I Signed-In In Tokyo

Chapter 537: Unreliable game production, trembling An Yilun


As soon as Xuexiaxuenai said these words, An Yilun was also petrified on the spot instantly.

Planning for making the game?

Has he thought about this stuff?

No... he didn't even think about it, just because his head heated up, he immediately started thinking about making fan games.

So he didn't know how to answer this question at all.

under these circumstances……

"That... let me talk about our personnel allocation first!"

"As the president, I am currently the planner, director and producer of this fan game!"

"My goal is to make the best beautiful girl game!"

After calming his mind.

An Yilun also clenched her fists, and put a series of titles on herself, speaking out her dream aloud.

What should I say.

As a man, it is good to have dreams.

But the problem is.

This dream of his is really not able to shout out on the spot in an open and honest manner.

At least he heard what he said. Hearing the words, the garden standing next to Lynn immediately pulled him and Xiao Lan Qiqi back, as if he didn't want to be infected by the breath of the other's dead house.

That is called a dislike.

In fact, it's not just a garden.

Look at An Yilun's companions.

Saint Hui was better, but took a half step back calmly.

The defeatable dog Ying Lili has written contempt on his face without any cover.

Although she herself is also a dead house.

But in front of outsiders, she wants to maintain her image as a beautiful **** campus.

Being with such a dead house who dreams of making beautiful girl games all day long will definitely degrade her image drastically!

But it's a pity.

Although I dislike An Yilun's speech.

But Naihe has been dragged onto the ‘thief ship’, and there is no way to hide.

Wait until the next second.

An Yilun also turned around and pointed directly at Ying Lili not far away.

"Then this one is the original painter of our club, Sawamura Spencer Yinglili!"

"She is the trump card of the art department, and she is also a fan..."

When it comes to the members of his own society, An Yilun is also in good spirits.

But with this spirit, there is no door on his lips.

She was bald, and almost revealed Ying Lili's identity as an ergonomic painter.

And just at this critical moment.

Perceived that something is wrong, Ying Lili took a stand. At the critical moment when An Yilun also mentioned the word "doujin", and the follow-up content could not be fully stated, he kicked him directly to the ground with a violent kick.

Then, before An Yilun got up, he nodded to everyone.

"This is Sawamura Spencer Yinglili, and I would like to ask everyone for advice."


This club... seems to be very happy?

Seeing the sudden outbreak of the fighting scene, Lynn and his party were very speechless.

And An Yilun, who was knocked down without warning, also yelled at this moment, and jumped up from the ground.

"Ying Lili! Why are you kicking me?"


Facing his angry expression, Ying Lili just gave him a cold snort of disdain, then turned her head and threw the back of his head.

Such a scene.

An Yilun was even more upset.

However, he didn't wait for him to continue speaking.

Yukino on the side suddenly uttered a voice--

"Anyi classmate, please continue to introduce."

This time Yukoshita Yukino came here just to complete the commission, not to watch some childhood sweetheart romance comedy.

In her cold voice.

An Yilun also shivered uncontrollably, and the anger that had risen was extinguished in an instant.


"Then this is the last member of our club, Megumi Kato."

"She is the heroine candidate I personally selected."

Secretly pondering in his heart, he really deserves to be the famous ice queen in Didan High School.

At that moment, I felt like I was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Of course.

Even if he muttered in his heart, it did not prevent him from introducing the identity of the last member.

But what An Yilun didn't expect was.

Wait for him to finish the introduction.

Looking at Yukoshita Yukino on the opposite side, her expression became even more indifferent at this moment!


"Anyi classmates, your fellow club, there is only one producer and director, plus an original artist, plus a heroine, right?"

Not waiting for Kato Megumi Ying Riri to greet everyone.

Yukino's voice came to everyone's ears first.

But after hearing this sound.

An Yilun also felt that this originally warm classroom suddenly turned into an icy North Pole, as if a little bit of ice crystals were emitted in the air.


"For now... we only have these members."

Even the teeth were trembling, An Yilun also nodded tremblingly.

Get this affirmative answer.

Xuexiaxue Nai's sharp eyes directly locked him firmly!

"very good."

"Then I want to ask."

"How should the funding for the production of fan games be resolved?"

"Anyi classmate, you should know that the cost of making a game is very expensive!"

to be honest.

Although it has long been known that the commission of this fan game club may not be reliable.

But Xuexia Xuena didn't expect the other party to be unreliable to such an extent.

Is it really possible to succeed in making games like this kind of children's play house?

At least Xuexiaxue Nao felt that this possibility was too low.

However, she didn't veto the other party completely, and decided to give the other party another chance to listen to his follow-up arrangements.

It's just that she also made up her mind.

If things can't be done, she will decisively choose to give up, and resolutely will not waste any time on this fan game club without any future and possibility!


Xuexiaxue Nao opened her mouth and asked the same question that Lin had had before.

Game production funding!

Who will make money?

And this question.

Obviously, it also directly hit An Yilun's key point.

"I... currently we don't have any production funding."

As a newly formed club, where is there any production funding?

At this time, An Yilun couldn't make up nonsense, and could only tell the truth tremblingly.

But just after speaking the truth.

An Yilun also closed his eyes and summoned his courage in the next moment.

"Although we don't have any money yet, please don't worry about Xuexia. I will work harder and earn the production cost of the game with this salary!"


What should I say.

Should An Yilun also be courageous?

Or should he say that he who is ignorant is fearless?

Work to make money?

Is it really that easy?

However, considering that he seems to be a well-known popular blogger on the Internet, it seems that it is not impossible to make some extra money.

Although it may not be a lot.

But funding seems to be really not the biggest problem.

Of course.

The above are all Lynn's thoughts.

The rest of the people didn't know what An Yilun also had.

Just seeing his decision like this, Yukino under Xuexia didn't say anything to attack him.

"Okay, let's leave it alone for the time being."

"How do you plan to make this game?"

"I don't think you have any members who specialize in making games in your club."

"As a planner, who do you plan to hire An Yi for technical support? Who will write the code for making the game? Where are the follow-up testers?"

I won't talk about the production costs for the time being.

However, Xuexia Xuena asked An Yilun to give her a reasonable answer regarding the production of the subsequent game.

Especially look like this.

In order to better complete the commission, Xuexiaxuena apparently conducted a detailed investigation on the production process of the game.


She has an in-depth understanding of the game.

An Yilun, who was on the opposite side, obviously didn't think so much.

Technical Support?

Code typing?

Game test?

Where did he think so much!


"Naturally I thought about it."

"Although our club does not have the corresponding talents."

"But we can outsource this job!"

"At the computer department, I still have a few acquaintances and friends. If I ask them for help, I should be able to make the game."

Under Xuexia Xuenao's soul asked.

An Yilun's forehead suddenly showed big drops of sweat.

But he also knows.

I must not show my timidity at this time. If I really explain it to the other party, I am not prepared for anything at all.

I always feel... I must die miserably!


Although he explained dryly, his expression of guilty conscience was clearly seen by everyone.

this person……

He didn't think about anything at all.

Just with wishful thinking, he dragged everyone to dream of making games with him.

Such people……

It's not worthy of your own help at all!

at this moment.

Yukina Yukino has completely seen through An Yilun.

if it is possible.

She really wanted to turn around and leave immediately, because she didn't want to waste time here at all!

But Yukino knew it herself.

The Ministry of Service urgently needs a score to deal with the review.

Even if she wanted to leave again, she had to be patient and give the other party one last chance.

"All right."

"In terms of technology, I will be prepared for you."

"Then the last question."

"Where is the content planning and script for this game made by An Yi?"

"I need to make plans after reading these two items."

Take a deep breath.

Xuexiaxuenai also asked An Yilun for content planning and scripts.

After all, money and technology are all easy to say.

If it doesn't work, we will choose another method to solve these problems.

But the content and script of the game are the most critical core.

Whether a game is sold or not ~www.NovelMTL.com~ These two absolutely occupy a considerable proportion.

Without confirming these two things, Yukino under Xuexia didn't know what more reason she could find to convince herself.

However, what she didn't expect was.

Faced with the content planning and script she wanted, An Yilun also stood still and didn't move halfway.

What does this mean?

Could it be... He didn't do any planning, didn't think about the content, and the script is even more distant forever?

If so.

Then what kind of game do you still play! ! !

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