Chapter 265 The Second Nine Dragon Sovereign?

The Sacred Sword Mountain is the Sacred Land of Sacred Land, and it is also the top power of the Holy Snow Palace.

Many sword repair sages walked out of Shenjian Mountain.

The Divine Sword Mountain is divided into seven sword peaks, and its main peak, Divine Sword Peak, has an old man with white eyebrows suddenly opened his eyes.

This person is the contemporary Sword Sovereign of Shenjian Mountain.

“Call the sword master of Bi Xu Jianfeng over!” The white-browed old man opened his eyes and said.

Upon hearing this, a disciple hurriedly left.

Soon, an old man came from the sky with his sword and fell in front of the Divine Sword Saint.

“Brother, why are you looking for me?” After Sword Master Bi Xu landed, he asked suspiciously.

“Your disciple, Li Yunxiao, used the Sword intent I gave him!” The Sword Sovereign spoke lightly.

“What!?” Bixu Sword Master’s expression changed drastically when he heard the words, “Did something happen to Yunxiao?”

“Through my Sword intent, I escaped by luck.” Sage Sword Sovereign spoke.

Bi Xu Sword Master let out a sigh of relief.

“However, my Sword intent was wiped out by the other party.” The Sword Sovereign said.

As soon as these words came out, the Bi Xu Sword Master suddenly looked astonished, with a stunned expression on his face, and then said: “Senior brother is the saint to make a move?”

At that time, he asked for a Sword intent for his own apprentice Li Yunxiao from his brother to protect him, and because this Sword intent was extremely powerful, it was not a one-off.

But now that the first use was obliterated, his first reaction was Shengjun’s shot.

Divine Sword Saint shook his head: “No.”

Sword Master Bixu heard this, and at this moment, he felt even more shocked. The cultivator of the Holy Spirit actually obliterated the Sword intent of his senior. What kind of strength this person was.

“Brother, where does this person come from?” Sword Master Bi Xu took a deep breath and asked.

The Divine Sword Sovereign heard the words, looked up in the sky, and then said: “Where is this person from? The answer will be revealed soon.”

In that midair, a man came with a sword, and finally fell in front of him.

“Brother, this is the new Zhutian Wushuang list, take a look.”

It was also a middle-aged man who landed, and after he landed, he handed the Heavenly Warriors List to the Divine Sword Sovereign.

“This Yang Chen’s strength is probably in the top five hundred.” After reading Xuantianlou’s comments on Yang Chen, the Sage Sword Sovereign showed his admiration.

When the other two heard it, they all gasped.

The eighth stage of the Holy Spirit is in the top five hundred on the Zhutian Wushuang list.

This Yang Chen is too amazing.

Not only the Holy Snow Palace and the Shenjian Mountain were shaken by Yang Chen, but also the many forces in the entire Great Thousand World were shaken by Xuantian Tower’s comments on Yang Chen.

Yang Chen stepped out of the Kyushu realm and stepped into the Wutian Wushuang ranking with the eighth rank Holy Spirit Realm. This talent and strength reminded many forces of the peerless sage in the Kyushu realm.

Could this Yang Chen be the second Nine Dragon Sovereign?


Holy State Boundary, Central Holy State.

Zhongsheng State is the center of the Holy State Realm, and it is also the most extensive state territory, and the first power in the Holy State Realm, Dayang Shengchao, controls the vast Zhongsheng State.

Somewhere in the palace of the Holy Palace of Dayang Sheng Dynasty, a young man named Pian Pian looked at Yang Chen who was on the list of Wu Tian Wushuang, showing an interesting look: “Jiuzhou Realm, Dayang Dynasty, surnamed Yang.”

This prince Yuzhi tapped on the tabletop and kept thinking about something. After a while, he seemed to think of something and said, “I remember a person in this clan followed the Jiulong Sage to the Nine Provinces. Could it be that the Dayang Dynasty was Was it built by the descendants? And this Yang Chen is his descendant?”


In Yunxue Palace, Yang Chen is pointing Yang Wei and the people who came to Kunlun to practice.

Among them, Yang Wei is already in the Ninth Stage, and now is left to go through the Holy Tribulation and enter the Holy Spirit Realm. The others who followed Yang Tian, ​​Yang Ruoyu and others have also made progress in the Cultivation Base during this time. But it is still far away from the Holy Spirit Realm.

However, as long as you practice in the Kunlun realm and add Yang Chen’s guidance, you will definitely be able to enter the Holy Spirit realm.

“Weir, what happened to your sword soul?” Yang Chen asked Yang Wei.

Yang Wei once got the soul of the sword left by Xiaoyao Sword Master from Tianjian Peak.

The sword soul is equivalent to giving Yang Wei an extra holy appearance, which has a great effect on her.

However, Yang Wei must step into the Holy Spirit Realm before it can be effective.

Upon hearing this, Yang Wei released her own sword soul.

I saw a light blue but only a palm-sized sword shadow emerging, on which the Holy Spiritual Qi breathed around, and there was a Sword intent circulating.

“Uncle Emperor, you said that this sword soul will change as soon as I step into the Holy Spirit Realm. What will it become?” Yang Wei asked curiously.

“You will know when you enter the Holy Spirit Realm.” Yang Chen did not explain.

In fact, he didn’t explain clearly.

Because there are too many holy appearances, he is not very clear about what the holy meeting that relies on the gathering of sword souls is.

“Vir, how did you comprehend Ten Thousand Star Flying Fairy?” Yang Chen asked.

“Uncle Emperor, this Ten Thousand Star Flying Immortal Picture is too difficult, I have only comprehended 54 pictures so far.” Yang Wei showed frustration when she heard Yang Chen mention the Ten Thousand Star Flying Immortal Picture.

She has never stopped comprehending the ten thousand-star flying fairy pictures from her uncle. Now it has been more than a hundred years. She still only comprehends fifty pictures. The last twenty-seven pictures are nowhere in sight.

Yang Chen was very satisfied when he heard this.

He is very aware of the obscurity of the Ten Thousand Star Flying Fairy Picture, and he still has the last three pictures that he hasn’t comprehend.

If you want to realize it all, I’m afraid his Realm is not enough.

Now Yang Wei has comprehended fifty-four pictures, and her comprehension is extremely high.

“Come slowly, I must have a new understanding when I step into the Holy Spirit Realm.” Yang Chen said to Yang Wei.

“Uncle Emperor, is the Holy Tribulation very dangerous?” Yang Wei asked.

Yang Wei has experienced the Heavenly Tribulation in the Spiritual Harmony Realm. Although it is dangerous, her accumulated foundation is solid, and she has survived without any risk.

As for the sacred catastrophe, she remembered that the sacred catastrophe of her aunt Qin Xueqing was shaking Kyushu in a mighty manner, and she had also witnessed it, and it was extremely dangerous.

Yang Chen couldn’t answer after hearing this.

Because his holy calamity happened when he achieved the chaotic body, the holy robbery was directly absorbed by the chaotic body, and there was no danger at all, so he couldn’t say it all at once.

“As long as you accumulate well and act cautiously, don’t rush into the Holy Tribulation, you will definitely be able to enter the Holy Spirit Realm safely at that time.” Yang Chen said.

Yang Wei nodded when she heard the words, and said, “Thank you, Uncle Emperor.”

Yang Chen nodded, then went to instruct others to practice.

About an hour later, Yang Chen finished pointing and let out a long sigh.

“Yang Chen!”

After Yang Chen finished pointing, a voice rang from the side, and Luo Xian walked to his side.

“Mingjiao’s affairs have been handled?” Yang Chen asked Luo Xian, looking at him.

“Master has left the customs, the Mingjiao is still stable, and because of you, these people dare not propose to have a friendship with the Dawei Dynasty.” Luo Xian cast a gratitude toward Yang Chen.

Holy Monarch Yunxi has left the customs, although he still has not been able to enter the third-order sage, but with the second-order sage sitting, he can still suppress some noises in Mingjiao.

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