I Signed-In In Tokyo

Chapter 324: The long-awaited salary increase is finally here! Long live Manager Lynn!

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of my check-in and check-in in Tokyo!

"The newly opened Dorobica Paradise in Tokyo, I believe everyone has heard of it, right?"

Under the gaze of all the goblins, Lynn smiled and said, and proposed the name of Dorobica Paradise.

"I'm here to tell everyone about it."

"This Dorobica Paradise is my own property."

"What does this mean, I think everyone should be very clear, right?"

? ? ?

! ! !

The name of Dorobica Paradise has long been circulated among the mascots of Ganhui Paradise.

Obviously, this amusement park built by humans and completely unrelated to the magic kingdom is definitely the biggest sweet pastry in the eyes of all fairies!

But the problem is.

The huge resources are right in front of them, but they are invisible and intangible.

So far, I have never heard of any magic kingdom that can eat this cake. I can only let everyone be jealous and jealous.

But it's better now.

That famous Dorobiga Paradise... turned out to be the property of its new manager!

This made all the fairies on the scene unbelievable, but they couldn't help but look forward to it.

If you can go to Dorobica Paradise to take a job...

Then can't take off on the spot?

It is not impossible even to compete for the place of Tokyo's top 100 mascots!


Is this true or false?

"I believe everyone is well aware that Dorobica Paradise is not currently cooperating with any magic kingdom."

"So I'm here to announce that Dorobica Paradise will officially start full cooperation with Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park!"

"During the cooperation period, I will select representatives from the mascots of Ganhui Paradise, depending on the level of your efforts, and go to Dorobica Paradise for exchanges and learning."

"The selected mascot representatives can not only go to Dorobica Paradise for further study and exchange, but also can take this opportunity to increase their popularity and earn soul power for themselves."


"Don't be discouraged by those who have not been selected."

"Everyone is equal before opportunities!"

"If you fail this time, it doesn't mean you will never be selected in the future!"

"I look forward to your performance, and I hope you don't let me down!"

Actually... it turned out to be true!

Seeing Lynn vowed to say the concept of cooperation between the two amusement parks, and proposed the news of choosing a mascot to represent the park in Dorobica, the fairies present can be said to be boiling to the extreme in an instant!

Go to Dorobica Paradise!

What a coveted opportunity that is!

Even if you don't go there as a full-time employee, just simply absorb a wave of popularity, you will definitely make a lot of money!


I have to work hard!

Even if it's just for the hard-won quota!

I have to fight it myself!

All of a sudden, the energetic fairies almost ignited the lawn under the castle!

Every fairy glowed with a strong fighting spirit, as if wishing to show off their skills immediately!


Do you think this is over?

"Calm down, everyone."

"The number of places to go to Dorobica Park is limited, after all, it will not be possible for every employee to profit."

"Therefore, in the future, we will also issue a series of reward models, including raising employee salaries. I hope everyone will work harder to rebuild our home together!"

Taking advantage of this juncture, Lynn finally added another fire, directly igniting everyone's enthusiasm!

As an amusement park that is about to close down, Ganhui Paradise has not defaulted on the salary of any employee so far, but to be honest, the minimum hourly wage of 850 yen for most people is really too low.

Even if there are no employees complaining about it, who wouldn't want more of their salary?

But it's all right now.

The long-awaited salary increase has finally arrived!

"Salary increase! Finally a salary increase!"

"Uuuuu...my salary, it can finally be increased!"

"I no longer have to buy half-price bento, I can finally have a full meal!"

The sweet dates were thrown out one after another, and the fairies of Ganhui Paradise could no longer suppress their inner restlessness, and they all cheered and vented loudly.

What's more, he cried on the spot with a headache, the appearance of lying on the ground crying bitterly, not only makes people feel funny, but also feels their incomparable sadness.

But it's all right now.

The dawn of hope has finally arrived.

At the same time, the completion of this series of operations by Lynn also indicates that he succeeded in taking the position, and the hearts of the people are available!

So in the next moment, he didn't say any more nonsense.

"Okay, I have finished talking about everything that should be said."

"Next, I will invite Miss La Tifa to speak!"

Return the right to speak to Princess La Tifa, and at this time, the exquisite face of her Royal Highness was already full of excitement.

Especially in the eyes looking at Lynn, it was full of gratitude and admiration.

She knew very well that her own strength alone could not restore the decay of Ganhui Paradise.

But now, both she and every member of the Red Maple Paradise present can see a bright future!

All of this is brought to you by Mr. Lynn in front of you!

Such a kindness can't be repaid no matter how much!

Therefore, when she turned her head to face the people under the castle, she choked for two or three times before finally stabilizing her emotions.

"This day... it feels like a dream to me."

"This makes me very scared, afraid that this is really just a dream. When I wake up, nothing has changed."

"Fortunately, this is not a dream."

"Our savior of Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park, he is really here!"

"I am very grateful to Mr. Linn, I am really very, very grateful to Mr. Linn!"

"It was his arrival that removed the burden on our shoulders, and it was also his arrival that made us see the hope of survival!"

"For our homeland! And for our future!"

"I hope everyone can obey Mr. Lynn's orders and work together to give our homes a new lease of life!"

"Please everyone!"

Her Royal Highness's words not only expressed gratitude to Lynn, but also told everyone a fact.

If you want to keep your homeland, you must understand Lynn's orders and arrangements, and don't go against his will!

After all... he is the only hope to save Gan Hui Paradise!

Being able to say such a thing shows that Her Royal Highness has completely delegated power, and has even placed Lynn in her equal position.

Some of the fairies under the castle understood, some did not.

But whether you understand it or not, there is one thing everyone understands!

That is from today, the manager Lynn in front of him is the highest person in charge of Gan Hui Paradise!

It was Ming who realized this--

"Long live Manager Lynn!"

"Long live Princess Latifa!"

"Long live the manager princess!"

Seeing the cheers and joy under the castle, Lynn nodded silently.

Up to this point, this speech can be regarded as a complete success.

So next, he also winked at Qiandou Isuzu.

"Let the ordinary employees go back, and call the heads of all departments and the park to the conference room for a while, and then there will be a small meeting to be held."

"Oh, yes, those four elemental fairies in the element hall, classmate Qiandou, tell them to wait in the element hall. I will discuss things with them after the meeting."

"Yes! I understand!"

At this time, Qiandou Isuzu was extremely convinced by Lin En.

After all, when Gan Hui Paradise has fallen into such a situation, it is inseparable from her responsibility. Seeing that Lynn can truly save everyone's homeland, with her character, it is natural that everything is based on Lin's head!

As soon as Lynn's voice fell, she immediately announced her disbandment and carried out Lynn's orders.

Then, after Chito Isuzu left the castle to summon the heads of various departments--

"Mr. Lynn, thank you very much for today..."

Although in front of all the fairies just now, Princess Latifa had already expressed gratitude to Lynn.

But after everything was over, she bowed to Lynn again and expressed her gratitude again.

no way.

Lin En brought too much to Gan Hui Paradise, but she didn't know how to repay it.

So the only thing she can do is to keep thanking her.

"Okay, Miss Latifa, thank you for this kind of thing, it's enough to say it once."

"What's more, since I have received your benefits, I should naturally take up my due responsibilities."

In response, Lynn smiled and waved.

Only when he heard his words, Princess Latifa who was on the opposite side made a big blush, apparently thinking of what kind of ‘benefit’ she had paid.

"Eh? Did you get any benefit, Lynn? Why haven't I heard of it?"

The conversation between Lynn and His Royal Highness the princess was heard by the garden on the side, which immediately made her very curious.

Lynn benefited?

But why don't I know?

Didn’t everyone stay together yesterday?

Is it the time when I left to watch magic?

But the good...what is it?

As a result, Yuanzi asked curiously, but in return Princess Latifa's cheeks became more and more rosy.

How was she embarrassed to speak out the magic inheritance that was passed on by word of mouth?

Squeaky for a long time, no news from the garden was able to come out.


Princess Na Latifa had no fruit, Yuanzi turned to look at Lynn.

But looking at Lynn at this time, he decisively picked up the phone, as if he was in contact with someone.

Something's wrong!

This is absolutely not right!

Take a look at Princess Latifa, who is about to lower her head into an ostrich~www.NovelMTL.com~ and look at Lynn, who walks to the balcony, but looks serious but is running away.

At this moment, Yuanzi's brows couldn't help but frowned deeply!

My own male god...Couldn't have anything to do with the Princess Latifa?

Although the princess looks very young, she is so beautiful!

Damn it!

First, the sisters from Xuexia's family, and then this beautiful blonde princess.

If this continues, when will he be able to take down the male god?


It seems that tonight can't be as simple as a showdown with Xiaolan!

As long as Xiaolan joins, she must immediately launch an offensive against Lynn, striving to win the male **** in one fell swoop!

That's it!

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