I Signed-In In Tokyo

Chapter 464: The sudden change in style of Maori Ko5 Lang, a surprise for Xiaolan and Yuanzi...

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of my check-in and check-in in Tokyo!

Regarding the accidental encounter with Kogoro Mori at the first night festival in the world, Lynn discovered many suspicious points after accident.

At least he was not like Xiaolan, he directly believed that Kogoro Mouri was cheating on a female classmate.

That's why.

Under Xiaolan's pressing soul questioning step by step, Lynn was also wondering whether or not to come forward to appease Xiaolan and give Maori Kogoro a chance to explain.

As a result, he didn't expect it.

Before he could take any action, a police department named Henggou Shenwu appeared and attracted everyone's attention.

"I'm Sasai Shinichi..."

"Excuse me, what happened to the murder case?"

Then, just as everyone stopped talking and turned their eyes on the police department to make up for it.

The subject who had been photographed by Kogoro Moori before, a tall and thin middle-aged man stood up.

After confirming his identity, he also expressed his ignorance of the murder case.

Seeing this scene, the police officer named Henggou Shenwu shook his head quickly.

"You'll know when you follow me to the scene of the murder."

Because there are so many unrelated people around, Henggou Shenwu did not disclose more details.

When Sasui saw this, he could only agree.

"Okay, then I'll go with you."

"But before that..."

"This gentleman, thank you very much for your help."

"Hmm... I also hope that the trouble on your side can be resolved smoothly."


This Sasai Nobuichi and Mouri Kogoro should have just met.

After agreeing to Henggou's enlightenment, he took the camera from Kogoro Moori and expressed his sincere blessings.

After all, anyone can see it.

With Xiaolan's appearance, Mouri Kogoro's trouble is not small.

But the problem is.

After hearing this blessing, Mouri Kogoro's legs trembled even more.

My own trouble... can it be solved smoothly?

Facing the anger of his daughter.

The only solution, I'm afraid there is only a violent beating, right?

The more I think about it, the more scared Mouri Kogoro becomes.

If he could, he really wanted to escape from here immediately.


He can't escape.

Because he escaped from the first grade but not on the fifteenth year, Xiaolan's anger must be vented after all.

But at this moment!

"Uncle Maori, there has been a murder case, don't you go and take a look?"

Suddenly, Conan's voice reminded Kogoro Mouri!


"I'm a detective, Kogoro Mouri!"

"A murder case happened where I was, it must be detected by me!"

Accompanied by a loud shout from Mouri Kogoro.

He found that he now has ample reasons to escape the ‘sanction’ from his daughter!

Turned his head.

I saw a sudden change in Maori Kogoro's painting style.

Vaguely, he actually seemed to have become a beautiful uncle, looking at his daughter solemnly.


"About this misunderstanding, I will explain to you after I resolve this case."

"As for now... I must appear where I should appear!"

Talk about it.

With a stride, Mouri Kogoro dashed straight in the direction where Henggou Senwu and Sasai had left.

In the next second, Conan followed closely, a pair of short legs running fast, as if he was afraid of being left behind.

As for the last Yumi Horietsu, after looking at the backs of Kogoro Mori and Conan, she smiled and walked closer to Xiaolan.

"When I saw you last time, I didn't find a chance to have a good chat."

"But Xiao Lan, this time, you really misunderstood your father."

"Well, I won't say any more. I believe Kogoro will explain it clearly to you."

"Then now, please let me say goodbye."

Horigotsu Yumi's attitude towards Xiaolan was very kind, and her words made Xiaolan amazed.

Misunderstood Dad?

what the **** is it?

But when he deliberately asked, he saw that Hori Gotsu Yumi's figure was gone.

"what the hell!"

"Who is that woman? Why is that so stinky?"

Suddenly hearing these words made Xiaolan stunned.

When the garden on the side saw this, he complained with some dissatisfaction, and obviously did not have any favorable impressions for Yumi Horietsu.

But after Yuanzi expressed his opinion, Lynn waved his hand at her, and gave a hint.

Regarding the possible derailment of Moori Kogoro, Xiaolan once told Yuanzi, but Yuanzi has never seen a real person.

After being signaled by Lynn, she also reacted and immediately covered her mouth subconsciously.

"Xiao Lan..."

Yuanzi was also worried about Xiaolan when such a mess had happened at home.

Moreover, she could also see that Horigotsu Yumi was indeed a great beauty, and Uncle Maori was so lustful, if anything really happened between the two, it wouldn't be surprising at all.

But the more she thought about it, the more she cared about Xiaolan's current mood.

What to say but don’t know what to say.

Seeing her like that, she was really entangled.

"Okay the garden, don't mix up this matter."

Yuanzi's worries about Xiaolan are indeed sincere.

But in this matter, it is not the garden that can help.

So there is no way.

Before Yuanzi thought about how to persuade Xiao Lan, Lin En had already stopped her.

"When the festival is over, let's go directly to Mr. Maori."

"Whether it's a misunderstanding or something, as long as you can speak clearly in person, it will be good for everyone."

Turning his head to look at Xiaolan, Lynn gave his girlfriend a reassurance.

to be honest.

Xiaolan's mood now is quite tangled.

The misunderstanding that Horigotsu Yumi said was that she didn't understand what was going on, but from the bottom of her heart, she just didn't want her father to have any intersection with each other.

Until I felt Lynn's gaze.

Xiao Lan gradually calmed down.


Regardless of the misunderstanding or what, after all, we still have to make it clear.

What's more, there is Enjun by his side!

As long as he is there, there is nothing terrible about myself!

"Yeah! I see."

"Sorry, because of my business, everyone's interest has been swept away."

First, he nodded to Lynn, then turned his gaze to Suzuki Sisters and Robert who was trailing at the back of the crowd.

The ceremonial line of good deeds was disappointed because of his own sake.

This is really not the scene Xiao Lan wants to see.


"We are good sisters!"

"What's this trivial matter?"

Yuanzi laughed first when facing Xiaolan's apology.

She saw her step forward carelessly, and put her arms around Xiao Lan's neck.

"Let's go!"

"Today's festival has just begun!"

"Forget about all the unhappiness now, let's continue our date today!"

All right.

So far, Yuanzi hasn't forgotten the date.

Of course.

Although there are a lot of people, everyone is indeed dating now.

Since it is a date, it must look like a date.

Therefore, Lynn felt that he must also do something next, and must leave an unforgettable memory for everyone!

Turning around, quietly approached Robertobert and told her in her ear.

In the end, Lynn seemed as if nothing had happened, and continued to stroll around the night festival with everyone.

Then over time, the flames of the three peaks of Sanyue Mountain were lit one after another.

At this point, the atmosphere of the world's first night festival has also reached its peak in one fell swoop!

"Look! It's a firework show!"

Logically speaking, as the flames of the three mountain peaks are lit, the night festival tonight will come to an end.

But at this moment, accompanied by a shout from the garden, everyone looked up, but they saw beautiful fireworks blooming in the sky in front of everyone at this moment.

This is a fireworks display that is not part of the process, which makes the tourists who wanted to leave the venue suddenly stop.

At the same time, Lin En and his party couldn't help but keep their eyes on the sky!

"so beautiful……"

Against the backdrop of the colorful fireworks, Xiaolan's cheeks seemed to be struck by rays of light.

this moment.

She stood still, staring at the beautiful sparks in the sky.

Can't help but sigh.

"Yeah, it's so beautiful."

Xiaolan's sigh made Lin very agree.

But at this moment, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raised an arc.

"Jade House!!!"

On the side, Yuanzi with a very excited expression loudly shouted out the slogans that Tokura people must have when they see the fireworks.

But while she was excited, she turned her head to look at her sister in wonder.

"Sister, it seems that you haven't promoted the fireworks show today, right?"

"What's going on again? Was the organizer a surprise?"

Facing her sister's question, Ayako Suzuki squinted slightly and shook her head slightly.

"I do not know either……"

"That's weird..."

Yuanzi couldn't help muttering twice after hearing her sister's response.

But at this moment, Robert, who had been standing behind everyone, couldn't help it.

"This firework show was prepared by Master Linn."


"Lynn prepared it?"

Robert's words caused everyone who was still staring at the sky to cast their eyes on Lynn.

"Could it be that Robert left just now..."

At this time, everyone remembered that Robert had indeed left for a while in the middle of visiting the festival.

At that time, everyone didn't ask more questions, but now I think about it, it turned out to be preparing for this grand fireworks show!

To achieve this level in a short period of time is enough to prove that Lynn spent a lot of manpower and material resources.

But facing everyone's gaze, Lynn smiled faintly--

"I've inquired before that there is no custom of setting off fireworks at the First Night Festival in the world."

"But there is no festival of fireworks~www.NovelMTL.com~ It always feels like something is missing."

"Not to mention... I think you should like it too..."


This fireworks display is a little surprise that Lynn prepared for Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

Although this wasn't a big deal to him, he just ordered to go down without any effort.

But even so.

After hearing this answer, Xiaolan and Yuanzi couldn't help showing joy and excitement in their eyes.

after all……

This is a firework show specially prepared for them by their boyfriend!

Under the witness of tens of thousands of tourists participating in this night festival!

"Lynn! I love you to death!!!"

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