I Signed-In In Tokyo

Chapter 533: The knot of Yuanzi? The current girlfriend VS fiancee's war?

Based on Lynn's understanding of Yukino under Xuexia.

A stubborn girl in this character never takes the initiative to ask for help.

Under normal circumstances, she would choose to bear it on her own after encountering trouble, how could she bow to Lynn for help like this?

It is precisely because I understand this.

He was stunned at this moment.

But he didn't know.

While he was puzzled in his heart, the opposite Xuexia Xuena also experienced a difficult inner struggle.

Lynn didn't misread Yukino's character.

Generally speaking, she does not ask for help.

But this time.

But she knew well that saving the Ministry was only the second step. Letting Lynn help herself and take this opportunity to close the relationship between the two was the first step to make their unmarried couple more legitimate!


It is also the biggest help her sister Yang Nai provides to her today!

to be honest.

Yukino actually didn't want to accept the help of her sister.

Want Lynn to accept herself, she is more willing to rely on her own efforts.

But she also understood.

Sometimes, the strength of one person is far from enough.

The key is.

Not much time is left for her.

Once Yang Nai took the initiative to attack.

She really doesn't have the confidence to beat that impeccable perfect sister!

So she didn't want to wait any longer.

She wants to seize this opportunity with her own hands!

"Student Xuexia..."

Facing the sincere plea from Yukino under Yukino.

Lynn is also a little helpless here.

He knew it very well.

I am afraid that I cannot get rid of my marriage contract with Yukoshita Yukino as easily as I had imagined before.

Even if he rejected the opponent this time, Yang Nao will still have one after another one after another waiting for him in the future.

Of course the most important thing is.

Lynn has also figured out something recently.

Although she had no interest in melting the iceberg, she did not seem to show any icy attitude in front of her since she was in contact with Yukoshita Yukino.

On the contrary, he has been rejecting it all the time, and it seems to be very unkind.

So if Yukino's character can be changed, it is not that he can no longer accept a fiancee.

after all……

He didn't like Golden Retriever Tsundere before.

But with Erina's getting along.

Wasn't it really fragrant afterwards?


all in all!

"It's okay to let me help."

"But let me know in advance that I don't have so much time to participate in club activities."

"Moreover, when the club is censored, if the censorship fails, even if I can help as far as I can, it is estimated that what I can do is limited."

After staring at Yukino for a moment.

Lin En sighed slightly, nodded and agreed.

But immediately, he began to make three chapters about the law, which directly showed that he was just a clerk, and even if he could help, it would have little effect.

"Master Lynn..."

Yukino, who bowed to Lynn, never expected that the other party would agree so readily.

In fact.

She is ready to be rejected, after all, this is not the first time she has experienced this kind of thing.

Can't imagine.

The surprise came so suddenly.

Some even made her hard to believe her ears.

"I see."

"It's okay to not be able to participate in club activities often, but in order to cope with club review, I hope Master Lynn can show up a few times when dealing with incidents in the Ministry of Service."

"is it okay?"

Although my heart is full of huge surprises.

But on the surface, Yukino Yukoshita calmed down quickly, as if he had accepted the result immediately.

It's just that the slight accelerating tone in the end, and the hope that she carried in her eyes when she finally looked at Lynn, still greatly exposed her mood at the moment.


"It's not a big problem."

Lin En naturally knows that students like himself who have joined multiple clubs need to make achievements and contributions in club activities.

This was the case when I joined the Light Music Department before, and this time the Ministry of Service is naturally no exception.

Although he didn't know what grades the Ministry of Service needed to deal with the review, it did not prevent him from agreeing to Xue Nao.

After all, I saw her expression at the moment.

He really couldn't say a word of rejection.


"Quickly talk about it, why did Hiratsuka-sensei call you to the office?"

Under Xuexiaxuenai's slightly excited eyes, Lynn separated from her and returned to the classroom.

Just took a seat in the seat.

Yuanzi leaned in front of him with great interest and asked curiously.

In this regard, Lynn naturally had nothing to hide.

It directly explained the situation just now, as well as his decision to join the Ministry of Service and decide to help Xue Na get through this level.

After hearing what happened before and after.

Yuanzi frowned immediately.

"So... Are you still soft-hearted?"

"Are you going to accept the second young lady from the Xuexia family?"

All right.

Although he was carefree on weekdays, he always wanted to bring Lynn and his sister together.

But when it was time to be jealous, the garden was not at all ambiguous.

Especially at this moment, Lin was dumbfounded.

"What's all this..."

"I'm just helping to make a name, and I don't have much contact with each other, so how come I feel relieved?"

"Furthermore, whether the marriage contract between me and her can be finalized?

"Talk about accepting or not accepting?"

"Also...you don't usually do that either."

"Why are you so jealous today?"

If Lin En usually has a lot of girls around him, he would be closer to him.

It is impossible for Yuanzi to fail to see the mystery, but most of the time she closes one eye and ignores it at all.

Why did Yukino change to Xuexia, her hostility and jealousy were so great?

"Yes Yuanzi, what happened to you today?"

"Isn't it a stimulus?"

Lin En couldn't understand the jealousy that suddenly broke out in the garden, and Xiao Lan at the side also felt a little inexplicable.

The marriage contract arranged by the family can not be chosen by Xuexiaxuenao.

Especially with Suzuki Ayako's experience, Xiaolan feels more deeply about the marriage contract of the wealthy and aristocrats.

So the garden suddenly opened fire on Yukino under Yukoshita, and she felt that she didn't understand it.

Could it be that he stopped the garden last night, suffocating her and being stimulated?

Otherwise, why is she so abnormal today?

"I'm fine!"

Xiao Lan's puzzled eyes made the garden come very helpless.

"I didn't deliberately target that Xuexia, just..."

That's it.

Yuanzi sighed softly.

Is she jealous because of Yukino under Yukino?

Do not.

Actually not.

Even if there are so many girls around Lynn, she is not very jealous, how can she only target a Yukino under Xuexia?

She really cares.

It's just the marriage contract between Xuexia Xuena and Lynn.

After all, having that marriage contract proved that the relationship between Lynn and Yukoshita Yukino was justified.

Even if she didn't care, she didn't care.

For this, she must also care!

But she really didn't know how to say this.

It also happens to be at this moment.

The class bell rang, and the teacher stepped onto the podium, which forced the topic to stop temporarily.

Wait until after class.

Without waiting for the matter to be mentioned again, the garden seemed to be back to the usual liveliness and cheerfulness, as if nothing had happened, and actively changed the new topic.

On the surface, everything has calmed down.

But in fact, is it really over?

He looked at the garden where he was grinning, laughing and dancing.

Lynn remembered this incident deeply in his heart.

Although he still didn't know if Yuanzi was involved in the marriage contract.

But sooner or later, he will discover the truth and untie the knots hidden in the heart of the garden!


In a flash.

Time came to noon.

Originally, everyone had brought their lunch and prepared to go out to find a place where no one was disturbed.

But before leaving the house, I saw the pretty figure of Yukino Yukoshita appearing at the door of Class B in Year 2. At the same time, behind her, there was a pink dumpling head looking towards the Class B classroom.

"Student Xuexia?"

"You are..."

Xuexiaxue is on the door, and it is impossible for Lynn to turn a blind eye.

As for the pink dumpling head behind her, even though she recognized that the other was Yuihama Yui at a glance, the two of them didn't seem to know each other officially, so they subconsciously ignored the past.

Lynn was puzzled by Xue Nao's arrival.

Hasn't the issue of the abandonment of the Ministry of Service already been promised to solve it?

Then she is here now...

"I would like to invite Master Lynn to have lunch and discuss together about the abandonment of the Ministry of Service."

"After all, Master Lynn can be considered a member of my ministry."

"and also……"

"If possible, I would like to invite Maori and Suzuki to come with me."

"Some words, I want to chat with them personally."

Facing Lynn who asked about it, Xuexiaxuenai nodded slightly, and then directly confessed his intention.

This is a good reason to discuss the abandonment of the Ministry.

But how did Lynn feel that the focus of her visit this time seemed to be the latter, especially he noticed that Xue Nao's gaze had looked at Xiaolan and Yuanzi in the classroom more than once.

She wants to talk to Xiaolan and Yuanzi?

What can they talk about?

Don't make me a Shura field, so I can't live my life?

A sense of crisis suddenly broke out.

It made Lynn subconsciously want to refuse.

However, he did not wait for him to speak out.

Looking behind him again, Xiaolan and Yuanzi have arrived after hearing the news.

"Do you want to have a chat with us?"

"Okay, let's talk."


Facing the snow under the snow~www.NovelMTL.com~ the garden is in full aura at the moment.

In front of the other party, she didn't lose the slightest bit, but she couldn't help but stare at Lynn.


Is this really going to be the king against the king?

Turning to look at Xiao Lan, she found that Xiao Lan didn't say a word, but just let Yuanzi play.

All right.

That being the case, don't speak yourself.

Although I don't know what Xuexiaxuenai intends to talk to Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

I just hope that this will not turn into a war between the current girlfriend and the fiancee...

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