completely meaningless.

After all this was over, she immediately changed back to the state of a school sister.

Bringing the relationship closer, and then clarifying the connection between her and Hongsaka Zhuyin at this time, will completely prevent the occurrence of misunderstandings.

Should you say that you really deserve to be Kasumigaoka-senpai?

This mindset is incomparable to most people.

"Don't worry, Xia Zhiqiu-senpai, I won't get anything wrong."

"With the energy of Hongsaka Zhuyin... She wants to dig my corner, but it's far from it!"

Knowing that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was specifically explaining, Lin En naturally wouldn't let the other party down.

Nodded with a smile.

He is not afraid of the connection between Hongsaka Zhuyin and the senior sister at all.

After all, there is a gap between him and Hongsaka Zhuyin. If the other party wants to win the senior sister, it is basically an impossible task.

"It really deserves to be Lynn's younger brother."

"I just like your confident look."

Seeing that Lynn would not misunderstand, the senior sister suddenly smiled.

But the conversation between the two.

But Ying Lili, who was still at a loss, suddenly raised her head!

"Who on earth are you guys?"

"The corner of the corner that Hongsaka Zhuyin wants to dig...Is there anything I can't dig?"

In fact, to say Hongsaka Zhuyin's name, in a sense, it can be regarded as notorious in the industry.

Because almost none of the talents she fancy can escape her palm, even if they use any means for this, they will not hesitate!

That's why.

Lin En's indifferent tone to Hongsaka Zhuyin made Yinglili feel incredible.

However, her subconscious question caused Lin En and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to look at each other, and they showed knowing smiles.

"Classmate Zecun."

"I think you have misunderstood something."

"Ms. Hongsaka Zhu Yin is well-known in the industry, but after all, she only runs a fan club and a copyright company of her own."

"Compared to the real giants in the industry, she is still far behind."

"Don't say far away."

"Let's say that my work has been formally signed with Eijisha to comics under the control of the president of my family, and it will soon be serialized by well-known cartoonists in the industry."

"Do you think... With the energy of Miss Hongsaka Zhuyin, can she compete with Yingjishe?"

"She wanted to dig me... did she pay that price?"

There is no need for Lynn to speak.

The words of Shiyu Kasumigaoka completely shocked Ying Lili.


That is a well-known giant in the comics industry, a holy place that countless cartoonists want to go to, and at the same time it is the highest palace that ordinary painters like Yinglili can hardly look up to.

Being favored by Hongsaka Zhuyin, Yinglili has already been flattered.

And Yingjishe...

If you can really publish your work in the magazine of Yingjisha.

It is equivalent to completely completing the transition from an artist to a cartoonist!

That is what Ying Lili dreams of!

But this Kasumigaoka Shiyu in front of me...

Her work has actually signed an agreement with Yingjishe, and has truly completed the comic serialization.

Such a huge gap.

In fact, Yinglili suffered an unprecedented blow.

No wonder...

The other party will say that Lun Ye's society is not worthy of others.

This is a fact that no one can refute...


Standing in front of Shiyu Kasumigaoka, Ying Lili could not say a word.

But at this moment.

But Lynn looked up and down the other party with interest—

"Sister Xiazhiqiu, you said Hongsaka Zhuyin liked the talent of this Sawamura classmate?"


"That's right... Because I and Sawamura are students at the same school, I heard Hongsaka Zhu Yin mentioned it before."

"Boy Lynn... what do you think?"

Perceiving the different color in Lynn's eyes, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly.

And after getting an affirmative answer in her mouth.

Lynn fumbled his chin, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Actually, it's nothing."

"It's mainly because the eyes of the woman from Hongsaka Zhuyin are very vicious, and the talent of the person she fancy is naturally beyond doubt."

"So I'm thinking about whether to cut the beard before that woman."

"After all... Our firm has launched a talented and beautiful girl writer idol."

"It's not impossible to launch another genius and beautiful girl cartoonist idol."

"Furthermore... I think classmate Zecun also fits this positioning very well."

"What do you think of Kasugaoka-senpai?"

In front of everyone, Lynn spoke out his vision without hesitation.

This obviously exceeded everyone's expectations, and it also made everyone stare dull. They didn't understand why he wanted to poach Ying Lili.

Only Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

She reacted immediately.

"I see."

"Little brother Lynn, you are really a careful man."

"Isn't it because Hongsaka Zhuyin once wanted to poach me once?"

"Obviously it was unsuccessful, but now you want to retaliate and go back?"

With a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said.

But in the eyes that looked at Lynn, she seemed to have seen everything through, so these words were also a pun.

She said that Lynn was careful, and on the face of it was revenge for Hongsaka Zhuyin's poaching.

But actually?

What she said and what she said was clear, and Lynn's real target for poaching was clearly the An Yilun who upset him!

The existence of Ying Lili, the original painter, is very important to An Yilunye's community!

If she is poached away, then this so-called fan game production plan will also come to a bleak end.

But even after seeing through Lynn's careful thoughts.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also supported him.

So after a little teasing.

She immediately turned around and looked at the stunned Eiri-

"Student Zecun, you are really a lucky person."

"Just now, you should have heard the words of our president."

"I wonder if you have this interest in becoming a real cartoonist?"


When asked by Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, Ying Lili, who hadn't reacted, was even more at a loss. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

After some silence.

She slowly stretched her finger to her nose.


"Become a cartoonist?"

This kind of pie-in-the-sky good thing.

No matter how she thought, she couldn't hit her own head!


"If you want, I can train you to become an idol cartoonist like Kasumigaoka-senpai."

"And I can assure you that your work will be featured in the magazine owned by Yingjishe."

"How about it?"

"Student Zecun, do you have this interest in joining our big family?"

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